Wednesday, May 29th

Wednesday, May 29th,

So, it was really hot out today, and neither Mary nor I really wanted to do anything, Summer and Jenna both kept scowling and stuff when we would go sit by the school building, in the shade, instead of going and walking around by the soccer field like we do everyday. Normally I'm okay with it because I just play soccer with the other girls, Jenna just would walk away and go back and forth as if she thought something was up.

She normally acts like that.

However, today, Mary and I didn't want to do that, so at first recess we sat up against the wall, and it was kind of peaceful, we talked a little and laughed while Summer and Jenna attempted to get us to move. Which didn't happen. I like sitting there, and Mary seemed content enough to stay instead of walking and talking.

Lunch helpers was okay, Jenna and I were civil, with is normally all I expect right now, normally I just read, and occasionally yell out for the kids to be quiet because they only listen to me. Not her.

At lunch recess, Mary and I sat against the wall again, but this time we played this charades game, and it was really hard because you only got a minute to try and guess. Talk about difficult!

Then, out of the blue while we were playing, Mrs C, the vice principal came and spoke to Mary, I heard what she said, "Have you done the iron test yet?" I could tell Mary didn't hear her though, because she just kind of smiled and nodded. Mrs C told her to follow, then called over her shoulder for me to come as well, and both Mary and I found ourselves in the office.

I like the office, especially since I do office duty (like manning the phone and such at lunch and getting ice packs). Well, Mary and I were standing in the office, and Mrs C went of and grabbed something, and when she came back, I completely understood the situation because I remember her telling Mary this a while ago, yet Mary never did it. I think Mary was happy she wasn't getting in trouble because of something else. Even if we weren't getting in trouble.

Mrs C had a penny, and she showed us by rubbing it against her jaw bone that it would turn the skin black is you didn't have enough iron in your system. She did this to Mary, and then to me, and neither one of us had low iron.

While we were walking back outside, I had to explain to Mary how you got iron from red meat, then had to explain that red meat was pig and cow, and how if you didn't eat a lot of those you had to find other food that was high in iron, because if you don't have enough iron you can get sick. This is how this started, because Mary was saying she was feeling sick and wanted to go home (she never did) the other day.

Later at either the end of lunch recess, or last recess, we moved under the large tree on the yard, but instead of sitting on one of the picnic benches with all the other girls, we sat on the grass and began talking again. Only to be interrupted as all the other grade 8 girls, who began to scream at the top of their lungs for whatever insane reason. For fun I presume. I just rolled my eyes and Mary and I kept talking.

Suddenly, we became quite popular... Ricky and his friend (Albert) came over and began talking to us, and soon enough Bee was over chasing around Jay, this little kid in Link's grade who Ricky pretends is his pet, because Jay will follow him around on all fours, and seems to enjoy it. If you try and make either Ricky or Jay stop, neither will....

Yeah, that's just our school for yuh.


I do have a memory! Whoo! So, that was my entry, and I hope you liked it! Please vote and/or comment if you did. look out for the next entry soon!
