Big News!!!

Fuli's POV

I finally agreed to go see Rafiki and see why I was sick all of a sudden. Right now it's morning so I decided to wait until the afternoon and go hopefully its nothing bad. "Hey Fuli I'm going to the Guard's lair wanna come?" I heard Kion ask. "Sure!" I replied it's better than staying here all day.  "Ok come on lets go!" he said. We walked to the lair it wasn't  too far from our home so we got there really fast. "Hey Kion hello Fuli" Besthe said "Hello Besthe, Bunga, Ono," I said "Hey guys" Kion said. We talked for a while because no hyenas or jackals were attacking. Afterwards Kion and I headed home and ate something since we skipped breakfast Kion hunted for us and caught a antelope. Halfway through our breakfast I started to feel sick again so I ran outside to the nearest bush and threw up. "You ok?" he asked "I could be better" I said sarcasticly "You wanna go to Rafiki now" he asked "Fine come on lets go" I said. We started to walk to Rafiki's Tree and see what was going on. I was pretty nervous though. Rafiki always gives me really awful medicine that stings or tastes really bad. I guess I must've had a worried look on my face because Kion looked at me and smiled "Hey it's going to be ok" he said "Yea" I said and smiled back. We finally arrived at Rafiki's tree as we entered Rafiki greeted us "Why hello Kion and Fuli how can Rafiki help you today" he said "Well I've started to feel sick lately and I throw up a lot can you help" I said " Is she going to be ok is she sick?" Kion asked. Rafiki examined me for a bit and chuckled "Fuli you're perfectly fine" he said. Kion and I looked at each other confused "Huh?" we said at the same time "It means you're pregnant" he said "WHAT! H-How" I yelled. How was this possible. I was so confused.

Kion's POV                                                                                                                                                                    

I was happy really I was. But how was that possible. I mean a cheetah and lion having a cub I thought that was impossible. "Yes I guess the Kings of the Past have decided to bless you with a cub" Rafiki said. I looked at Fuli she looked just as shocked as I was. "Asante Rafiki we  better get going now" I said and we walked out. "Are you ok" I said to Fuli "Yea I'm really happy though I've always wanted a cub and now we can" she said and smiled "I'm exited to be a father I can't wait for our little guy or girl" I said. After we got home I hunted for us. As always Fuli got up and went to the nearest bush. "Too bad Rafiki couldn't stop the throw up" she said annoyed. I giggled a little bit. "Hey it's not funny you know you don't know how it feels having to throw up every meal" she said mad " Sorry" i said sincerly. Then we went inside and layed down. "I can't wait for the cub to come" she whispered "Me too" I said and nuzzled her and went to sleep.

A/N : Sorry for not uploading I just wanted to really make this chapter good. But I'll try my best to upload soon.  Oh and Elesad you already knew what was gonna happen.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter plz tell me by commenting and voting It lets me know If I should make more thank you for all those you read my stories thank you

- Lionguardlover52   
