Fuli's Sick

2 months after the attack
Kions POV
We were eating dinner when Fuli ran outside I followed her she went to the nearest bush and started to throw up "Whats wrong" I asked "I don't know I suddenly felt sick so I came over here" she replied we went back to our cave "You should go visit Rafiki" I suggested "Nah I'm fine don't worry" we continued eating then she ran back outside I went right behind her "You sure" I asked "Yep totally fine" she said. Really Fuli she can be a little stubborn sometimes. After dinner and after Fuli going outside very five minutes we went to bed.
I woke up to see Fuli not next to me I went outside it was dark outside but I managed to see Fuli near a bush I went over to her.
Fuli's POV
I don't know what's wrong with me I keep feeling sick every five minutes. Kion comes over here "We should visit Rafiki" he comments I roll my eyes "Be quiet " I said . We laid back down after ten minutes of resting I felt sick again. I ran outside and puked my guts out I walked back in the cave hopefully I didn't wake Kion up I saw Kion smirking at me "Fine if I keep feeling sick I go to Rafiki's ok" I said "Deal" he said we went back to sleep.
I woke up to me about to barf . I quickly ran outside and threw up again this is getting annoying. Kion came behind me and rubbed my back with his paw it really calms me down "How about I get us breakfast wouldn't want you to puke on it do we" he said sarcasticly I don't know why but I felt like crying "You're mean" I said and ran to the cave I started to cry it was so weird "Im sorry Fuli I didn't mean it" he said with apologetic eyes he looked cute I had to admit. "Ok fine" I said after breakfast well I didn't really have much breakfast because I puked it all in five minutes "Fine I'll go to see Rafiki" I said
I hope you enjoyed the chapter the next one should be published soon if you enjoyed it tell me in the comments bye 😉
