chapter 7

Emily’s point of view

When I finished crying, I couldn’t speak. I felt dead, like my family were.

Why? Why did it happen to them? To me? What did I ever do? I didn’t deserve this

After what seemed like a lifetime, but would have only been a few seconds, Louis kissed the top of my head. I felt some life sore inside me, but it died quickly, leaving me feeling dead like the rest of my body. He whispered “C’mon. The guys are waiting for us outside”

I just nodded, unable to speak. I stood up slowly, and felt myself wobble. As I took a few steps, I felt like I might to fall. Luckily, Louis jumped in front of me, crouched down, and said “Jump up; I’ll give you a piggy back”.

I didn’t say anything, but was thankful. I place my hands on his shoulders, jumped up, and wrapped my arms and legs around him. We left the room, and Louis walked towards the main desk to sign me out. I buried my head in his shoulder, trying to block my face from the world.

I felt Louis start to move again, so I looked up, and saw that we were heading towards the main doors.

I looked back down, and shivered as Louis walked outside. He stopped, and said “I’m going to put you down love”. He bent down slightly, and I jumped back down.

I rubbed my arms, freezing from the breeze. Louis took off his jacket, and wrapped it around my shoulders. I smiled, and pulled it in closer.

We turned and saw Harry standing on his own. We walked towards him, and I was still shaking.

I felt people walking pass giving me odd looks. I didn’t care though; despite knowing that they could easily see my markings. And the fact that I was wearing only underwear, and Louis’s jacket.

When we reached Harry, he opened a car that he was standing against, and got inside. Louis opened the back door and I got in, then he closed it, and ran to the driver’s side of the car.

I put my seatbelt on, and looked out the window. I felt the car move, and heard Louis ask “Where are the others?”

“Gone to set up Emily’s room back at the house” Harry replied, and turned back towards me, smiled and said “How you doing kiddo?”

I looked at him, and shrugged, then looked back to the window. I heard a sigh, and Louis whispered “She hasn’t said anything since she heard the news”

“Im not surprised, poor kid” Harry said.

Silence broke though the car, and Louis turned on the radio, and started singing softly along.

20 minutes later...

We pulled up at a drive, and stopped. After Harry and Louis got out, I slowly un-did my seatbelt, and opened the door. I stepped out, and closed the door. I looked back at the house and stopped, staring at it.

It was huge! Bigger than anything I had seen in my life.

I heard a chuckle, and turned to Louis, who said “C’mon love, you going to stand there all day, or do you wanna check out the inside?”

 I nodded, still not feeling up to talking to anyone.

We walked to the front door, which had been opened by Harry. We stepped inside, and I walked forward, my mouth opening.

The hall was huge. Straight ahead was a set of stairs, and to both sides of the hall was to double sized doors leading to somewhere.

I heard someone chuckling, and I turned to see Liam and Zayn watching my reaction.

“Great isn’t it?” Zayn said        

I nodded. They walked up to me, and hugged me. They let me go, and Liam said “Fancy a of the place?”

I nodded, and he grabbed my arm, and pulled me towards the left.

A long time later...

We had finished the first floor, and were at the bottom of the stairs. I didn’t talk as Liam showed the tour, but nodded along to what he was saying. We started heading upstairs, as I heard shouting. I started to panic, and Liam noticed, and said “It’s ok; it’s just the guys messing around”.

I calmed down, and nodded.

We reached the top of the stairs, and he should me the rooms. Down the left, was Liam’s, Harry’s and Louis’s room. Down the right, were Zayn’s and some spare bed rooms. We carried down the right, and ended directly across the stairs. I looked over the balcony, and looked back at Liam, and carried down the corridor. I noticed Niall’s room straight away, as there was a little Irish flag on the door. Next to his room, was an open door, with a lot of shouting coming from it. We walked in, to find the boys, and two pretty girls , placing things inside the wardrobe, and moving some things around.

I stopped, and opened my mouth slightly in shock. The room was a soft, baby blue, and the furniture was white. The bed cover was white zebra pattern, with a matching lamp. A girl turned to around, noticed me, and ran over and hugged me tightly. Shocked, I slowly hugged her back. She jumped away, and said “Emily! It’s so great to meet you! The boys have told me about you! I’m so sorry for you lose” and hugged me again. She let me go, and said “Im Perrie, Zayn’s girlfriend, and that over there inside the wardroom is Danielle, Liam’s girl”.

“It’s nice to meet you” I whispered, not wanting to talk much but didn’t want to seem rude. Danielle jumped out of the wardroom and shouted “It’s finished!”

She saw me, ran over and hugged me as well. I hugged back, and she said “Im Danielle, but call me Dani. Im so sorry about everything Emily!”

I let go and said “It’s nice to meet you” softly.

A door opened from the left, and Niall, Louis and Harry walked out.

Seeing Louis, I took of his jacket and passed it to him, smiling at him in thanks.

Nialls face lit up when he saw me, and ran over and hugged me, lifting me in the air and spinning me around.

I clung on to him for dear life, and he put me down.

“How you feeling love?” He said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I felt a little spark shot through me, as he touched my bare skin.

What is it with these boys giving me sparks?

I nodded, to show I was fine. Liam said “C’mon guys, let’s leave her to change and get use to her room” and walked out the door. Everyone started to follow, leaving the room. Niall turned around, and said “I’m not sure how long dinner will be, but come down when you’re ready.”

I nodded and smiled, as he closed the door.

I walked around my room, getting use to it. Then, I went towards the door to the side, and discovered a giant bathroom. I closed the door, and looked around. It matched my bedroom.

I walked towards the bath, turned it on, and search through the bottles until I found a bubble bath. After tipping some in, I found a little cupboard. I walked over to find it filled with towels. I grabbed one, closed the cupboard, and took of my limited clothing.

I jumped into the bath, and cleaned myself up.

After sometime, I got out of the bath, and opened to plug so that the water could drain away.

I dried myself off, and then wrapped the towel around myself. I opened the door, and walked over to my wardrobe. As I opened it, my jar dropped. It was an walk in wardrobe and it was big. Very big

Emily likes very much!

I rooted through the clothing, and found myself some underwear. I chose a pair of black skinny jeans, a Batman top, and a black jacket. I walked out of the wardrobe, and changed.

After I changed, I walked over to the dresser, and found a number of items. I found the hairdryer, and dried my hair quickly.  When I finished, I saw a box filled with hair bobbles, so I chucked my hair up into a simple pony tail.

I walked over to the door, turned off the light, and made my way across the corridor and down the stairs.


So! Emily is now home! and shes started to gain some sparks with Niall aswell! What does this mean? well one thing for sure, someones in a little girl trouble! :D  i would have upload yesterday, but i was busy making my sister her 18th birthday cake (its a batman cake, im well proud, since its the first time ever decorating a cake) but anyway, here it is! chapter 7! enjoy!  xx
