Chapter 4: She's Mine! Backoff !!

When I woke up the cold metal chain was not in our arms anymore

"Yeah Boy!!" I jump like a child in "our" bed thus waking Krysta which is also surprised that the handcuffs are off.

After We ate we went to the bathroom
She took a bath first then me after I took a bath
When I look at her wow!
She was wearing a black long sleeves and a "palda" thats what she want to call it. The tips of her hair were dyed royal blue.

"WOW (⊙o⊙) You looked stunning" I said
She just smiled at me.
I go to our room and wear my white tank top and my cargo pants . I do not work in the cargo ship or something its just I liked it cause it has so many pockets. I took my keys and went straight to garage, where the hell is Krysta?

Then she showed up

"Where are we going Ace?" She asked

"Where gonna celebrate our freedom" I opened the front seat's door

"Well ? Are you coming or not ?" I said

"Umm ... I dont have money and I dont do well with people. Soo... you better go by yourself." She said, she's kinda nervous. Is this what scares her ? people? Geez how weird.

"Come on its my treat and I dont take no for an answer" I said which is I think irritates her

"You shouldn't ask me if you wont take no for an answer" She said. Hahaha I knew she would say that.

Krysta POV
We are now here at a hidden place Ace calls it underworld. It sounds creepy but it doesn't look creepy, I can see people everywhere, There's some playing computer games, Some in an octagon shaped cage, I believe they're playing UFC. Its like a sports central everywhere I look there are indoor sports like boxing , muay thai , taekwondo , basketball etc.

"Yo Ace havent seen you for a while bro " I saw a tall man, must be 6 feet tall look down at Ace ,He had a funny black american accent.

"Bro! So whats shakin?" Ace talk to the guy did he know this guy ?

"Hello Momma! Ace whose this pretty lady you have widdya?"
Uh oh hes on to me Ace please do something

"Oh her? Shes Krysta" He said

"Krysta? nice name you got there baby" The tall guy said

"She's my fiance" Ace said

"Wuut ? Ace you sly dog ! You didnt tell me she's yours, My apologies maam Im Lyron... Ace's friend" He hand over his hand I took it and shook hands with him

This is getting uncomfortable. Can we go now Ace?

"Ace here is the best of the best your one lucky gal, yes you are , See those trophy hanging in each courts? Thats Ace's" Lyron said

"I dont like to brag but yes its mine" Ace said

Wow the best of the best huh?

"Mr. Ace ! Mr. Ace ! Someone looking for you." Some guy said

"Hey Ace we got a score to settle!!" Bruce said ,

One mean dude. Who has the same body type like to one of those green dude toy Ace had in his room.

"Not now Bruce Im just here to celebrate" Ace said calmly then a guy gave him a glass of vodka and he drank it

"Well how about little missy over here celebrates with me" Bruce said while holding my hands

Ace kicked Bruce
he stumbles and went straight to a table

"Sorry folks my bad" Ace said

"Ace! you dont have to be the good guy here your under attack
Umm I mean Im under attack its like he want to rape me or something" I said uncontrollably.

Well I cant help it Im terrified.

"Nah ! Bruce cant hurt you, He had to go through me first" He said. Wow he sounded like he meant it.

Did he really meant that?

Then guards took Bruce out Whew ! I thought Im gonna be raped or something like that
Ace went to the halfpipe grab some board and do some tricks

He did some 360° turn in mid air Two backflips into a nosegrab and sticks the landing
The girls went wild
I got to admit he IS good

He came near me
"Come on have some fun!" He drag me to the counter and ordered two vodkas

"H...hey I dont drink" I said
Di naman kase talaga ako umiinom maliban sa tubig syempre

"Come on I insist" He said
Tsk Ace pag ako nalasing wag mo ako gagalawin ah
Ininom ko ung vodka . Grabe ampanget ng lasa (>__ <)

"Hey baby wanna dance?" Sigurado akong di yun si Ace ibang iba ang boses nya
Lumalabo na rin ang paningin ko

"Hoy ! *PUNCHED* Stay away from her ! SHES MINE !! SO BACKOFF!! " Is that Ace ? What happen to him ? He sounded mad

"Hey bro" Then the other guy punches Ace

"Yo! Maddafakka catch!" I heard Lyron say Im pretty sure that voice is Lyron's.

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" I heard the crowd cheering , what the hell is happening

After the fight
"Come on Krysta stand up!" Geez I shouldn't gave her vodka its too strong for a first timer

"Umm ... Mommy five more minutes" Krysta moaned

"Tsk " I lifted her bridal style

"Yo Lyron I think I should go" I said

"Yah I'll take care of this boys ma self " Lyron said

When we got to my car I placed Krysta in the backseat and drove home

When we got home

"Woah !Where the hell did you two came from?" Its Dad

"We just celebrated our freedome, why are you here anyway?" I ask

"Im here to say that you two are had graduated college" O_o what?

"What ? Why? When ? How? Where ?" I ask ouch ! my head cant take much more so I put Krysta in the couch before Dad
could speak

"Why? Cause your knowledgable enough to run a company, When? Since today ,How? Cause You own your school and I said that they must graduate you two." I still didnt get it but I pretend I did

"Wow thats great news dad, So can we sleep now?" I said

"Oh Okay Bye" He left

I looked at Krysta and boy she looked like a peasant so I ordered my sister to come over and put some dress to her

"Bye Accy [pronounced as A-sie]"
She said

"I told you never to call me that anymore" I said

"Hihihi Bye " She left

Ahh Peace At last

