29|| Her Words are Piercing Knives

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*Awkward cough*

Yeah, you can um... read now... 

*Buries face in hand with embarrassment and walks away*

Chapter 29: Her words are Piercing Knives

The words they say make cuts and bruises that don't fade away.


"Should I be concerned?" Mom asked sardonically, as she held the watering can in her hand and poured it over the plants around us in the garden.

"I swear I'm not lying," I said, getting defensive.

"Either this is a really dumb joke or you hit your head a little hard when your allergy came," Mom reasoned, looking like she didn't really care.

"I'm telling you, it happened! I'm not some two year old who makes up nonsense to seem cute, I'm in freaking junior year!" I said, getting annoyed. This was what I got for opening up to Mom.

"Well, considering the things you're telling me, I wouldn't be surprised if you're a five year old in a seventeen year old's body."

I groaned in frustration. "Whatever. I'm sorry for bothering you."

"Day!" Mom said sharply. "Okay, think about this from my perspective. You're telling me that when you passed out, you not only met my late mother but also argued with her and she gave you a magical, life-saving edible rose in your subconscious that made you come alive, and you had to think about the people you loved as you chewed on it. Pardon me for thinking it's far-fetched."

She made me sound like an idiot.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I probably hallucinated."

This could have been true for all I knew. I could have just been a delusional teenager with not enough oxygen reaching her brain, really.

"Thank you for facing those facts. Now stop walking around in your night clothes and go study or else you won't go anywhere in life and you'll become some waste-case that lives off their parent's money till their fifty six," Mom said, reaching over and ruffling my already messy bed-head.

"Fifty six is an oddly precise number," I remarked, rolling my eyes.

"I'm an oddly precise person, sweetie. Now go inside and I'll make you some breakfast in a few."


You know that moment when you're listening to a song on your iPod and can't help but sing along? Yeah, I was going through that moment.

It's been a good two weeks since I'd come back from the hospital, and there was no sign of Miss. X. Hopefully Nat felt guilty and decided to stop.

I was currently obsessing over Ariana Grande's Into You (because come on, who doesn't like that song?), but I didn't know the lyrics so I was pretty much blabbering whatever it sounded like.

When in doubt of song lyrics, make them up.

When the chorus finally came around, I grinned like a lunatic and threw my curtains open with a flourish before taking my hairbrush in my hand.

"So baby come light me up, and maybe I'll let you on it,
A little bit dangerous, but baby that's how I want it,
A little less conversation and a little more touch my body,
'Coz I'm so into you, into you, into you!"

I was practically screaming and I sounded like a wonked up ambulance siren, but my crappy singing abilities didn't stop me from acting like a retard. I began doing these weird steps and I jumped onto my bed. I hated the fact that I danced like a spazzy frog, because I always admired dancers with their lithe bodies and graceful movements.

The chorus rolled around again and I dramatically threw off my oversized sweatshirt to reveal my thin tank top and miniscule shorts that I slept in. I sang again, kind of making out with my sweater before collapsing onto my bed in a fit of giggles.

I threw off my iPod because the exhaustion was immense (I had the stamina of a dead fly) and I didn't think I'd have the self-control to not dance and sing along if another song rolled by.

I was panting heavily and a thin sheen of sweat had formed around my face, and I suddenly heard a slow clap from the window.

Holy fiddlesticks, I'd opened the curtains.

I pulled my pillow towards my face and groaned loudly into it out of embarrassment and frustration.  

"That was beautiful. Want me to come in? We don't need to have any conversation if you like," Dylan's voice floated through the room and I groaned loudly again, before looking up at him with a totally red face and he winked, causing my face to darken further.

"You're an ass," I muttered, and he leaned into his window and I walked towards it to see his grinning features.

He smirked at me again and wiggled his eyebrows. "You've got a damn hot ass, Winters," he said, and I buried my face in my hands, feeling the all too familiar sensation of them heating up.

"You're not allowed to just peep inside my room like that!" I hissed. "What if I'd been changing?"

Dylan shrugged and leaned forward, his hands still tight around the railing. "I don't know... the view would have been better?"

A gasp escaped my lips and I picked up the closest thing- which happened to be my brush- and chucked it at him. He caught it mid-air and deftly threw it back to me, causing me to dramatically roll my eyes.

"So," I said, pulling my sweater over my head. "What inspired you to be so incredibly horny on this fine Sunday morning?"

"Your face," he said, and I rolled my eyes again. Idiot.

"Why am I graced with your ever-present annoyingness?" I groaned.

"You know you love it," he reasoned, and a weird clenching took over my stomach.

"I don't," I said, expecting it to come out confident but instead it came out as a squeak in a dog frequency.

He raised an eyebrow at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Well, someone is starting to warm up to me, huh Day?" he teased, and I flicked my hand in his face.

"Nah, you're the one warming up to me because of my incredible hotness," I said, and he laughed at me.

"You? Hot? I beg to differ."

I smirked at him. "Then keep begging," I said, before closing the curtains.

"You annoy me!" he yelled, and I was the one laughing this time.

"The feeling's mutual, buddy!" I yelled back, and I heard some incoherent grumbling.

I smiled and plopped down onto my bed, before deciding that I wanted to go on Onlinathon.

I groaned loudly when I saw the first thing pop up in my feed.

To my surprise, it was directly to me. There was no beating around the bush and acting like it was to Starlight. No, this was pretty much stamped with Day June Winters, except not literally.

Hey guys!

It's your wannabe anonymous writer here, Miss. X! Have you been waiting for this update? I sure have been waiting to write it. I mean, it's kind of important.

This message is DIRECTLY to @Starlight24 and she knows exactly what I'm talking about.

I'm not going to mention any names, but I know what happened to you. Despite all the odds, have you still managed to make it out alive? Do you know how disappointed half the human population is right now? I wish you'd just die. I'd throw a party and even give out cake.

What you don't understand is that no one likes you. You're trying to figure out who did that to you, right? Well, the fact that you need to narrow down suspects shows how many haters you have. And the best people never have haters.

Please just die. I'm seriously contemplating coming over to your house and slitting that long neck of yours. Hopefully you'll get some sense in that airhead blonde brain of yours and do it yourself.

Think about it: do you know what all you put other people through every time you lose grace and fall or get ill? Your parents have been throwing their money into a vortex that's sucking it in, namely you. Imagine how much easier life would have been for them if they hadn't made the mistake of conceiving you that day. They could have had another kid, but you're too delicate to be left alone. Your "friends" go through so much to see how you'll pull through.

Starlight, I hate to break it to you, but you're not worth it. Go dig a hole and live there. Hopefully you'll rot while you're at it.

No one will throw a funeral for you. They'll all just be relieved that you're gone. Trust me, I'd know. Honestly, if you end your own and everyone else's misery, it'll be the best thing you've ever done to anyone or even yourself. I'm so upset that you pulled through, honestly.

Hopefully that Starlight of yours will flicker out soon. After all, it takes a while to kill a star but the biggest ones always die the fastest.

I'm betting it'll happen to you too, bitch.

Peace out!

Miss. X

This was the worst hate I'd ever received in my whole life. Before I could comprehend what had just happened, my eyes watered up completely and my throat constricted.

Was this really what people thought about me? That I was just a waste of oxygen and space? Should I just...

No. I wasn't going to give up because of the so called 'wannabe anonymous writer'. I remember that I have so much to live for. I'm not going to throw away the work of the magic rose because of this loser.

Yeah, I was still hung up over the magic rose. Sue me.

But what she'd said about my parents hurt me. What she'd said about my friends hurt me.

Natalie Spencer was a bitch.

Okay, sending me messages was just what any bully would do. But poisoning my drink and then telling me I should die? That was just low. Really low down.

To my surprise, silent tears were running down my face. They were the kinds that made no noise, the kinds that just flew down your eyes when the rest of your features didn't know how to react.

I whimpered slightly and squeezed my eyes shut. I was crumbling.

Yes, despite my happy façade and joyous attitude, there was a girl inside with not only a fragile system but a fragile heart as well. A girl who trusted too quick and broke too easily.

I was breaking. I could feel myself wanting to leave everyone else. Let Miss. X reign for all I cared. I would be doing everyone a favor anyway.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed and I sobbed loudly. If it was another hate message I think I'd just crack.

When I saw the screen, my heart did a little sigh of relief.

It was a post from Popcorned. Not a message, but a post that had been put up publicly.

Hi. Look here @Starlight24. I know I don't know who you are, or what you do. I don't know where you come from or what you look like. All I know is that I fell in love with the socially awkward girl behind the quotes and paragraphs. The one who could connect with everyone. The girl who claimed she was weak but was really stronger than anyone else could ever dream of being. The girl who finally spoke to me and went all sassy on my sorry ass.

Sometimes, this girl gets hate. She's so freaking perfect that everyone wants to bring her down so she'll be at the same level as them. I want to tell this girl something.

No matter what the world says, don't listen to them. You started this blog to pour your heart out to the friends you didn't have. You don't need to feel bad if someone calls you out on it. You'd never promised it would be something they'd enjoy, and yet you had so many lovers and followers on your side.

I knew that from the day I saw the post about insecurities that you were the only person I'd ever love. I'd just never thought I'd get to speak to you, and yet I did. Despite all the banter and the wacky conversations that we both had, I can't help being the hyperventilating fan that I am.

Remember you are loved. Before you do anything drastic, remember that there are so many people out there who are on your side, apart from me, who probably feel the same. You lifted so many people's lives. You truly are a star.

So no matter what the people say, you're the light of mine and two million lives. Don't you ever forget that.

And if anything happens in the long run, remember that I'll always be by your side.


Yours truly,

I stared at the screen, uncomprehending. Then all of a sudden a flood of emotions clogged through me and poured out like an endless stream; a leaky tap that needed to be fixed.

Then I went back to our messages.

Starlight24: Did you really mean it?

Popcorned: Every. Single. Word.

Tears poured down my face at his response. The words were so pure and sure.

Starlight24: Thank you

I knew it was insufficient, but no number of words could define how I was feeling. It was like my world was on the verge of collapse when someone offered me better bricks to build my castle.

Popcorned: Don't thank the truth =)

Starlight24: Seriously, words cannot describe what I'm feeling right now. I'm so grateful to you.

Popcorned: Nah, it's okay. I get fiercely overprotective of my idol.

Starlight24: Stop. You're making me cry.

Popcorned: Damn, I wish I was the shoulder you were crying on.

Starlight24: It's not a pretty sight, trust me...

Popcorned: With a personality like yours, what's not pretty?

Starlight24: Okay great. I'm crying now.

Popcorned: Aw, don't cry. I'm so sorry that thing with Miss. X happened.

Starlight24: Psht, it was nothing

Yay, lying through my teeth much?

Popcorned: No one needs to have stuff like that thrown at them. Definitely not you, someone who's done nothing but good things to everyone else.

Starlight24: You make me sound like some sort of angel. I'm really not.

Popcorned: You are more than just an angel, Starlight

I stared at the screen with my tearstained eyes, wondering how we had come so far. Just a few minutes ago, the knives looked like my favorite plaything. Now all I wanted to do was survive, and live harder than I'd ever lived before.

Starlight24: What good thing had I done in my past life that made me meet you?

Popcorned: I'm pretty sure we were married in our past life, so I'm guessing that's the good thing. Nothing could get better than marrying me, could it?

Starlight24: Cocky as always, I can see.

Popcorned: Come on, you love it.

Starlight24: Do I?

Popcorned: *Dramatic gasp* Well, I'm hurt. You'd better love it.

Starlight24: Hmm... we'll see. My emotions are too jumbled up right now.

Popcorned: Shit! I'm so insensitive. You should probably go get some rest and nap this whole episode out. Forget about it.

Starlight24: If there's one thing about you I'm sure of, it's the fact that you're not insensitive. You wrote the sweetest thing ever for me and I really appreciate it.

Popcorned: Psht, it was nothing

I grinned.

Starlight24: Quoting me now, are we?

Popcorned: When do I not xD

Starlight24: Thanks for lifting my mood, I owe you one

Popcorned: You don't owe me anything. Shut up and sleep now.

Starlight24: You're the best. Thanks so much.

Popcorned: Anytime, babes

I smiled lightly.

Starlight24: Back with the babes, are we now?

Popcorned: ... Do you mind?

I considered this for a moment and then smiled.

He'd just saved my life, perhaps. He'd saved me from the girl with the words like piercing knives.

Starlight24: No, not at all.

And with those words, I shut my tired eyes and blocked the world outside.


Hey! Another quick update =)

Anyway, I really enjoyed writing this update. I hope I put in enough emotion in this.

Alright, one last team I'm putting up.

Who all are on Team Popcorned?

Random question: If you had received hate like this, what would you have done differently/ the same?

I'd love to hear your responses and what all of you think. Your feedback, comments, votes and fans mean the world to me.

Song of the Day: Into You by Ariana Grande

Teaser: Awkward moments with your neighbor are never fun.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this!

Love you all,

