Chapter 2 : Hes Not That Bad

Krysta POV
Why of all people , why do I had to be handcuffed and engaged to this dork , Its been 4 days that we are handcuffed together , Its kinda awkward when one of us had to take a bath the other one has to stay outside of the tub and close his/her eyes.

"No peeking !" I said *sigh* I submerge my self into the tub. He must be what father is talking about


"Baby, come here, you are going to the philippines ok? some one named Fujimiya will take care of you"
"How about you father?"
"I'll just have to take care of some bussinesses then I'll be there, ok ?"
"Promise me you'll be safe here okay?"

"I will. You be careful in the philippines too okay?"

~flashback ends~~

I wonder what otto~san is doing right now.

"There it is!
I can see it already
Oh she's quite hairy
I can see the mountains~♪" Its Ace is he peeking ?

"HENTAI!" I shouted at him.

"Hey ! Im just playing pokemon here, Its not hentai"

"Oh is that so?"

"Im gonna lick you like ice cream!" *Slurrrp*

"What the ?! Could you please stay quiet?"

"Nope, Im gonna enter that deep cave"

"Please stop! Your making me imagine things"

"Hah! And your calling me hentai just a while ago, whose hentai now?"


"Hahaha please do it again you look cute when your angry" Huh? *blush* Is he serious ? wait a minute how can he see my face we got a curtain in between of us

"How did you know did you also peeked?"

*blush* " ofcourse not" I continued my bath
5 mins. later
Im done !
"Ok me next!" He just took of his clothes without warning , I quickly covered my eyes
"Next time, say something before you do that!"
"Naaah ! Dont wannaaa" Argggh I promise I will kill you, tear you limb from limb and eat you like a cannibal,

"Can I say something?"He said making me kinda curious but I hid my emotion

"Your telling one just now" I said coldly

"Hahahaha" He laughs ? what are you mentally disabled?

"Why do you keep on hidding your emotions?" He sounded like a mature man.

"Who are you and what have you done with Ace?" I joked , Woah me joked? thats kinda odd.

"Thats what I like, express yourself freely
Tell you what , I'll stop annoying you if you stop hidding your emotions, deal?" Hmm ..... This could be a trap but I'll play along, If anything goes bad I'm out.

"Deal! But If you break our deal Im gonna tear you limb from limb" I said seriously

"A Fujimiya never breaks his/her promise" He said. He really sounded like a mature man

Did he bump his head on the tub or something?

"I really like your clothes, where did you bought them?" He asked

"Really ? Umm ... Why?" Im curious what this pervy ninja is planning, whatever it is Im not gonna fall for it

"I'd like to buy one" He said, Now he sound like a child wanting to buy candy or something.

"When do you wanna go?" I said

"Now could be good" He said . Wtf ! Now?! Really ?

"Now ? But I..Im still in my towel and your still in the tub"

He suddenly opens the curtains without warning again I quickly covered my eyes using one hand.

"Hahaha, Dont worry Im already done"

He said but I dont trust him yet so I slowly opened my hand thus opening a small hole in which I could peek

"Kyaaaah!!! You didnt have your body covered yet" I said after I ALMOST saw his naked body.

"I said Im done taking a bath, not covering my body" He explains

"Ok! Do it quick!" I can feel his arms moving probably putting on his towel

"You can open your eyes now" He said

"Nuh uh! I aint gonna take chances again" I said

"Ok suit your self, but could you atleast move so we could buy those cool clothes?" He said

"How can I move if I cant see a thing?" I said

"Open those eyes babe" He said , Wait did he just call me babe?

"Did you just call me babe?" I accidentally took off my hand who is covering my eyes. Then I saw it... I saw Ace's topless body!

"Kyaaahh !!"*blush*
"What? haven't you seen a topless man before?" He said

" ofcourse" I said , it really is my first time to saw a topless man. Im not the kind of girl who looks at topless mans in magazines you know.

"Well its your lucky day and because its your first time you can touch it" He said
O_o Touch it? I..I dont want to.

"I dont want! Bakero , Pervy Ninja!" I sounded like a child

"Ok suit yourself"
We go to,I hate to say this but I had to, "our" room to put on some clothes.
When we are at the door of "our" room
"Ladies first" He said when he opened the door
Its kinda tricky to wear clothes in this kind of situations luckily our clothes are specialized .Its like a tank top but its sides are open and can be closed by a zipper so that way we could wear and take off our clothes easily.
I bet your wondering how the hell are our clothes specialized?
The fact is, its given by Mr. Fujimiya ,also this house he said he wont give us the key to the handcuffs unless we cooperate or 15 days had past whichever comes first, the house was covered with CCTV and mics so that Mr. Fujimiya can monitor us
We are already clothed and now on our way to undertown its where I bought my clothes, my vampire goth styled clothes,
"We're here" I said then he stopped the car.
He came closer to me
and closer
and closer its like an inch or somewhat I was about to punch him when I noticed he just opened the door on my side.

"Go, Ladies first" He said.
Wooo for a second there I thought he was going to kiss me.


What the hell, he just stole a kiss!

"Thanks for everything" He said

"What did I do now?" O_o I said.

"You bring me to this place, I've been searching this kind of place. Do you think they have Kaneki's clothes?" He said
Hmp ... Hes not so bad at all he's a gentleman, kinda sweet, but sometimes childish. ^__^ and mostly pervy e_e
