Guess who's back

I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok so its been way too long since I've updated and thats not fair for you guys. I was suprised to comeback and have so many notifications. Thanks for getting my first story to 10k I never that this would happen. I mean I never that I would get that far. But enough of this sappy I'm back speech. You guys want me to finish the story and I will. But I wilk only finish this story and by other one and Im done with this account. Very sorry but I've got school and other things to deal with. But I will probably make other stories. Like Descendants and I'm thinking about starting a Flash fanfiction because I love that show 😍😍😍😍😍. Anyways glad to be back I've missed this so much I started this account 2 years ago when I was 11 and now Im 13 wow. But hope you guys enjoy the rest of my story thx bye.
