Tuesday, June 4th

Tuesday, June 4th,

School, less then a month until its done, barely 3 weeks until we go on our end of the year camping trip, and barely 23 days until our graduation! Less then a month until summer, and after that 2 months until we start high-school, where we would either know each other or we would meet new people.

Where everything can change.

So, after that lovely intro, we shall get onto whatever it is I would like to speak of, yeah. So, well, oh darn, I'm already forgetting things...

Okay, so Math was pretty easy stuff, we started a new unit, Probability, and because it is such a small unit and we don't have enough time for the large tests Mr Arves likes to give, we are instead having mini quizzes everyday and are even being marked for some homework we do. Now, nobody should have any reason for not handing in.

Sally wasn't here, which sucked, because Jarad said he was going to come and sit in her seat, which just happens to be between Lexi and I. Great, normally I have him sitting behind me, now he wants to sit beside me! Meh!

Thankfully, Hailey, another grade eight girl, moved from her seat into Sally's, then, Jarad decided to sit in Hailey's desk... Right in front of me, and beside Cameron... Lovely right?

After first recess we had Health, which every other day, would have been great, except this was the one day we were starting the one unit Jarad had been waiting all year for; that's right... Growth and Development. As if we hadn't been doing since grade five and six!

Most were very mature about it, though Cameron was taking pictures of the work sheet with his phone (though he's not suppose too use it). When we took up the question sheet (only 15 questions because we got a conversation with each term) at one term, Jared actually got our Heath teacher to laugh. It was pretty funny, even I have to admit.

At lunch recess I practiced my French Horn, no body came to band, so I just worked on ur piece, and talked with Mr Wechmen a bit.

In music we used these remotes so we could answer questions on the Smartboard, and Mr Wechmen originally wasn't going to mark it because we were just starting, but all the boys were goofing off, both Cameron and Jarad both got kicked out of the classroom! So we were getting it marked, which is fine with me, I got everything perfect. It was easy, I don't see why the boys were having so much trouble.

I'll tell you why. They don't like Mr Wechmen, so therefore, have decided they won't do what he wants because they liked the teacher we had last year. I like both of them, I don't get why everyone disrespects him. It doesn't mater if you like him or not, he is still the teacher. Therefore, you respect him, even if you hate his teaching style or everything!

They are being stupid!

They say he can't control the class, but they never seem to realize that if maybe they stopped talking and did what they were suppose to do, he wouldn't have to try and "control" them. I mean, seriously, we are in grade eight, not grade two.


And there's my rant! I mean.... entry for today! Please vote and comment if you liked it!
