Kiara's Cub

Kion's POV

Zazu came over and told us Kiara's cub was born now. I woke Fuli up and told her the good news. "Aww that's great for Kiara and Kovu a cub of their own they must be so happy" she said. "Yea I'm happy for them too" I said. It was barely morning so I was pretty sure he/she was going to have a ceremony tomorrow. Fuli and I walked to Pride Rock to meet my nephew/neice. "Hey Kiara congrats on your cub" I said. "Aww thanks bro wanna meet him?" she said. "Yea" I said Kiara lifted her paw revealing a small cub he looked like Kiara a little bit of Kovu and his eyes. "Awww he's soo cute what's his name" Fuli asked "Furaha" Kovu said proudly. Kiara giggled and Furaha start to meow. "When are you going to present him?" I asked "Tomorrow actually" They said. "OK you can count on us to be there" I said there was no way I was gonna miss our nephew's ceremony. "Aww thanks" Kiara said We were about to leave when we remembered to tell them the news "Oh I forgot Fuki and I are going to have a cub"'I said "Congrats you both" Kiara said. After everyone else congratulated us we decided to head back home. I caught some antelope formus after dinner we went to sleep.
Sorry for not updating but I was busy writing other stories hope you enjoy if you did comment and vote bye😉💖
