Monday, October 15th

Monday, October 15th,

Okay, okay, having a total black-out, I CAN"T REMEMBER ANYTHING!!!!! Okay, let me think, um, owwwww, that hurt a bit, lol, just kidding, it didn't hurt, give me a minute to think....

*1 minute later*

Okay, so Jenna and I had office, Mary was being all sassy that she had to take Primary Helpers all by herself, she said she would take it for Jenna and me when we had Office, she promised! She only has to do it 2 times in our 10 day cycle. Jenna and I do it the other 8, and she calls them little brats, I have to admit, there are a few brats in that class, but most of them aren't brats.

Um, um, well, if you are reading this, I AM behind, and I think if I'm under pressure I just can't remember, funny, it doesn't happen in tests...

Okay, let me try this again.

I remember 2 main things that bugged me today. But these happened after school.

So, Mary had a total game marathon on Facebook, and since she is classified as one of my close friends, I got every. Single. Notification. From. Every. Single. Game. She. Did. Same with Jenna!

Mary got Jenna hooked and so, I got all of Jenna's notifications too. I will admit, I did play 1 or 2 games. The best one was this one where you can find out which power you would have if you had a power. Mary had gotten Fire, and Jenna had gotten Earth, and I was wondering if I would get Water.

I did.

It was so strange because when I was younger I wrote a story about the elements and I based the Fire character on Mary, the Earth character on Jenna and the Water character on me. So, we all thought it was like we were meant to be those characters.

Okay, the second thing I wanted to talk about was the fact Bee, a girl in my class, was messaging me on Facebook and being all rude, I mean, there's a reason I unfriended her! But she kept saying I was being rude, when I wasn't in the least! I won't bore you with the length it happened for. But she keeps acting like I'm perfect just because I get good grade's, and because I'm talented and she's not. Its like she's trying to find reasons to get mad at me, even when there isn't one!


Vote and Comment for my drama! You know you want to!
