Wednesday, Septmeber 26th

Wednesday, September 26th,

Today was photo day, I had some trouble deciding what to wear. I knew that I wanted to wear my skinny jeans, and I knew I wanted to wear my black boots, but it was between 3 different shirts. Thankfully I have a mom that has a good fashion sense, I normally ask her what to do when I can't decide. Its not my fault I am indecisive!

Well, when I can into the classroom, Mr Arves asked me if I wanted to help the photographer, I said yes, because I helped the photographer last year, even through this year there was a different photographer. Actually, they had 3 different photographers. 2 inside, meaning they could take pictures of 2 classes at the same time, and 1 outside taking the class pictures.

They had 5 people come down and help, 1 kid from Mrs Kipes class, Jay, remember the guy I said Jenna fancied? Yeah, she doesn't like him anymore. But anyway, there was also Evan K, Charlie F, Barney (another guy in my class), and me. Yeah, that's right, I was the only girl. So Evan and I were partners in this thing, and it was really easy, it was pretty much the same thing as last year, only I had to look for extra stuff, like if it was black-and-white, or not.

At recess, Jenna and I went to the office, because my mom said she would bring Link's and my money, but she doesn't know that we were doing 2 classes at the same time, and I don't want to miss it. Jenna had to call, because she left her money at home on the counter (insert face palm here). Luckily both our parents came, and I got to keep doing the help stuff.

Right before lunch recess my class had our individual photo's, then after we had our class pictures, Lexi and Summer were both wearing their indoor shoes, while I was wearing my boots. Now, I am taller then both of them, and I was still a bit taller then Lexi even with my flat boots, but I am only about an inch and a half taller then Summer, and her indoor shoes had an inch lift, so I stood up my straightest to make sure I was second tallest in my class (Cameron will forever be tallest).

See the thing is, I lean on one leg a lot (totally cuter then standing up completely straight when you're just standing there, doing nothing, though, I do stand up straight a lot too), so when I stand up completely straight at my full height, every ones all like, wow! You're tall!

So, anyways, since I was second tallest I got to sit on the slide for the picture! That was so awesome, cause I wanted to be able to see my boots, and because of that, you can!

Through I totally forgot to go back to finish helping, but seriously, there was 1 and a half classes left!

On the bus, Charlie F, was all like, "Did you get a pen?" and I responded, "No." So he handed me one saying that the photographer gave him 3 and to give one to me, 'cause I needed to have one. Most likely hoping my parents would want him to do portraits. That whole, get to the parents may work on little kids, maybe even some grade 8 guys, but it doesn't work on me, I know what they are doing!

On another note, pictures are expensive, especially when you also have grad pictures at the end of the year! Oh well, pictures rock, I mean cameras and me, B.F.F.A.O.T.F.E. (Best Friends Forever And On Till Forever Ends, may not make sense to some of you people, but that's just me, and yes, I did make that up!).

At 6 my 3 little cousins came over for Alvin's 5th birthday, Hunter, who is turning 6 in 9 days, freaked out 'cause he is a little kid, and to him, he should have been getting presents too. So we had cake, and I mean 2 different kinds, with ice cream. At 8, I went downstairs and watched the beginning of "X Factor," by the 8:30 mark, my Mom had gotten everyone to leave.

All in all, a good day.
