Chapter 1 : Yey! Wait, What?

Zero's POV
[Radiant Victory]

Its Always Been Liked These Since I've Gone Pro Every Team Im Up Against I Always Win , Always With A 0 Kills 0 Death Record .
Thats Why They Call Me Zero (I guess) .


"Yo !"
"Yo Zero, My crew had some partyin to do wanna come?" Its Lyron
"Nah ! Maybe next time bro" I said

"Alright, Your call man, if someone bothers you. You know where to find me 'kay ?"

"Yup, See you later bro "

"See ya " Then he hang up the phone

"Anak, di ka ba papasok ? Tanghali na ."

I almost forgot summers over

"Coming mom."

Yan si Ace "Zero" Fujimiya , Half Japanese half pinoy , he got his japanese side from his father he also got a half sister named Rize Poblete, He is also the Worlds Greatest Offlaner Ng Dota 2 ,Pero wala pang permanenteng team si Ace sa Dota 2 dahil nilalabag niya ang no. 1 rule:"Always help your teammate", pero kahit ganun kinatatakutan parin sya mapa Online man O personal , sa personal ay "buff" si Ace pero not so much normal buff lang yung pang model , sa gaming naman , kinatatakutan sya makita palang ang pangalan nya ay gusto nang magquit ng mga kalaban, di dahil sa napaka galing nyang kumill o umasisst , yun ay dahil kapag lumabas na sya wala pang 5 minutes ubos na ang tower ng kalaban at di lang sa online gaming magaling si Ace, binansagan syang "Tetsuya" ng mga kateam nya sa varsity nung high school pa lang sya. Sabihin na lang nating multi talented si Ace pagdating sa games


Its my first day to actually study at my school ,yup you heard it right its MY school .My father named it after me and will give it to me when I turn 20 , When I got in I noticed vandalisms already, must've ban that when I am in command, well except for that the school looks absolutely perfect . The bathroom is squeky clean , all rooms are soundproof so no outside noises can disturbed the student while in class ,Comlab's computers are lightning speed , no lagging and no viruses. Only TWO things to check The students and the teachers.
the student seems nice so does the teacher, This school is my ideal school indeed.


Thats the school bell it means the students must go to their rooms or they will be late
I got to my classroom just in time. And I sat beside a Goth girl its not that there's no seats vacant I just love their fashion statement its very mysterious "Hey my name is Ace"
I handed over my hand for a handshake
"Dont be so comfortable dork I do not talk to geeks" She said and quickly looks for a vacant seat but theres no more vacant seats
"No more vacant seats huh, I guess your stuck with me as a seatmate then" I said grinning widely
"Get those stupid grin off your face or else..." She said while clenching her fist "Ohh did  someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed?"
"URUSAI!" She shouted and everyone look at us
"What does that mean?" said one student
"Ms. Ichinose!!"
[Its pronounced Ey-chi-no-say] Mrs. Murikawa shouted
"I..its n..nothing M..mrs. M..Murikawa"
"Its my fault Mrs. Murikawa I'm sorry"
"Well you should be Mr? Whats your name again ?"
Mrs Murikawa is the most respected teacher in this university and shes kinda old so she easily forgets stuff.
"Ace ma'am, Ace Fujimiya"
Everyone was shock so is Ms. Ichinose but not Mrs. Murikawa
"Oh so you're Mr. Fujimiya's Son he told us you will be coming"
"Maam carry on with your discussing just about a minute ago"
"Ok So as I am saying ...."
"You're THE Ace Fujimiya ?" She whispered
"Yuuup why?" I said without looking at her Mrs. Murikawa might caught us again
"Im terribly sorry for what I've done, please dont kick me out from your school "
"Dont worry I wont" I winked at her
"That wink means something right?" She said giving me a weird look on her face
"It means you owe me one, thats all" I said
She panicked
"Relax I'm just kiddin" she pinched me in my legs so that Mrs. Murikawa wont notice.
[Mr. Fujimiya and Ms. Ichinose Please Go To The Deans Office Please]
"I bet its dad I wonder why he calls for you too" I said but she didnt gave any reactions or even a word Im weirded out by her she's like a zombie or something she just walks without any responses I tried tickling her but it didnt work , I tried it again but fail , and again third times the charm she suddenly speak when my hand was in mid air
"Dont even dare to or I'll be mad"

I tried hahaha Im such a hard headed kid
"Oow... $h*÷ !!! You F*$&ing childish geek, pag ako na kick out from this B*&$&$it university I'll F*&*&$* kill you and feed your sorry little *ss to a shark or a lion or a croc"
"You must find a shark or a lion or a croc first before you kill me to hasten the process"
She pinned me using her hand into my neck choking me againts the wall of an office I didn't notice whose office it was and clench her fist ready to beat me up but I quickly grab her and turn things around now its me whose pinning her I pinned her two small girlish hands and againts the wall "Woah Ace, hold your horses. I didnt know your THAT excited to meet her"
I release her
"Huh? Dad what the f are you talking about?" O_o
Im so freaking confuse, what is he talking about?
"Ace this is Krysta, Krysta this is Ace , Ace shes your fiance"

"wha- wh- what the- wait, WHAAAT? YOU as my f...f...ff..." Me and Krysta said in chorus

"Sir Fujimiya please say that your joking, please" Krysta.

"But Im not, Krysta. Welcome to the family" 😊 Dad.

"Noooooooooo " I said while kneeling and looking up the skies just like in the movies
"Ok Im over it" I quickly stood up
"Sir this cant be true , I ... I cant be married to this , this WEIRDO"
"Hey I had feelings too you know?"
"Really ?? I cant tell because of that stupid mask covering your stupid face"
"Hey this aint stupid its Kaneki Ken's mask, And FYI I didnt buy them I make my own" Im an otaku and I'm proud of it
"That explains a lot"
"Explains what?"
"It so ugly, duh"
Dad break things up
"Now now you two, breaths in and out ok?"

*In and Out and in and out*

"Better ?" "Yup ↖(^ω^)↗" I said
"Yah whatever..." She said coldly "Now both of you, give me your hands and close your eyes" We followed Dads orders *clinks*
Hey wait a minute is there's some kind of metal in my hands , I opened my eyes and "What the what? Dad, how could you do this to us, especially to me your own flesh and blood."

"How could I .... you know.... do man things with just one hand? Ohhhh why ohhh why daaad."

Krysta was also shock but she manage to get over it quickly why? how? what? when? where?

"Figure it out, I guess, and besides it's for your own good."

"Fine -_-!"
We decided to go back to class, I hold her hand.

"What the hell do you think your doing? We maybe handcuffed but you cannot do that without my permission"

"Okay you want to be embarassed? All of our classmates and schoolmates will see us handcuffed together , Hmmm ... what would they think ?" I told her , but I just really wanna hold her hands I dunno why?

"Fine -_-||" she grabbed my hands

"Pervy Ninja" She whispered

"You know I could hear you right?"She's kinda cute when she gets mad actually ≧﹏≦


When we got to our room.

"Mr. Fujimiya and Ms. Ichinose please take your seat"

We sat down ,
"Shit !" She whispered

"Why? What is it? Did ya sit on somethin sharp? Hehehehe" I answered her

"My writing hand is handcuffed" Kaliwete pala XD buti nalang kanan ako hahaha

"Well not my problem ^_^" I whispered

"Not my problem?! Let go of my hand you pervy ninja!!"

"Oopps sorry." I let go of her hands.
The day went on with me being my normal self and her being some kind of a party pooper.
