Chapter 10 : Kiss


It has to be her.

Who else would it be.

The only question running on my head is why is she running away from me.

"Ummm ... A.. Ace ?  You okay?"
An angel like voice brought me back to reality.
Its Krysta she looks so worried. She wrapped her arms tightly on mine.
I gave her a kiss on the forehead and a wide smile.
She smiled back at me. Its the cutest smile I ever saw she made.
When we came at the classroom
Mrs. Murikawa was surprised.

"Mr. Fujimiya why are you in my class? We already gave you a masters degree on your profession."

"I ripped it apart Mrs. Murikawa . . ."

"Oh so you're here to get another one?"


"Then come meet me at my office and you Ms. Echinose you're almost one week absent."

"Actually Mrs. Murikawa Im here to earn what you gave me. And Ms. Echinose here is my fiancee."

"Oh ? Is that so? Then go have a sit"
Then she continues teaching.

"Umm Ace?"

"Yes babe?"

"I ... Umm ... Nevermind"

I kissed her in her lips
"I love you too"

She blushed but then hides her face with her hands.

I notice a shadow at the door. When I take a quick look it was hannah O.O

"Mrs. Murikawa can I go to the bathroom?"

"Proceed, so as I was saying ..."
When I got out I saw her running away again.
"Wait ! Hannah! "
I ran after her and caught up to her.
We were at the back of the principal office's building.

She holds my necktie and bring her lips nearer to mine. She's dragging me nearer and nearer I've been longing for her for about two years. When our lips touched each other I put my arms and wrapped it around her. We kissed for about a minute.
"I missed you my king."
She whispered on my ears.

"I missed you too my queen. Where have you been? Why are you running away from me?"

"I went far to found myself, but I already did three years ago. Im sorry I left you"

" Shhh my queen its okay. How are you? I REALLY missed you."

"Im fine my king. I missed you too."

"My queen where do you live now?"

"My king you need to go back to your class now. Ms. Echinose is waiting for you."

I saw tears running down his beautiful face. She hugged and kissed me in my lips then ran away.

Krysta POV
"Umm Ace?"

"Yes babe?"

"I ... Umm ... Nevermind"

He kissed me in my lips
"I love you too" did she know that was what Im about to say. I feel warm kyyaaaaa ^////^ Im blushing. I covered my face with my hands.
When I took them off Ace was going out.
"Mrs. Murikawa can I go to the powder room?"

"Proceed ..."

When I got out

"Wait ! Hannah! "

That was Ace's voice and he is running after a girl.
I followed them and what I saw broke my heart.
I saw Ace hugging and kissing the lips of that girl she was running after.

I run back to the room but I realized he would've see me crying and I dont want him to see me crying.

I ran off to the main gate and go home.
He didnt know where I live so its my only sanctuary.

Why Ace why would you do this?
I put on my earphone and ignore the world.

When I got in the our class Krysta was gone.
Where could she be ?

I tried to call her but she's not answering her phone.
I have to find her. She left her bag so she might still me in this university. After the class I went to the security's room and take a look at the CCTV and saw that she saw me and Hannah kissing and she run away somewhere.
What have I done?
I have to find her.
