Tuesday, October 30th

Tuesday, October 30th,

Okay, the only thing that happened at school today, is all about Jenna, shocker right?

Okay, Jenna and I were walking around on the yard, and of course she brought up the fact of Halloween tomorrow, since Mary invited both Jenna and I to go trick-or-treating. As, it's our last year, and, candy is amazing. Jenna said that Mary and her could go and meet me at 7, and then, since Jenna can only go to 9, Mary and I would go later.

Trust me, that was not going to happen, Mary and I made the plans before Jenna even said she could go trick-or-treating, and we were not changing them for her. Jenna, of course got all made at me, and stormed off to hang with the other girls, then she came up and was all cheery again, saying she was going to go with the other girls, and that since it was her only time ever trick-or-treating, she wanted to go as long as she could.

I'm just glad it didn't interfere with my trick-or-treating plans, or tonight.

So, anyways, Jenna had invited Ginger, Mary, Summer and I to go see, "Hotel Transylvania" tonight! I really wanted to go see it, but I knew I wouldn't be allowed to, because, my parents never take us to go see movies at the theatres, we only ever buy or rent the movie once it comes out.

However, Summer has already seen it, and of course, Mary's mom wouldn't let her go. Through of course, Jenna chose to go to the one that would be more expensive, and of course, we just had to go see it in 3-D, so it was even more money.

Ginger and I both take the bus, so we got notes and Jenna's mom picked us up after school and we went back to Jenna's house. A few minutes after we got there, Jenna had to leave because she had to go to her piano lessons. Jenna wanted to cancel, I swear, she has no responsibility!

Ginger and I went on her computer and started watching a movie on the TV, which was cool, because the channel we were watching I don't get at home.

Once Jenna got back we ate tacos! 'Tac-O's, its meat, cheese and lettuce flavoured O's in a tortia bowl.' Lol, just kidding. BTW, I love that scene. Here I will put up a link of the video.

We then went to the movie theatre, and saw the movie. It was A-Mazing! It gave me this giant desire to be in an animated movie, or just a movie in general!!!!!

They drove me home, and Jenna was trying to convince me to bring my neon pink tights so she can wear them with her costume. She's being Katy Perry, which makes no sense to me. Also, I don't think I can bring them for her, 1, because she said they looked stupid, and 2, they only go to your knees and its suppose to be cold tomorrow.

I just hope everything works out how it is suppose to tomorrow.
