Sympathy for the Devil Smut

"How long did you know?" Sam asked as soon as I stepped out of the bathroom. He sat at the small table in our room.

"About what?" I asked.

"Dean's deal." He had that disturbing quiet rage behind everything he said. On the surface, he appeared calm, but I knew what was brewing below.

I walked over to my bag and pulled it onto the table. "He told me today when you were talking to Tamara. I was the one who told him he needed to tell you."

"Did yours come with the same condition?" Sam asked.

"No." I continued digging through my bag in search of bedtime clothes. "I guess I'm not as important as Dean is."

"So, that means we can still find a way for you to get out of the deal," Sam said, his tone flipping a one-eighty.

I sighed and plopped down in the seat across from him. "Sam, I love that you're so optimistic about this, but I think you're chasing something that doesn't exist." I reached out for his hand as he listened to me intently. "When I'm gone, I don't want you to think that there was something more you could've done."

Sam pulled his hand away and stood. "There has to be something out there."

"Have you ever met a hunter who knows someone who got out of a deal?" I stood.

"No, I don't Melanie." Sam spun to look at me. There were tears in his eyes. "But maybe I'm holding on to this so I don't have to think about losing the woman I love and my brother at the same time."

"I'm sorry." I reached out to hug him, tears swimming in my own eyes. He didn't pull away from my touch this time. In fact, he hugged me back.

"I can't lose you both." He cried. "Please. If I can, let me save you."

"Shhh." I rubbed his back. "I will."

After a while of comforting him, Sam pulled back, so I did, too. Our teary eyes met for a brief moment before we both set our sights on each other's lips. The kiss was soft and warm; the comfort we both needed at the end of a long day despite the salty taste of our tears mingling with the kiss. As I pressed my body closer to his searching for his warmth, I became acutely aware of the fact that I was only wearing a towel. It was time to make a decision.

I tried to pull away from him, but Sam's arms tightened around me. They didn't feel aggressive or dominating. It was more of a reflex. If I tried to break free again, he would've let me. I felt so small in his embrace but it was comfortable. He trailed kisses down my neck.

"I need you, Mel," Sam whispered against my skin.

Warmth and tingles erupted from my stomach and spread throughout my body. This man is working me like putty in his hand, but I don't even care. I placed my hands on his cheeks to pull his head up until his eyes were level with mine.

"Then take me," I whispered.

Sam's lips curved in an involuntary smirk before he crashed his lips to mine. His hands trailed down to cup my ass as he turned me around. I didn't protest as he gently backed me up. When I had nowhere else to go, he pushed me onto the bed. As I was falling, he dexterously ripped the towel off my body. 

"That's not fair," I said. "I have no clothes on and you still have all yours."

"Guess you'll have to even the playing field." Sam smirked. I leaned forward and undid the buttons on his shirt.

Sam kissed me as I pushed his shirt off his shoulders. My hands blindly slid down his abs and reached for the button on his jeans. I quickly undid it and pulled down the zipper. He pulled away to step out of them. I looked down his body. 

"Like what you see?" Sam asked.

"Hmm." I pursed my lips. "I think I could see a little more."

Sam smirked. "Patience. Tonight is about you." Heat rushed to my cheeks and my female area. "Lay back."

I obeyed. Sam leaned over me and kissed my lips. His kisses trailed down my cheek to my neck and across my collar bone where he left a few gentle lovebites. I gasped when he took one of my nipples in his mouth and the other in his hand. 

"Sam..." I moaned, arching my back toward him.

He smiled and left a hickey on my breast before switching. This was a pleasurable torture.

"I need more," I said.

"What do you want?" Sam nibbled down my sternum. I couldn't respond. His hand landed on my womanhood. "Do you want this?"

I nodded, biting my lip.

"Use your words." Sam kissed back up my body.

"Please," I begged.

Two fingers slipped into me as Sam captured my lips again. I moaned into the kiss. His long fingers found all the right spots, curling and uncurling inside me at the perfect speed. My fingers threaded into his hair and pulled softly. He bit onto my bottom lip. I rubbed myself against his hand looking for more friction.

"Someone is eager." Sam pulled his fingers out. I whimpered. "Shhh. There's something else I want to do."

Sam kissed down my body once more. He left a final lovebite on the anti-possession tattoo on my hip. It tingled pleasantly. Sinking to his knees, Sam pushed my legs apart. I made eye contact with him as he lowered his mouth to my thighs. 

First, he kissed up the right one. Then his mouth made its way up my left. My head fell back in pleasure and my fingers laced in his hair when he finally connected with my sweet spot. I nearly screamed when he sucked my clit into his mouth. I swear I lost consciousness while his tongue probed my pussy with skill.

I soared higher and higher until my legs shook with anticipation. Sam pulled away right before my orgasm crested. He stood.

"Scoot back," he said. 

I shuffled backward until my head rested against the pillows. While I moved, he took his boxers off. Sam stood at the end of the bed stroking his long member gently. His eyes filled with lust as they traced up my body.

"Like what you see?" I struck a pose.

"I love it." Sam crawled onto the bed until he was hovering over top of me.

Our lips connected again as his warm body pressed against mine. I could taste myself on his lips, which turned me on more. Needing something, I tried to grind my pelvis against his.

"Looking for something?" He asked, enjoying my torture.

"Yes." I hummed.

Sam sucked on my neck. "I wanna hear you say it."

I pulled his face up to look me in the eye. "Sam, will you fuck me?"

"No." Sam kissed the palm of my right hand. "But I will make love to you."

His hand reached down between his legs. I pulled his face down until his lips reattached to mine. The bulbous head of his cock traced up and down my dripping slit a few times. Finally, he slowly pushed into me.

We both sighed out a moan as I stretched to accommodate his length and girth. When he reached his hilt, he gave me a few moments to adjust. I rolled my hips to let him know it was okay to start thrusting.

Each of his gentle thrusts unleashed a new wave of pleasure inside me. Our bodies moved rhythmically together in perfect harmony. I dragged my nails down his back. Sam lowered his head to whisper into my ear.

"Touch yourself." He nibbled on my earlobe as he pulled away.

I lowered my hand to my wetness and began to rub circles on my clit. It didn't take long until I felt that knot building in my stomach. Sam's deep thrusts started coming faster and faster as he chased his release.

"Sam, I'm gonna cum." My legs began to shake.

"Me, too." He moaned.

No sooner did he get the words out than I was clutching onto his shoulders as I screamed, reaching my release. Sam's thrusts became sporadic as my orgasm threw him over the edge. It felt like our orgasms lasted for hours. Once he was spent, Sam rested his forehead against mine.

"That was amazing," I said.

"Agreed," Sam said. "I love you, Melanie."

"I love you, too," I said.

Sam pecked my lips before gently sliding out of me.

I whined. "Can't you stay there forever?"

Sam chuckled. "As much as I want to, I think it would cause problems."

I continued to lie there and catch my breath as Sam vanished into the bathroom. He came back with a wet washcloth. Once more, he cleaned me up.

"Sammy," I whined when he returned from putting the washcloth in the bathroom.

"What's wrong, Mel?" Sam pushed our clothes out of the way to reduce the tripping hazard.

I turned to face him. "I'm cold."

"Sit up," he said after a moment. I did as he commanded, and he slipped his shirt over my arms and around my torso. "Now..." He crawled into bed with me. "Come here and let's cover up."

I shimmied under the blankets. They were nice and warm from our body heat. Sam pulled me flush with his body. He was the big spoon. I didn't think I'd ever get tired of his strong arms around me. As I started to doze off, Sam kissed my cheek.

"Sweet dreams, beautiful," he whispered.

"Goodnight, handsome," I mumbled.
