chapter 23

Lewis’s point of view

The day the new experiments were taken into the experimental rooms.

“I hope Ellie is ok” I said, looking across to Ewan, as the door shut on us both.

“I hope everyone is ok, but mainly Dani” He nodded.

I looked around the grey/white room, when I felt something stab me. I fell to the floor, along with Ewan, as we got shot many times. I covered my face with my hands, protecting my eyes. Ewan copied me.

“The fuck they doing?” Ewan screamed.

When I felt the shooting had stopped, I opened my eyes to see that we both were covered in needles, which was slowly injecting a brown, murky liquid.

I felt pain shoot through me, making my sight turn white, and I screamed in pain, and awkwardly moved on the floor in pain. From the screams Ewan was creating, I bet he was going through the same pain as me.

When the pain stopped, I slowly opened my eyes, and looked across to Ewan. “What’s going on?” I panted, out of breath from the screaming and pain.

He opened his mouth to speak, when a voice interrupted him “Gentlemen. Welcome. Although your transformation is not very clear, im sure that we will be able to notice changes soon enough. Now, you will be put through tests. A door will open, leading you into a room filled with training exercises, to test your skills and abilities. Enjoy.”

Sure enough, one of the walls began to move, creating a doorway. Through the door way, was a red room filled with multiple activities.

“Should we?” I asked, looking across to Ewan.

“I don’t know...” He replied, looking through the doorway.

“If you do not enter through the training room, your... women... will be punished” The voice said.

Next to us, a wall began to show a giant TV. At first, the screen was blank, but then static filled the screen.

“Is this like Saw or something?” Ewan joked.

“Man... Don’t say that” I said, my stomach turning at the thought of any one of us going through a trap like in Saw, especially Ellie.

The static stopped, to show Ellie and Dani being pushed into a room, much like ours.

“Ellie, you ok?” Danielle asked.

“Yeah, im ok” Ellie said, rubbing her arm.

The screen showed silence, as the two girls looked around the room, with confusion. Then, needles shot out of all four walls, hitting the two girls.

They both screamed in pain as they fell to the floor. The needles that hit Dani’s were filled with a pale purple and icy blue mixture, while Ellie’s were filled with a leafy green colour.

Slowly, the needles drained into their bodies, injecting them with deadly mixtures.

“Dani!” “Ellie!” Ewan and I screamed the names of our girls, shocked at what was happening.

“Dani?” We heard Ellie whisper.

“Ellie?” Dani replied back.

“What’s going on?” Ellie asked, her voice cracking, making my heart ache.

“I don’t know. But I promise, we’re going to be fine” She replied.

Ewan’s point of view

Bless her. She always put everyone else before herself, despite her crazy nature. It’s one of the many things I loved about her. She was brave, crazy, loyal, and didn’t give a crap about what happened to her, as long as everyone else was fine and happy. Sometimes this could be her fault, like when she and Matt were play fighting, and Matt ended up with a cut up leg, while Dani had a broken arm. She didn’t care about how much pain she was in, she wanted to make sure Matt was fine.

“You sure?” Ellie asked.

I saw Dani open her mouth to speak, but her face scrunched up with pain, and she cried out, Ellie coping her actions.

I watched in horror as the two girls thrashed around in pain, their cries almost ear piercing. My guess is that Lewis and I looked like that moment before.

“Ellie!” Lewis shouted, rushing towards to screen.

I watched as Dani’s dark blue eyes turned pale, icy blue, and her slightly tanned skin turned white, like snow. Her jet black hair faded into white, then silver, then into pale, light purple. Her dark, purple lips turned into a soft pink, her who features making her look like an ice princess.

Ellie’s soft brown eyes turned darker, almost black. Her dark blonde hair became white, with green and pink streaks in. Her tanned skin became pale, much like Dani’s. Her arms began to show off a small trail of bright green leaves, one strip of leaves on each arm.

Their screams came to a stop, as their transformation did.

“Ellie?” Dani asked her breath short from the screaming.

“Yeah?” Ellie answered.

“When we get out of here, never say that I screamed... ok?” Dani smiled.

“I promise” Ellie smiled, before both of their eyes grew wide.

“Dani! Your hair! And your skin! And eyes!” Ellie shouted.

“Have you seen your hair? Or eyes and skin? Oh my god, are those leaves on your arms!” Dani shouted back, pointing at her.

“Ellie?” I heard Lewis whisper.

“Lewis?” I said.

He turned around, and I saw that his eyes were watering slightly.

“Remember, that’s the same Ellie and Dani we know, nothing has changed” I said, trying to comfort him.

“Nothing has changed? Are you fucking blind? My girlfriend has leaves sticking out of her, while yours looks like an anime ice monster!” He screamed.

His outburst shocked me. I thought he loved Ellie, no matter what. But shows how much he cares about her looks, rather than her personality. Anger filled me though, as I realized that he just called Dani a monster.

“Don’t you fucking dare call Dani a monster!” I screamed, and ran to him. Well, one second I was at one end of the room, the next I was by his side, not even out of breath.

I ignored this, as I pushed him. I stopped though, as he flew to the other side of the room.

“The fuck?” He screamed, jumping up and running to me, by my side in a flash.

“Lewis, something’s not right” I said, trying to keep calm.

“Of course their isn’t! We’ve been kidnapped by crazy scientist, been tortured, been experimented on, we’ve suddenly gotten stupidly stronger and faster, our girlfriends have turned into freaks like us, all because Emily ran out of the car to get that Danielle girl, and we chased after her! If we hadn’t have ran into her, we all would be with the others, safe, and not turning into utter freaks!” He screamed.

“This isn’t Emily’s fault! How fucking dare you? She’s been missing for 3 years, we don’t even know what she’s been through, and when you turn around and put the blame on her?! The fuck is wrong with you?” I screamed, pushing him to the floor.

He didn’t reply, just looked up at the TV screen.

“Dani, why am I covered in leaves?” Ellie asked.

“I don’t know, try pulling them off, see if that can help” Dani suggested.

Ellie started to pull on one, but cried out when one came loose. Blood covered the bottom of the leaf, and I could see another growing on her arm where the old one had been pulled.

“It grew back” She whispered.

“Ladies, I see that your transformation has been a success. Now, you will be put through tests. A door will open, leading you into a room filled with training exercises, to test your skills and abilities. Enjoy” A voice filled the speakers, causing the girls to freeze.

A wall began to open up, like ours did.

“Although you must go through, your boyfriends seem to not cooperate with us. So, while watching your transformation, I think that seeing the pain should be enough to move the boys.” The voice rang. “If not, you will be forced into some sort of pain, to motivate them”

Lewis jumped up, and ran into the training room. “Ewan! Move!” He screamed.

I couldn’t move. My feet just couldn’t. I just couldn’t believe that he would torture the girls to get us to do his bidding.

“Ahhh, I see that Mr Watson has listened. Therefore, Miss Owens will not be punished. Mr Evens, however, is not complying. If he does not move into the training room within the next 5 seconds, Miss Sharp will be punished” The voice rang.

“Lewis? LEWIS!” Ellie screamed, her voice filled with gladness at the thought of her not being punished.

“I’m here baby” I heard Lewis whisper.

“Ewan? Don’t listen to him! I’ll be fine!” Dani cried, looking around the room, eager to find the camera recording them.

“Dani” I whispered, tears falling down my face, as I zoomed in front of the screen. I placed my hand on it, hoping to be closer to her.

“5, 4, 3” The voice rang.

“Ewan, I love you!” Dani screamed.

"2, 1” The voice rang.

“I love you too” I replied.

“0” That was when the floor around her began to fill with blue electricity, causing her to scream out in pain. She fell to the floor, which made her pain even worse.

I watched in horror as tears streamed down her face.

“Dani!” Ellie screamed, and ran over to her, but was stopped by a force field, which showed blue marks when touched.

“Now, Mr Evens, enter the training room, and Miss Sharp will be released from her pain” The voice in the screen and in the room I was in boomed.

I tore my eyes from the scream, and dashed into the training room.

“Excellent” The voice boomed, and Dani’s cries stopped.

I turned around, and began to look around the room, when I heard the walls shut.

“Well, I guess we’re stuck here” Lewis said.

I just nodded, unable to speak.

Hours later

Emily’s point of view.

“Get in!” The guards threw me inside the cage. I heard mine and Misty’s cage shut close, and I turned to look around to look into the cage next to me. Beside me, Louis was sleeping on his side, facing me.

I smiled and laughed silently as I saw small drawl escape his mouth.

“Louis?” I asked, wanting to check up on what had happened since Misty and I had been taken, despite him being asleep.

My eyes widened as I noticed wings shooting out of his back, fluttering slightly in his sleep. The wings were white, like mine, but his had black tips on.

He slowly opened his eyes, and looked around, until his gaze fell on me.

“Emily?” He thought, still sleepy.

“Yes?” I asked.

“You’re alive?” He replied, still unsure.

“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” I answered, confused.

“But, they shot you...or Misty” He said, leaning upwards.

No, Hammond shot Tannon... He found out what Tannon did to me” I said, slowly placing my arm in the bars.

“He did?” Louis looked up at me, while crawling over to me, and grabbed my hand.

“Yeah, he did” I conformed.

“What did they do to you and Misty?” He asked.

I began to explain to him everything that had happened in the last few hours. Every now and then, he would nod, to show that he had understood everything.

“What happened to you? And the others? I can’t hear them” I asked, after explaining everything, as I realized that I couldn’t hear the others think.

“Earlier, I heard a gunshot, and thought that you were hurt. I began to get mad, and lash out, when next thing I knew, wings shot out of my back. I screamed at the guards, who knocked me out. Next thing I knew, I was strapped to a table, needles and wires attached to me. Then, I was knocked out again, and then woke up here. I could only hear Damon, Alexia and Eleanor, and I found out that they had been taken. Not that long ago, that Ben and Matt boy were dragged in. But, they looked different. They had changed. Ben had spikes coming out of his back, and his hair was stupidly spiky, while Matt... His hair was purple, and he looked so pale. The others havnt come back yet” Louis explained, sometimes moving his free hand to explain, even though he wasn’t speaking aloud.

“They must be going through their change right now” I thought.

“DINNER TIME!” a guard shouted, and shoved a bowl in my cage. I let go of Louis’s hand, and shuffled over to it. I sighed as I saw that it was the grey mushy crap I was given when Tannon had me.

At first, I didn’t want to eat it, from what Hammond had told me, but I thought, Well, I’m a freak now anyway...and im hungry...may as well eat it, keep up my strength for when I escape.

“You’re not a freak, you’re beautiful. But your right, we need to keep up our strength” Louis said.

“You heard?” I asked.

“Yep, I can hear your thoughts that you don’t want me to hear, along with the ones you do want me to hear. It’s strange, cause I can only hear the ones that the others want me to hear, not the ones they don’t want me to hear... it’s strange” He replied, placing a spoonful of mush in his mouth. His mouth scrunched up as he tasted it.

Rather have had that Nandos from earlier” He said.

I smiled, and nodded in agreement, eating my mush. I didn’t miss it, that’s for sure!

We sat in silence, not thinking to each other. Once we finished, I placed my bowl near the cage door, so that the guards could collect it later on.

I felt my eyes begin to droop. “Emily, go to sleep. We both need it” Louis said.

I nodded, and then crawled over to him, and he did the same.

“Good night Boo-Bear” I thought to him, as he took hold of my hand, and leaned his face against the cage bars.

“Night Emily” He thought back, as I leaned my head in between the bars.

We both closed our eyes as we kissed slowly.

“Emily?” He thought, pulling away from me.

“Yeah?” I asked, opening my eyes.

“I know this is a bad time. And I now that you and Niall kissed and had a little thing, but” He began, but I interrupted him.

“You know?” I thought in horror.

He nodded slowly.

Shit! I didn’t want him to know! At first, I was unsure, torn, but right now, I know who I want to be with. And that kiss with Niall is going to make him hate me! Wait... if he hates me... why is he kissing me?

“I can hear you... and I don’t hate you. He likes you as well, but I love you, with everything I have. I love you more than I loved Eleanor, and that was a lot. I would do anything to be with you. I would stop eating carrots, if that meant I could call you my girl, if that would make you happy” He rambled.

“What are you trying to say?” I thought to him, causing him to stop his rambling.

I love you, Emily. I know it’s been only a day that we’ve known each other, but I feel such a connection, and I love you so much... and I wanted to ask... I know this isn’t the nicest place to ask, but we may never escape... will you be my girlfriend?” He thought, then looked away, scared of my answer.

I felt my heart pump faster, my stomach dancing.

Louis, you wouldn’t have to stop eating carrots, just to please me. What would make me happy, is being your girlfriend. So yes, I will” I smiled.

He looked up and smiled. “Really?” He asked.

I nodded. He shot his arm through the cage, and pushed my head towards the bars, and kissed me, harder and more passionate.

“Hate to break this up, but you’re mushy-ness is making me sick” Damon said, causing Louis and I to jump back in fright.

I heard Damon and Alexia chuckle at us, in their thoughts, but Eleanor was silent.

“Well this is embarrassing” Louis said, looking down.

“GOOD!” Eleanor screamed/thought, then I heard her shift around in her bed.

We both just shook our heads. “Go to sleep babe. Love you” Louis thought to me.

“Love you too” I thought, and crawled over to my bed.

I felt really bad, that Eleanor was upset about me and Louis. And I felt bad that I got us all kidnapped. But I still fell asleep with a smile on my face, because I was finally with Louis; and something about him made me think, that he could just be the one for me. Or even my soul mate.

2 weeks later

Emily’s point of view

We’ve been stuck here for days now, maybe even weeks. It’s the same pattern every day. Wake up, eat, run tests, eat, get knocked out and filled with animal DNA, rest, eat more, run more tests, wash then eat again, and fall asleep.

We found out that Louis is an Angel experiment, like me, but he isn’t as strong as me. Matt and Dani have become snow fairies... they have a habit of making the room snow...

Ellie is a sort of nature/plant hybrid; she can make the leaves on her arms turn into shields, daggers, and can shoot vines out of her hands, feet, and nails. The pink streaks in her hair sometimes glow, which causes the guards to fall asleep. We’ve been thinking of a pan to use that.

Ben is a sort of hedgehog, but he reminds me of a more human looking Sonic to be honest. He can run super fast, and shoot spikes out at people, like darts.

We have no idea what Lewis and Ewan are. All we know is that they are super strong, super fast, can teleport to small distances, and have super strong hearing.

Danielle is a sort of rabbit hybrid. Big floppy ears and fluffy tail. She can jumper super high, and when she stamps her feat, she can make the ground shake and shoot upwards.

Perrie is just like Alexia, but a gold dinosaur instead of a pink one. She can scream super loud, making objects break. She’s also super strong, but only in small doses, as her strength sometimes leaves and goes back to her human strength. It’s hard to explain.

Turns out, that I can control elements. Something to do with being related to witches. So far, I’m really advanced with air; must be because I have wings n all, and im getting good at working with water and fire. I can shoot fireballs out of my hands and feet, and when I click my fingers, I can make little flames appear, like a lighter. If im near water, I can use my hands to guide it, using it as a weapon. But, I noticed that when Misty and I are working with it, it can be used to heal. I can’t work with earth though, as I havnt been able to get near that much of it. But when I am near it, it’s a nightmare to work with. Misty can work with it well, but not fire. It’s weird.

Today, when I woke up, I noticed that everyone was awake and going crazy.

“What’s going on?” I asked Louis.

He just pointed to a cage next to Damon and Alexia. I noticed a small brown mop of curls next to Alexia, but I couldn’t make out whom. My eyes opened in horror though, as I recognised the boy next to Damon.

His bleach blonde hair, his deep blue eyes, belonging to one of the boys that had taken me in and saved me.

Hammond had gotten hold of Harry and Niall.


Sorry if that was a bit poo. I've been feeling ill, but i thought that i should try and make an effort and write a chapter. This time, we got a bit of a different point of view. SO, i guess that might be a good change? No? Maybe? Oh well...

This chapter is abit on the sucky side, cause not alot of action really happened. But i had to make it fit between the time when everyone got chucked in their rooms, and when Niall and Harry got taken. But since the times have caught up, it should be easier to write and the next chapters should be more exciting....

So, has everyone heard Harry's song "Don't Let Me Go?" Personally, i see no point in him doing some solo stuff, with him being in THE BIGGEST BOY BAND RIGHT NOW but its still a great song! I love it! My friend, who is a complete utter Harry girl, was so happy, that when i text her what the song was called, and she played it, she couldnt text back for hours later. Something about being in tears and fainting from happiness... bless her! comment what you think of Harry's new song!

Comments and votes would be really nice. thank you to the readers who are keeping up to date! It's 0:14 right now in england, and i am so hungry its stupid... so good night!

Larney xx
