Lean on Me

"Hey, how ya feeling?" Sam asked as I woke up from my induced sleep.

"Like I'm six whiskey sours deep," I said.

Sam chuckled. "So, you got the good stuff, huh?"

"I think they gave me the best stuff." I adjusted myself as best I could without my left arm, which was in a sling. "Remind me what the doctor said."

"You had something called a Bankart tear, which is why you needed surgery." Sam took my right hand in his. "They suspect you tore the glenoid labrum slightly the first time as it was a large impact."

"Gotta quit playing football with you boys." I let go of Sam's hand to rub his cheek.

"Yes, you do." Sam laughed again. "You have to stay here for a few days, but I'm going to be here every day for as long as I can, okay? Just try to get some rest."

"Mmhmmm." I nodded as my eyelids grew heavy.

Sam smoothed my hair down and kissed my forehead. "See you in the morning, Mel."

"Mmm...morning, Sam." The world faded around me.

When I woke up, a cold hand was touching mine. Thinking it was Sam already, I let go, sat up, and rubbed my eyes with my right hand. 

"Is it really morning alre—" I stopped as soon as I recognized the ghostly figure sitting next to me. "Bee? Is it really you?"

"Mel, we don't have much time." Bee looked over her shoulder as if someone was going to come barging through the door. "I told you not to trust her. You have to listen to me. She's only going to do bad things."

"Who Bee?" I adjusted myself.

"I can't say. She'll find me." Bianca checked the door again. "It doesn't matter if she could stop world hunger. You can't trust her. No matter what she offers you, don't trust her."

"Okay, I won't," I said.

Bee looked behind her once more. The doorknob jiggled. "I have to go. Be safe."

"Bianca, wait!" I called as her form disappeared. 

"Celeste, are you okay?" A nurse asked. 

My eyes shot open. Pain radiated from my shoulder, but I didn't much care. "What?"

"You were muttering something in your sleep." The nurse scribbled some notes on my chart.

"Just a bad dream." I lay back down, remembering the false name I gave when we checked in. "What time is it?"

"It's a little after six in the morning," the nurse said. 

I shifted in the bed. "When can visitors come?"

The nurse tightened her ponytail. "Not until nine, I'm afraid. Try to get some more rest. It's vital for your recovery."

"Can I have my cell phone?" I leaned forward and reached out my hand.

"It seems that the gentlemen who brought you in still have it." The nurse reached behind me and fluffed my pillow. "Go back to sleep. They'll be here before you know it."

I nodded and rested against the pillows again. The nurse adjusted my IV drip and walked away. My eyelids grew heavy as the pain in my shoulder subsided.


"She said 'her'?" Sam asked.

"Yes, and she can't tell me who. I don't understand. I thought she meant Tamara, but we haven't seen her in weeks," I said. 

"Last Bobby heard, she was going off the grid for a while," Sam said. "I don't think it's her. What about Bela?"

I shook my head. "I don't think so. Bee keeps talking about how she's going to be kind or at least do something good. I have a hard time believing she could ever be helpful."

"I'll keep thinking about it. Maybe we haven't met her yet." Sam leaned forward. "How are you feeling? Doc says you could get discharged today if the pain is manageable."

"Other than the disturbing dream, I feel good." I watched the nurses outside the door. "I'm ready to get out of here. Now, I don't trust anyone."

Sam smirked. "Want me to go talk to the doctor?"

"No." I sighed and leaned back against the pillows. "If I'm ready to go, they'll send me home. Distract me, will you?"

"Well, I think my best distraction would get us in trouble." Sam chuckled as he sat on the edge of my bed.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the blush rising to my cheeks. "Ha, ha. Did you swap brains with your brother this morning?"

Sam rubbed my thigh. "Relax a little."

"It's just so stressful to see my dead best friend appearing in my dreams with an ominous warning," I said. 

"Here." Sam pulled his bag toward him and pulled a book out of it. "I'm sure you've read this one, but I thought it could be fun to keep you company."

"Is that Grimm Brothers' Fairy Tales?" I leaned forward.

"It is. I'm going to read it to you. Lie back." Sam pushed my good shoulder gently. "Any requests?" 

I rested my head against the pillows and closed my eyes. "The wolf and seven kids."

"You got it." Sam flipped open the book and began reading.

Slowly, I drifted off to sleep again. The doctor made me stay one more day. Luckily, Sam left my phone this time so I could contact him if I needed to. However, I didn't get a visit from Bianca again. Instead, I slept peacefully through the night and woke up to a slight twinging in my arm.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" At first, I flinched away from the unfamiliar man staring back at me. "It's okay. Do you remember where you are?"

My eyes landed on the machines and his clipboard and I relaxed into the bed. "I'm sorry. I did forget, but I know where I am now."

"It happens all the time. People wake up and see someone they don't expect. It only makes sense that you would panic." He checked off something else on his clipboard. "How is your pain level?"

"I can tell it's there, but I'm not dying," I said. 

"Scale of one to ten?" The man raised his brows. For the first time, I noticed his striking green eyes against his dark skin.

"Three or four," I said.

"That's good." The man scribbled it down on the paper on his clipboard. "The doctor should release you today."

"Thank you," I said as he turned to leave.

With my good hand, I slid my phone off the table and shot a quick T9 text to Sam.

Getting out today.

I had just leaned back and closed my eyes when my phone vibrated in my hand. "Hello?"

"Don't tell me you fell asleep that fast. You might've beaten Dean's record." I could hear Sam's smile through the phone.

"Well, when Dean set the record was he recovering from a dislocated shoulder?" I asked.

Sam chuckled. "No, he wasn't. I'm already on my way to the hospital."

"It's barely six," I said.

"I don't care. I want to be there as soon as they release you," Sam said.

"I appreciate it. I really do, but you're probably going to spend your whole day waiting around. Aren't there better things you could be doing?" I asked.

"There's nothing better than spending a day with you." Sam hung up.

"Well, I guess that's how this is gonna go." I nestled into the bed a bit more.

The next time I woke up, a large, calloused yet soft thumb was running over my knuckles. I could feel his warm hand resting under mine. Without shifting, I cracked my eyelids to look at him. His lips pursed and his eyebrows furrowed slightly as he read over the pages of the book he held in front of him. Instead of his standard flannel, he had on a white t-shirt with a brown sweater over it. The white of the shirt made his skin appear tanner than it was, adding to his handsomeness. 

I closed my eyes, trying to commit that moment to memory, and mumbled, "You make the cutest face when you're reading."

"Hey." I felt him put the book down near my feet as his body shifted toward me. "How are you feeling?"

As I opened my eyes, Sam grasped my good hand between his and placed a kiss on my knuckles. "I'm good, especially now that you're here."

"And who didn't want me to come this morning?" Sam asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, Winchester."

Sam looked over his shoulder and then dropped one of the railings on the bed. "Scoot over."

As best as I could with one hand, I shifted myself to the left. Somehow, all six-foot-four-inches of Sam squeezed into the bed with me. He went to put his arm around me, looked at my shoulder, and changed his mind. I snuggled closer to him and rested my head on his chest so he could put his hand on my waist. 

"I didn't realize how much I missed this," I whispered. 

"Me neither." Sam pushed some stray hair away from my eye and kissed my forehead. 

We stayed like that for a long time. Neither of us fell asleep, but we didn't say much. Instead, we just enjoyed each other's touch. 

"Miss Mylnek..."The doctor trailed off as he looked at Sam and me huddled in bed. "Well, this isn't an approved position for you to be in."

"Sorry." Sam carefully untangled himself from me. "We weren't sure how long you would be."

"Well, it's good to know you are feeling better." He looked at my chart one more time. "You haven't had any IV painkillers since your first night here and are managing pain well with over-the-counter medications. I think you are good to go home, but you must start a physical therapy program to strengthen that shoulder."

"I will. Thank you, Doctor." I nodded.

"A nurse will be in shortly with discharge paperwork and to unplug you from these machines. Have a nice day." He smiled softly as he exited.

Sam burst into laughter as soon as the door was closed. I couldn't help but join him, likely because my exhaustion had weakened my filter. 

"Did you see his face?" Sam asked.

I wiped tears from my eyes with my good hand. "You'd think we were having sex the way he acted."

"Ooh, that reminds me, I gotta ask the nurse about that when you get discharged." Sam sank into the chair next to the bed.

"Seriously?" I rolled my eyes. "I dislocated my shoulder, not my pelvis. I think we'll be fine."

Sam held his hands up. "Hey, you never know."

"I swear you and Dean swapped brains." I chuckled.

"Nope." Sam took my hand in his. "This is all me, and I'm all yours."

"Yikes." I pulled my hand away from his. "I might need to rethink some things then."

"Shut up." Sam leaned over, with a smile, and kissed me.

A/N: The photo is the way I imagine Sam laughing once the doctor leaves XD
