Now that we are together

Fuli's POV
I just home I went hunting and caught a gazelle. Now I'm just waiting for Kion to come home so we can have dinner "Hey Honey" I heard Kion say I turned around so he him there smiling "Hi I caught  some gazelle for dinner" I said "Great because I'm starving" he said and we proceeded to eat dinner. After we finished we laid down and started having a chat "So how was your day" I asked "Fine not much happend exept Ono and Bunga got in an argument on who was more important in the Guard and that kind of stuff you know" he said It was quiet for a while. After a while we went to bed.
The next morining
I woke up to see Kion was nuzzling me "Morining Kion " "Sorry I didnt mean to wake you up" Kion said "Oh its ok I didnt mind wanna come with me to hunt" I asked "Sure" he said
Few hours later
Hatari's POV
I was spying on Fuli and Kion Zuri was right next to me "You know the plan right" she said "Yes we are going to attack them in a week" I replied she nodded her head I cant wait till then.
Sorry for short chapter if you enjoyed it comment bye 🦁
