Monday, January 7th

Monday, January 7th,

First day back at school! Okay, I woke up early, so I could straighten my hair, and it looked awesome with my new chain vest that Amy got me! I was feeling pretty fantastic, I mean, I looked awesome, and I was ready to just push anything away that the world threw at me.

Math and Science were easy, first day back and all. In Geography Cameron sat right behind Mary and when I asked why he was sitting there, he told me he was going to bug her the whole time! Afterwards, I asked if he had fun and Mary just scowled at me, it was quite amusing.

The entire day, Cameron kept bugging Mary and Summer, not once did he annoy me! In fact, almost every time, he knew I knew what he was doing! But I didn't have any commitment to Mary or Summer to tell them what he was doing, because I'm not their friends anymore, (Insert shrug here). You would think I would be upset about it, and want to be friends with at least Summer and Mary, because, these are the people I was friends with since kindergarten! However, the whole thing amused me, I feel no regret, life will go on whether I'm friends with them or not.

At lunch and last recess, this girl came up to me and kicked snow at me 3 times, all 3 times Jenna was there laughing, I am almost positive that Jenna put this girl up to it, (she's a grade 8 girl in my class, but her name is not important). The fact that Jenna kept yelling to me that she didn't tell the girl to do it, just made me more sure that Jenna did.

I could have kicked snow back at them, however, I am more mature then them, and simply brushed off the snow and continued walking with Savannah.

I swear, how immature can you get? Kicking snow at people? I just don't understand the enjoyment they get from it...

After a while, they stopped kicking snow at me, they must have realized that I wasn't going to flip or kick snow back, an interesting concept, but I wasn't going to, I didn't feel like it.

I think its funny how I'm nicer to Them (Jenna, Mary and Summer), now that I'm not friends with them, if they want me to flip, it seems all they need to do is become friends with me, through, I don't think I would want to be friends with them... they hold me back, with all their childish thoughts!

Petty humans....
