Chapter 6 : Juuzo's Room

Krysta POV
Palapit ng palapit yung Tigre sa kanya
It pounces on him

"Rawwwr " cried the tiger as he pounces on Ace

"Ahhhhhhhhh . . . "

I quickly cover my eyes
God alam kong halos gusto ko na sya patayin kanina but . . .

" Hahahahahaha Juuzo I missed you too "

Wait what ?!! Juuzo was a the tiger ? And its his PET !!?
Tinanggal ko ung kamay ko sa mata ko and that tiger is actually licking that Muthrfcking childish pervy ninja's face -_-
I saw a maid

"Where's the entrance to that ?" I said pointing at the seethrough cage of the tiger

"Maam you cannot enter Juuzo's room" said the maid calmly

"And why not !? Im Ace Fujimiya's Fiancee " Wait a minute ? Did I actually tell that word ?

"My apologies maam but Master strickly ordered no one must enter Juuzo's room except him .

"I demand you to show me the way in to that room I want to talk to my Fiancee" Argghhh I said it again.

"Maam my job is on the line here I wont let you in to that room its for your own good maam " She seem quite nervous theres something I dont know and I wanna know it right away
I gave the maid a cold stare .
She looks scared

" But maam ... " I continue to gave her a cold stare .

"Okay maam if you insist but if you die there its not my fault you insist on going " She said calmly .

She lead me to a pathway its like a horror house and I like it ^-^ bloods everywhere some scratches on walls and many strange holes but it didnt go all the way through .

"Everything you see is real " said the maid

" Huh ? " o.O

" Its not just props , He did all of that "

" He ? Whose he ? "

Im getting really really weirded out here

" You will find out soon "

Then the maid open a vault like gate that leads to where Ace is .

" I strickly said No one must enter Juuzo's Room !!!!"

" But Master . . . (gets cut off by Ace)"

" No buts get her out of here NOW !!"

Whats going on ? Ace is very Mad at his maid

" Hey Mr. Ace Fujimiya I ordered her to let me in , Shout on me not on her "


" No ! Not unless you tell me why you acting so strange"


" GRRR ... "

He ? Did he mean the tiger ? Did the tiger did all of that at the pathway earlier ?
The tiger quickly rush towards us

" Ruuuunnnn !!! "

He cared ? Why ? Did the Tiger really did all that things I saw at the pathway ??
