
Fuli's POV
I was at the taking a cat nap with Kion when I suddenly woke up to feeling something in my belly it tickled I looked down to see little movements then I realized our cub was kicking  I couldn't help but giggle. Then Kion started to wake up "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up" I said "Its ok so what's going "he asked "The cub started to kick" I said exitedly "Really!" He said putting a paw on my belly "You're right it is kicking" he said I hate to admit it but I am showing a lot now anyone knows that I'm exepecting "I can't believe our cub kicked for the first time" he said "Yea it tickles though" I said giggling. It started to get late so Kion hunted and caught a gazelle for breakfast.
"Kion do I look fat?" I asked. At this moment I felt very self-consious
"You look fine Fuli" He said eating his breakfast
What! Fine I look fine he might as well say I look like a hippo
"Just Fine" I growled at him making him flinch
"No I mean-" I cut him off
"Why don't you just say I look fat" I yelled
"That's not what I meant" He said trying to explain
"Really because sure did sound like it" I growled (geez I'm running out of words to say 😓)
"Hey Fuli have you had any mood swings lately" Kion asked
That was the worst thing he could have said
RIP Kion
"What did you say" I yelled
"I was joking sorry" Kion said with wide eyes
"Really because what I think you're trying to say is that I'm hormonal freak" I yelled furiously
"Please Im sorry I didn't mean that" Kion said softly
I felt like crying now. I had yelled a Kion for no reason whatsoever. And he was right I'm emotional wreck. I guess tears started falling out of my eyes because Kion started to nuzzle me and said
"Ssh it's ok don't cry"
"Look at me Kion I'm a fat emotional wreck" I said through tears
"You're not fat Fuli and it's normal to feel a tiny bit emotional " He said softly
"Thanks Kion how about we go for a walk" I suggested
"Sure let's go" He agreed
Short chapter but we all learned a lesson. Never tell a girl she looks fine EVER.
