Chapter 3: The Movie

We are still here at the goth clothes shop and Krysta has her eyes on a clothes, Its black, mostly all of their clothes are black, its very simple actually its like a ballgown.

"I'll buy that one if I had money" She said

Wait what does she means "if she has money" ? Maybe its in her house or something

"What do you mean 'if you had money'?" I asked her out of curiosity

"Nah nevermind" She said . She hide the truth I can sense it.

We take a tour around and there it is Kaneki Ken's costume actually its not it , It just look like it so I bought it . Uta can do something about it. He's the best costume maker in my whole life . He's the one who created my Anti-mage Skull basher immortal Cosplay also my Doom costume.

When we got to the car what happened earlier flashbacked on me
Me and Krysta were in the car I looked at her and she looked so uncomfortable
"You looked so uncomfortable wanna sit on my lap?" I said

"No way Pervy Im ok with this position"
She's on the front seat her head struggling to look outside while I drive with two hands on the wheel . I turn and she was dragged by her arm into my shoulders

"Still dont wanna sit on my lap?" I said

"Fine" e_e I pull over and she sit on my lap when she was sitted I put my head in her shoulders so that I could see the road
While driving I felt something moving inside me

Its my instincts, Im just a man if a woman sits on me my INSTINCTS kick in Arrrgghhh Why did I suggest this position? I feel dumb

"Hey! Whats that? Something is moving do you have a phone in you?"

Hehehe If she would have known she would kill me :">

I pull over

"Why?" She said

"Umm ... you should seat here"

I put her on the front seat and I drive with one hand on the wheel

"Thats better" I said
*sigh* I hope she didnt notice 'that'

She suddenly hold my hand

"Why?" I said curiously

"Im just scared" She said, I looked at him and she really does look scared why?

"Why?" I said , I really am worried I just dont know why.

"I'll tell you later" She said

"Ok if thats what you want" I said

~~Flashback ends~~

What is she scared about ? Better ask her

"Umm .. Krysta " She looked at me "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" She said coldly

"What are scared about earlier ago?" I ask

"Oh that ? I forgot all about it" She said

When we got to Uta's place I drop the clothes I bought and Uta said I can pick it up tommorrow. Well thats nice. We went home,

And now we're just sitting in the couch doing nothing.

"We could watch some movies, what genre do you prefer?"

"Really ?" She seems happy why?

"Yup, here catch!" I tossed the remote at her

"Pusang gala ka! Paano na kung nasira yun" O_o Whaaat? why the hell is she talking like that I believe its tagalog. I can understand some because my mom used to taught it to me when I was 5y/o.


"Didn't you speak tagalog here?" She asked

"Kon-ti lang, ka-si ako tira five years lang kay mama, while the other years in japan , We are broken famiry" I said Arggh I hate it when my oriental tounge kicks in when I speak tagalog .

"Ralalalala Ra arrrr Laaaa"

"Anong ginagawa mo?" She asked in tagalog, again?

"Practicing my tounge, It kinda froze when I talk tagalog or japanese" I explain

"Ok ? Im going to pretend I didn't saw that" She turns the TV on and change the channel to a horror movie


Why horror I hate horror movie I covered my eyes using my hands

"Your not scared, are you?" She asked

"S..s..scared ? No way" I said trying to be brave but I cant

"Really ?" She turn the volume up

I covered my ears but she turns it even louder

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ! Im scared , HAPPY NOW?" I snapped she was a jerk

"Nope you  say it in tagalog first" Whhaaat!!!!?? If you weren't a girl I would've killed you

"Ta-kot a-ko sa h..horror movies, There I have done it now turn it off now!" She didnt turn it off instead she laugh I was about to punch her in the face but she hugged me. It feels warm is this what love feels like huh?

"Theres nothing to be scared at Ace its just a movie it aint real"

She whispered in my ear. From then on we watch like 10 to 15 horror movies just to get rid of my fears.
Its kinda nice actually, theres this one movie which is about zombies I think it titled 28 mins or less or maybe Im thinking some other movie , anywho the virus on this movie is so potent one bite and you'll be zombiefied I dont think thats a word XD
While we are watching our last movie Krysta is already asleep in my lap so I turn off the lights and also the TV
I lift her up and put her to "our" bed and slept.

"She looks so peaceful in her black tank top. Well time to go to bed I guess." *yawn*
