// Synopsis //

This story is my exclusive property and any text written underneath this story is protected under international copyright laws. The content may not be copied onto another computer, tablet or any other device, transmitted, published, reproduced, stored, manipulated, projected or altered in any way. Any violation like this can be punishable by law. Any resemblance towards a character in this story with a person in real life is purely coincidental.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Basically I will chop you up and feed you to my pet piranha if you copy this xD

Thanks for reading this story, and I hope you enjoy it.


Guys, I was like 13 when I started writing this book and I'm telling you that although the writing isn't trash and I've edited most of it, there are SO MANY CRINGE MOMENTS and tbvh idk what was going on through my head when I wrote half of this but hecK it took a year and if you can cross chapter 10 without crying it gets a LOT better. But here's your official warning before you proceed any further.

Clearly you have decided to not ditch me if you're still reading this sentence. Considering that you're still here, well, enjoy! 

(but seriously, I refuse to have your lawyers talk to me for killing your brain cells)


"Even through the cloudy nights of gloom and gray, it is a star's light that brings out a new Day"

When a girl starts off a new school for the first time in her life, she obviously expects it to be far from sunshine and happiness. Especially if she's joined in the school year and used to be able to get up whenever she wanted, had her very own governess and lived out in the boonies.

Meet Day Winters, the girl who defies logic of every kind. She's classy, sassy and very smart-assy. She's your typical girl-next-door who doesn't have a care in the world and spends her time chilling with her BFFs, having a normal teenage life.

Well, that's what the world thinks.

When Day moved in from her countryside daydream to face the real world, she had no idea what she was getting herself into. She'd never been to a real school, had never met other kids her age, was used to getting whatever she wanted and has the same knowledge about love as she did about flying hippos- which is to say, nothing. And to top it all, life isn't easy for an undercover blogger with half the world's population madly in love with her, under the pseudonym Starlight.

With an entrée of social awkwardness and immaturity, a main course of comebacks and sarcasm and a dessert of her sunny nature and sporadic lies, Day gets taken under the wings of the popular kids, who are out to change her life.

Some help from the bad boy next door gets her into detention every week. Wild parties from the neighborhood's college kids give her serious lectures from her parents along with pounding headaches and hangovers. Gossip from the Queen Bee gives her a streak of spite that she never knew she owned. She can slowly feel her good girl personality unraveling and throwing her into a whirlpool that she doesn't know whether she can swim through.

In an endless rollercoaster of love, secrets, lies, fights, and friendship, Day is forced to accept the fact that even a Star's light will eventually burn out, and that even her own flame may flicker out into an overrated Daydream.

And who knows? Maybe online love does exist, after all.


    I like the name day! It's so different!
I love your style of writing too, it is the type that keeps me captured. ~Heartbreakerfrom98

    I like the descriptions here. Makes the reader picture how the character looks easily. ~Happyharshini

    The name of the book is so unique. Very captivating. I like the central idea of the story. It's different from all those cliche stories.


    This, this- no matter what other amazing books authors publish (on wattpad or in reality) that I say is my favorite, this book will be my favorite! The characters have an astonishingly complex makeup that is just as real as me and the plot line is so thought out, it's wonderful.


    This is like a dream come true for me!!!
It's amazing!!!!!!


You're. Book. Is. Amazing.Its the best book on Wattpad.I like it better than almost all books I've read, almost all books that have actually won the Wattys.I'm not joking. I'm not trying to make you feel good.I'm being outright honest.I love how it's not cliché, how the characters are down to earth, how even the protagonists have imperfections. I love how its not predictable, and how everything seems so real.I love how Day is so strong, unlike most other female characters I read about.I love how the chapters aren't long and boring and dreary. I love the fact that I never once skipped the chapters to see what actually happened, how the book has such a good flow, how one will never lose interest.I love the amazing comebacks and fun narrative.I love your book.I'd love to say a lot more, but that would contain spoilers, and I wouldn't want to take the fun and excitement of reading your book from someone else.


This book was just a crazy, messed up but totally amazing journey and I. LOVED. EVERY. SINGLE. LITTLE. ITTY. BITTY. BIT. OF. IT.


Ok I have to say
Your book is the.most.amazing.book.EVER.
Yes it's cliché sometimes, and even kinda predictable, but honestly, you're so talented, and you're writing style is so different and beautiful.
You can make even the most serious situations seem funny, and your book proves that there's a way out of the worst problems, when you got true friends by your side.
I think I'm in love with this book, and with the characters which are so deep and funny and hot and beautiful, all at the same time.Keep writing and don't let anyone, EVER, dim your starlight, cuz gurl you got so much potential.


While I was reading Starlight24's last post, it felt as if it was actually your last post. I could totally understand Starlight's character when I read that post, mainly because it is so much like you. Deep in our heart, wow. I am just in awe of your writing. It seems so hard to think that it has been a year, probably because I started to read this book 6 months ago.  It has been a neverending rollercoaster, except this is the one you can go on a million times, and never be nauseous. I feel so sad this has to come to an end. I sometimes relate to Day, and can just somehow always know what and how she is feeling. Day June Winters, is the most unique name, ever. I wanna put all my thoughts, of this book in this comment, and I think I might nearly exceed the word limit {2000 words} I can't say how much thought I have to put in this comment, because, I just, can't. I was so upset to see that last bit, the last ever, last ever, last ever Tnxoxo, cuz I always thought that that would mean that you would be back, this book would be back. This book has taken a place in my heart, and will never go out. I need to make some space for Project Perfect too, cuz I am sure that that book will be absolutely amazing, and I am sure, that I am not going to be the only one who is supporting you. I am sure if I say S.H.I.T then Wattpad will say "This comment may be offensive" So S.H.I.T. I wish this book never ended. It is even better than HP, and this is coming from a huge Hp fan. I literally have tears in my eyes, for this amazeballs, amazing, preposessing, book is ending. Lexi, just don't ever forget, that you are the best writer ever. You write like a proffesional writer. Your writing is flawless, and you are kind, and pay attention to every one of your fans, {unlike some people} and no matter how many people say, or give you praises,i know that your head will never swell up, so big that you will not be able to fit through the door. Anyway I am on 2000 letters already, so...i luv you!


I'm loving the cast already, which is surprising because I usually ignore the cast list and imagine my own characters come to  life. Yet, I was compelled to read your cast list and I definitely love how you changed the perspective on the "populars" for this book. They are usually portrayed as the overrated cliche group of girls who make your lives torture if your not one of them or if they feel threatened by you. You weren't afraid to switch it up and play by your rules when it comes to writing and I saw that only by reading your cast list. I honestly can't wait to read the rest of this book , and feel lucky I found it. It's not easy to find a great read that is also not cliche or over rated and well written.


I hope you enjoy this story. Beautiful cover ^^ by Astariel_Elentari, thanks xx

AMAZING trailer by BlackBerryBliss, go check her out NOW! Her other trailers are all on YouTube. She's amazingly talented (:


Hey guys!! This dedication goes to my best friend Fangurl4evr because she's awesome (and it's her birthday)! How does this sound? Can someone please make a nice cover for me? It would mean a lot :)


THIS IS NOT A RADIO REBEL WANNABE PUT INTO A BOOK. Just getting that cleared up. It's a work of pure teen fiction and humor and is completely original.

THIS IS NOT A ONE DIRECTION FANFICTION. Yes, as much as I love 1D (hey there, Directioners!) this isn't a fanfic. It's a teenfic about a normal girl.

Please Comment/Vote/Follow/All of the above if you liked this :D

I hope you enjoy the smart-alec and humor that I've tried to pack in this! =D

Song of the Day: Infinity by One Direction (The lyrics are so beautiful)

Follow me:

Instagram: @a.lake.yeah

Twitter: AlekhyaBhat

Love you all,

