chapter 26

Emily’s point of view

“LIAM?” Louis and I screamed at the boy laughing in front of our cage.

“What are you doing here?” I shouted.

“Forget that! What the hell happened to you? Why are you dressed up like that?!” Louis screamed.

Liam was wearing some really badass black outfit, and I swear I saw a handle of something stick out from behind his back. He also had fluffy, brown dog ears as well.

“Zayn and I went through the change. We’re both dogs, but I’ve got brown ears and tail, while Zayn has black. And its protection dummy. Now, hurry the heck out and help me get everyone out of here” He said, while opening our cages.

I shot out of the cage as fast as I could. Freedom!

We began to help Liam open up the cages. “C’mon Misty! Eleanor! Everyone else! This is our chance, get your butts out of your cage right now!” I shouted, unlocking the cages.

Slowly, they began to get out of their cages, but some were still in the cages.

“Liam, Louis, I’m gonna help get the guys that are still in the cages” I said, running towards the other end of the corridor. The first cage broke my heart. A little girl, around 7, with long, golden locks, and beautiful blue eyes. She looked so skinny, and such a mess, her eyes filled with fright and pain.

“It’s ok, I’m not going to hurt you. Im like you, see” I showed her my wings. “We’re going to get out of here” I leaned in and opened my arms. She slowly got up, and ran into my arms, and hugged me. I picked her up, her arms and legs wrapped around me, and I began to shout to the other experiments. They saw that I had the little girl in my arms, and was going to help them, so they began to get out.

Once everyone was out of their cages, Louis and the boys, Alexia, Eleanor, Damon, a girl I didn’t recognise, my old school friends and Danielle, Perrie and Misty ran up to me.

“What’s the plan” I asked.

“We have small teams in each wing, freeing the other mutants. We are currently here” The girl I didn’t know raised her wrist, and a holographic map appeared. “And we need to get to here” She pushed some buttons, and the map changed, and showed a point in the heart of the Compound. “Here, is a tile on the floor, which leads to the sewers. Once you get down here, Liam, Zayn and I will lead you through, and we will reach Hilayia and the others”

“Who’s Hilayia? And who the hell are you?” Louis asked.

“The names Connie Morgan. And Hilayia is our leader, ass, so you better shut your mouth” The girl replied.

Louis opened his mouth to say something, when Niall interrupted, saying “It’s true, you better shut it”

“Yeah, Connie will whip your ass” Liam nodded.

“Even with these badass wings” Louis smiled, and raised his wings.

“Bitch please” Connie said, and crouched down. She began raising her arms, and her hair began to float, the purple streaks glowing.

“Shit! Duck!” Zayn shouted, grabbed hold of Perrie’s hand, and push the experiments away. Everyone but Louis and Connie started running in Zayn’s direction. I grabbed hold of the little girl tighter, and ran as well. If Zayn says to run, fucking peg it!

I heard Louis laugh, and I turned to see Connie jump and kick out, her feet shooting off black feathers, which were covered in a purple glow.

Louis fell backwards, and smashed his head against a caged. “Shit that hurt. Ok, she can whip my ass” He said, standing up.

Connie smiled and him, clearly pleased that she beat him up. We started to walk closer towards the pair, when I realized something.

“Harry, since when did you have a cat tail and ears?” I asked.

“Dunno. It began growing during the connection Alexia and I had” He said, and grabbed hold of Alexia’s hand, causing her to blush. Interesting.

“Same with me. But instead of having brown ears and tail, I’ve got golden ones with black patches, and instead of having a connection with Alexia, it was with Misty” Niall said, showing off his new tail, smiling. Misty beamed at him, and hugged his side, causing herself and Niall to blush and beam.

I smiled at the pair, happy that Misty had a connection with such a great guy.

When we reached Connie and Louis, I put down the little girl, and said “What’s your name?”

“I don’t have a name” She replied.

“Well, what sort of mutant are you?” Louis asked, grabbing hold of my hand.

“Im like you” She said, and opened her wings. I noticed that they were white, with brown patches on them.

“How about.... Birdie?” Louis suggested.

She laughed and shook her head.

“How about Angel?” I smiled.

She nodded fast, clearly liking the name.

“Angel it is. Nice to meet you. I’m Emily” I laughed, shaking her hand.

“Sorry to interrupt, but personally, I wanna get the hell out of here before Hammond and his buddies find us” Alexia said.

I nodded, and we headed out of the door, Louis, Liam and I in the lead. We zoomed down corridors, when something made me stop.

“What’s wrong?” Louis asked.

“This isn’t right” I said.

“What isn’t?” Niall asked.

“We havnt run into any guards. We’re getting away too easily” Misty answered for me.

“And we havnt heard from the other team” Connie said “And this isn’t how it should end, calling the police”

“How should it then?” Liam asked.

“Misty and Emily have to stop Hammond” Zayn whispered.

“What?” I asked.

“It’s like what Walter and Hilayia said. The world has been waiting for you two to be born, so that you could put a stop to this” He answered.

“That explains why Hammond was so crazy about us two. We’re the strongest mutants, the most advanced. It’s the only explanation” Misty said.

“Not to blunt about putting how great you are, are ya?” Niall laughed.

“It’s the truth” Misty shrugged her shoulders.

“We need to split off. Who has a map on them?” I asked.

“I do” Zayn, Connie and Liam raised their hands.

“Right. Connie, you’re coming with me and Misty. The rest of you, follow Zayn and Liam. They will take you down to the sewers” I said.

“NO! I’m coming with you!” Louis protested.

“Same with me” Niall said.

“And me, can’t forget me” Alexia said. Harry, Damon, Eleanor, Perrie and Danielle nodded

“No. I got you guys taken, I’m not letting you guys get hurt!” I answered back.

“Actually, Damon and I were born and bred here. You have nothing to do with us. And Eleanor. But, you need us. And we want pay back” Alexia laughed.

“I have to find my brother. If what Misty said before, if there is a slight chance, I have to find him. I’ve lost him once, im not losing him again” Eleanor said. I nodded to the three.

“Find, but Perrie, Danielle, boys, you are NOT coming with me” I said.

“We can argue about this, or get on with it. The longer we stay here arguing, the more chance of us being taken. And anyway, we’re not leaving you” Louis argued.

“We’re family now. And family sticks together” Perrie smiled, and everyone murmured with agreement.

“Fine. We better get going. Liam, Zayn, good luck” I said, and hugged them both. I turned to Angel.

“Stay safe little one” I said, hugging her. I don’t know why, but I feel really close to her.

“I have to go with you Emily” She protested.

“No, you will be safer with Liam. I promise I’ll come back” I answered firmly.

“Pinkie promise?” She asked, raising her pinkie finger.

“Pinkie promise” I smiled, hooking my pinkie finger around hers.

I got up, nodded to everyone, and then watched as Liam and Zayn took the other experiments down the corridor.

“We off then?” I said.

“Yep” Everyone answered.

I nodded to everyone, and took off down a random corridor, Misty running next to me, and everyone running close behind me.

Little did I realize that Louis had gone missing, but he wasn’t with Liam’s team.

Louis’s point of view

As we were running down the corridor, me at the back of the group, I felt something grab hold of me, and something covering my mouth, preventing me from shouting out.

“Get off me!” I tried to shout, but my voice was muffled, meaning that the others couldn’t hear me. I was dragged into a room, where the main boss was sitting.

“The hell do you want? Let me go!” I shouted, as the cloth was removed from my mouth, struggling against the guards who had grabbed hold of my arms, on both sides of me.

“Well, did you honestly think that I would let you hunt me down, kill me, take down Root 13, without at least some sort of challenge?” Hammond asked, walking over to me.

I stayed silent, glaring at him, as he chuckled. “Besides, you’re the perfect bait. After all, you ARE little Emily’s Soul Mate. All I need is Mr Horan, Mr Styles, Mr Malik and Mr Payne”

My eyes widened, and I began to struggle harder against the guards.

“Don’t you fucking touch Emily or the boys! I’ll kill you with my hands!” I growled, and I felt my wings rise.

He just laughed in my face. Seriously, I wanted to kill the guy right now.

  “Now now, temper Mr Tomlinson. And, there’s no use using your powers on me” He chuckled.

“Why’s that?” I spat, clenching my fists.

“Because of this” He smiled, and that was when I felt something connect with my head.

I fell to the floor, and my vision darkened. The last I heard and saw was Hammond laughing.

Liam’s point of view

“This way! One more corridor now!” I shouted, running at the front of the group, holding onto little Angel’s hand, while holding my arm up so that I could see that map. Zayn was at the back of the group, making sure that no one was left behind.

“Where here!” I said, as I arrived at the tile. I let go of Angel’s hand, and bent over, lifting up the lid.

“Right, start going through now! One by one!” I commanded, as the mutants started to crawl down the ladder, into the sewers.

I slowly walked over to Zayn. “We have to go back” he said.

“What about these guys?” I said, but was intrupted when I saw Josh, Tails and the twins running towards us.

“Hey guys, where are the others?” Josh said.

“Emily and some of the others went off to find Hammond. We’re going to go after them. Take care of these kids” I said, nodding to the mutants.

“I’ll come with you” Tails said, and the twins nodded.

“Really guys? Leave me with this lot?!” Josh protested, but then we heard his wrist beep. He brought it up, and pressed a button. A holographic image of Specs showed up.

“We’re on our way now. Where are you?” he said.

“We’re at the tile, along with Liam and most of his group” Josh answered.

“What do you mean most of?” He asked.

“The main twins and some others went back to fight Hammond” Josh answered, causing James and Oliver to protest.

“Shut it twins! Ok, we’re almost there, wait a few seconds” Specs said, and the image vanished.

“Well, since they’re on their way, we will wait, and then I’ll join your team as well. If you have two fire demons, you need a water demon to help as well. And Im not gonna miss this” Josh smiled.

“Yep, this is going to be the biggest battle in mutant history!” Tails smiled.

“Don’t say that!” Zayn protested, causing them to laugh.

Specs and his team were in view, and we stayed silent as they reached us.

“Right, Zayn, Tails, Josh, the twins and I are going to help Emily. Will you be fine to help the kids down through the sewers?” I said, looking at Specs.

“Yeah, we’ll be fine” He answered.

“Im gonna stay up here, guard the way out, and make sure that the other team make it safely here” Tyson nodded.

“I’m going with you. I better make sure that James here doesn’t mess anything up” Roxy smiled, looking at James.

“You seriously don’t trust me? I’m offended” He laughed

“Should be, dumbass” She smiled.

“Thick shit” He grinned

“And this is why we’re Soul Mates” They both laughed, and hugged each other, causing me to look at them both in shock.

“I thought you hated each other?” Zayn said, shocked as well.

“Nope, we just terror each other” James smiled.

“I’m glad that we aren’t like that” Tails said, looking up at Oliver.

“You two as well?” I shouted.

“Yep” Oliver smiled, hugging Tails, causing her to laugh and blush.

“We better go then. Niall still has the tracking devise in him right, as well as Harry?” Zayn asked.

“Yeah, think so” I answered, as the twins, Josh and Roxy raised their arms, showing a map. Josh and Oliver showed where Niall and Harry were, while Roxy and James showed the map of the whole building.

“I’m off then, all the kids are down there. Good luck, and keep safe” Specs nodded, and ran to the tile, and began climbing down it.

“Good luck” I smiled.

“Let’s go then” The twins said, and headed off.

We all ran down the corridors, Zayn and I at the back. Everything was fine, until we ran into a group of guards. They began to shoot at us, which we jumped away to avoid. Tails muttered a spell, and some of the guns began to break apart, causing the guards to jump in fright.

Roxy shot out some webs with the palm of her hand, snatching some guns away from the guard’s hands. The twins quickly then started shooting fireballs, causing the guards to catch alight, and turn to dust.

When the guards had fully been disintegrated, Roxy grabbed hold of all the remaining guns. She handed us all them quickly, stuffing hers in her pockets.

“We off?” She asked.

We nodded, and started running again.

After turning down some corridors, I felt something grab hold of my leg, and something around my mouth, so I wasn’t able to scream out. I was dragged away from the group, watching in horror that they didn’t turn around and notice I was being taken away.

I was dragged into a room, and I saw a mutant standing next to what I think was the leader, Hammond.

“You can stop it now” the man said, looking at the mutant. He nodded, and flicked his wrist, and the thing covering my mouth dropped onto the floor. I noticed that it was a clear liquid, like a jelly.

“What the hell?” I shouted, as I felt something pull me forward. I realized that it was the boy; a liquid like string was coming from his hand, and surrounded my body.

“Well, that’s two down” the man smiled.

“Who are you?” I shouted.

“The name is Doctor Hammond. I’m surprised that your little team didn’t tell you my name” He smiled.

“How did you know about us?” I asked.

“Well, I’m not that stupid. I knew that you all were going to track me down. Why do you think it was so easy and quick of us to take Mr Horan and Mr Styles? And also, that only one set of guards had managed to find you?” He chuckled.

I realized that it was kind of easy.

“Why did you set up those guards to fight us just then?” I asked.

“Simple. I didn’t want you to get too suspicious. Emily and Misty already were, having suggested in going after me” He stated.

“Why are you doing this? Why did you take me? And who else?” I asked, remembering that he said ‘two down’

“Doing what? Changing the world into a better place, by creating humans into a higher being?” he laughed.

“You’re not changing it for the better; you just want to do it for your own selfish reasons!” I argued.

“Actually, my ancestors did. I however have advanced this organisation so much, purely for my own beliefs” He answered.

“And I took you, because I need you. I already have Mr Tomlinson. I just need the rest of your little band, then I have the perfect bait” He grinned.

“What do you mean?” I asked my eyes wide in shock, my blood going cold and my stomach turning with horror.

“Emily and Misty. They’re part of the bigger picture. If I have you five, I can use you against them. Well, that’s mainly what Mr Horan and Mr Tomlinson are for. You and the others are to keep the girl’s friends away.” He chuckled.

“They will hunt you down! They will defeat you!” I shouted, trying to struggle against my clear binds, but unable too.

“You wish. Now, good night” He laughed, and the mutant boy speed towards me. He did it in such a flash, I was shocked.

“I’m so sorry Liam. I have too” He whispered, and I realized, he was familiar.

The jelly began to fill with electricity, causing me to fall over and scream in pain. Slowly, I began to drift off.

The boy, Hammond was using, who was slowly knocking me out, was one of Emily’s friends. I think his name was Ben.

That was when I fell into darkness.


BOOM! So, we now know what mutant Harry and Niall are. Of course, i had to make Harry a cat... tehe! I was gonna make Niall a chicken, but i thought he would want to eat himself, then if he went to Nandos, it would be canniableism (Is that how you spell it?) and he would get really sad and i couldnt do that to him!!

And, Louis being the sassy git against Connie...dont mess with the girls! haha! But Hammond now has Liam and Louis! D: oh know! And the rest of the boys are on his list!

I hope like this chapter... Im still ill so it might be a bit poo

Larney xx
