chapter 20

Emily’s point of view

Tannon’s body dropped to the floor, creating a ‘splat’ noise, and a trail of blood staining the wall and floor. This caused us to scream even louder, causing the guards to place their hands on their ears to block out our noise.

When we stopped screaming, as we were out of breath, Hammond looked at us.

“You finished yet?” He said, giving a guard the gun. The clone stood near him, staring at Tannon’s lifeless body with shock and horror.

We just stared at him in horror, wanting to scream, but now too frightened to.

“How could he do that? To his own worker? What he did was evil and horrible, but all bad guys have to stick together, right? He’s sick in the head! How could he?”  Misty thought staring at him.

 “If he does that to Tannon, what would he do to us? Who’s next? The clone? The guards? Us?” I thought my eyes wide with horror.

“Don’t think like that, he won’t dare hurt us. He needs us, we’re too important to him; all the experiments are” She thought to me, trying to calm me down

I didn’t think anything back to her, because Hammond opened his mouth.

“Good. Now, I’m so glad I finally got you both” He smiled, and walked around us both, his eyes burning into us.

“Why is that?” Misty asked quietly, wanting to know yet scared of getting shot.

“I’m glad you asked. Unlike your sister, I see you still have some guts after I finished with my little…problem. But I guess that’s just how I brought you up daughter, am I right?” He laughed, stopping in front of us.

“You’re not my father” She spat at him.

“I am your father” He replied, raising an eyebrow.

Misty opened her mouth to reply, but I cut in, saying “Can we quit the Star Wars crap, and get some bloody answers?”

Hammond grinned at me, while Misty looked at me, confusion written all over her face.

Oh yeah, she doesn’t know what Star Wars is… well that’s shit…

“Well well, looks like kiddo does have some bite. I like it” He said, placing a hand under my chin. I moved my face away to avoid his murderous hand, and glared at him. He playfully brought his hand back, smiling like a child gaining the greatest gift they ever wanted on Christmas.

“Guards, leave!” He barked, looking back at the guards.

As they left, one turned, and said “Sir, shall we take the clone back to her cell?”

Hammond shook his head. “No, leave it here. She may be of some use. Take the body though; the smell is starting to disgust me.”

“Shall I take the body to the incineration room?” The guard asked. I realized that this guard was female. Butch looking, her hair tied up in a bun, her white coat covering her feminine features.

“No, take the body to the cages. Leave the body in front of the experiments that caused trouble earlier, so they know not to cross me. I’ll tell you when you can take the body to be burned” He replied, looking the guard up and down.

“Yes sir” She bowed, and walked over to the body, picking it up with ease and leaving the room.

He turned to use, and smiled. “Now, we’re alone.” He walked over to a chair and brought it in front of us. He sat on it, so that the chair was backwards, and he leaned on the back-rest, his excitement clear.

His excitement made me nervous. I wasn’t sure what he was planning on doing, but he was staring at us two as if we were his prised possessions.

“I’m so proud of you. You both have come along so quickly, and grown up so fast, it brings a tear to my eye” He said, wiping at his eye slightly.

I looked across at Misty, who looked at me. We both shrugged our shoulders.

“What’s this guy’s deal?” I thought

“No idea, it’s as if he thinks we’re his real kids” She thought back.

“I’m sorry, got a tad emotional for a moment. Anyway” He looked back at us both. We both snapped our heads back at him, confused.

“I’ve finally seen you both reach to your ultimate forms. You, a werewolf” He looked at Misty. “And you, an angel” He looked at me. “You two are our most successful experiments we have ever created.” He beamed at us both.

“Bullshit. What about the witches? Or the bird guy you starved to death? Or Alexia, Eleanor, Damon, and all the other experiments I don’t know the name of?” I spat, staring at him.

His smiled dropped. “How do you know about those?” He asked quietly, mainly about the witches and the bird mutant.

“Yeah Emily, how do you know about the witches? And what bird guy?” Misty asked, looking at me confused.

“You know about the witches?” I asked.

“Course I do. We’re related, dummy. That’s why I’m the most well known experiment, and strongest, next to you” She said, forgetting that Hammond was in the room.

“Related? How? And me, one of the strongest? Bullshit, I don’t even know how to work my wings or anything. They only came out once, that’s it” I said, ignoring Hammonds shocked face.

“Erm, Emily? In case you haven’t noticed, you have big giant wings on your back right now” She said, looking at my back.

Sure enough, as I turned around, two white wings were on my back, tucked neatly behind me.

“Oh, so I do” I said, looking at the wings with wide eyes. Last time I noticed these, I was fighting for mine and my friend’s safety, and high in the air.

“So what was the whole wind thing about?” I asked myself.

“Wind thing? Don’t you mean air?” She smiled at me, her eyes brightening in realization.

“What you talking about?” I asked, looking back at her.

“I’ll explain later girl, we’ve got company remember?” She said, looking at Hammond, who was staring at us two with wide eyes.

“Oh yeah, forgot about him” I said, smiling.

“Are you done now?” He asked, still shocked that we both had forgotten about him.

“Now children, explain yourself” He looked at us, the look of shock vanished.

“Nope” I said, popping the ‘P’.

“You will do as I say child, unless you want your friends to get punished again” He said, clearly knowing my weakness.

“You wouldn’t dare” I said, looking at him with wide eyes.

“I would. But since they aren’t here, I’ll just have to hurt you both until the other starts talking. Got it?” He said, rising out of his seat.

“Someone at one of the base was talking about it. She was warning one of the new guards, explaining about what we’re capable of, so that the guard could settle me down without setting anything off” Misty blabbed.

I turned to her, my eyes wide. “Seriously Misty! Why?” I asked.

“He was going to hurt you” She said, bending her head down.

I smiled over at her, glad that she cared so much about me.

I looked over to Hammond, who was rubbing his chin.

“Fine, but what about you, where did you hear?” He said, his eyes turning to me, burning into me. He can’t hurt Misty.

“When I first changed, I heard someone mention something about an experiment like me. I guess they had wings. And also I remember Tannon talk to himself about some witches, who died or something, I can’t remember it was so long ago” I lied, not wanting him to know that Walter knew.

He just slowly nodded. “They escaped, but we have resources that discovered that they passed on. And the ‘bird guy’ didn’t starve to death. He just moved to here.”

Misty looked up at him, her face confused. I could tell that she was trying to remember something, but unsure what off.

“What was his name?” She said, staring at him, her eyes watering as she remembered something.

“That is none of your concern” He spat.

 She flinched at his sharpness, and I felt pity for her.

He turned his gaze onto me.

“Why did you take us in here?” I asked, looking at him dead in the eye.

“Well, since you two are my prised possessions, I wanted to get everything clear between us. You know ask questions, work things out, etc” He said, sitting back down, while playing with his hands.

“I don’t trust him. But we can ask him questions. Get answers from him, and then if he wants anything in return, deny it” I thought to Misty.

“How did you get the DNA into us?” Misty asked. “How did you get us from normal human, to this…freak” She continued, scrunching her face up as she found the word to describe what we were now.

“You’re not freaks, your creatures of science, experimental beauty!” Hammond said, looking displeased at her choice of word. “And we used multiple methods. Injection. Consuming. Different ways, which you were unknown of”

“Why did you take my friends? What purpose do they have? Most are just school children, while Perrie and Louis are singers, and Danielle is a dancer.” I said, my interest sparked.

“Simple. Why Tannon was with you, his clone was with the students. We had workers in the cafeteria, which meant that all the students at your school have consumed mixed DNA. Your school was a test, to see if they can handle different types of DNA inside of them. Some will become mixed, as they change their meals every day, some will be just a human and one creature hybrid, while others won’t be able to handle it” He shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal.

“What do you mean, won’t be able to handle it?” I asked, tears forming.

“They burn up. Some can’t take the DNA change, and it courses them to burn up” Misty whispered.

 “What about those who didn’t eat the meals? Surely some ate home sandwiches” I asked, dreading his answer.

“Nope. Our food was just too wonderful to resist. Every staff member and student, along with guests ate our meals.” He said, smiling at himself at the thought of all of the lives he had ruined, slowly changing them with his wicked science projects.

“What about Louis, Perrie and Danielle?” I asked, tears slowly pouring.

“I have control over members of their management. All members of their groups have been affected. We also have control over the X Factor UK stands, meaning that those who eat will turn. We made sure to have low fat, healthy stuff for the dancers. All the dancers have been affected. We tried the singers, but they slowly burned out, so we stuck with the dancers” He replied.

I lowered my head, as his words sunk in.

“Where did James Calder go?” Misty asked, her voice filled with hope.

“He’s safe with us. In fact, we can see him soon, if you cooperate” He said, a plan forming in his mind.

She nodded her head with eager.

“Why us?” I whispered, my head facing the floor, my hair covering my face.

“What was that sweetie?” He asked, not hearing me.


I spent my whole life not knowing I had another twin. My family died, because of him, and never got to meet Misty either. He took me away from my new family, along with Perrie Danielle and Louis, he separated my friends from their family, ruined my friends by changing them in to freaks like me and Misty, he better have a fucking excuse or else.

He looked taken aback at my outburst. He pulled himself together, and looked at me. “You should be lucky. If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t be the person you are today. Either of you” He looked at us both. “You wouldn’t have reached where you are now. I have made you, into the best you can be. You both wouldn’t have the bond you two share, which keeps you at your most powerful. You wouldn’t have met Perrie, Danielle, those boys you care about, and defiantly wouldn’t have met Louis”

I turned my face away, refusing to look at him. Just the sight of him disgusted me, knowing that he put me, and others, through so much pain and torture, just for some experiments, as if we were his lab rats.

He got up and walked over to me. He slowly moved my chin, forcing me to look at him.

“Sweetie. I did this all for you. I did this so you could be the best you can be, and to help change the world darling. Why don’t you understand that?” He asked softly.

“I understand alright” I started. His face lit up. “That you’re a monster. Because you took me away, it caused my parents, my brothers and sister to die. You cause me to go through hell, all the others to go through hell. You’ve ruined lives, by taking away children, and secretly changing people without them knowing. And you’ve made the biggest mistake of your life. Taking me, Louis, Perrie and Danielle away? Well, people are going to notice. Parents, students and teachers are going to notice that you took the others away. And they will do everything they can to find us. And they will. Bring. You. Down” I finished, staring at him in the eyes.

I swear I saw him flinch, but then his face darkened before I could register it. “I think that’s enough talk for now” He said, heading towards the door.

Emily! What are you doing? You don’t make him made! We have to stay on his good side, so he trusts us, so we can escape!” Misty thought to me.

“How’s that working out for you huh? He needs to learn that he isn’t going to get away with this!” I snapped at her.

The look of hurt on her face made me feel guilty. “I’m sorry, that was uncalled for”

“It’s ok, don’t worry about it” She thought, but I could tell that she was really hurt by it.

“Guards. It’s time for testing on the new ones” Hammond snapped at a guard, the door now wide open.

I couldn’t hear what they said, but some guards came into the room. They untied us both out of our chair, and then dragged us out of the room, along with the clone.

We were taken down corridors, until we finally stopped at a room. The guards pushed us inside the room, and I saw that there were three metal tables, with trays next to the, filled with tools, bottles, tubes and other items.

On one table, was a boy with brown hair, not light nor dark, but brown in the middle. His eyes were open, and I saw that they were bright blue.

My jaw dropped as I saw that he had white wings, with brown and black streaks in the feathers, which were attacked to straps, holding them down. His wrists, upper arms, legs and ankles were tied down. Tubes were attached to him, and a green liquid filled the tubes, going inside him.

The guards slammed me and Misty onto the tables, and strapped us up as well. My wings were also tied down, like the boys.

“What are you doing?” I demanded, as someone in a long, white lab coat came closer to me with a needle. She stuck the needle inside my arm, making me scream.

The needle filled with red liquid, and she pulled away, and injected the liquid into a tube. She put a top on the tube, and walked away.

I noticed that the same had happened to Misty. Another white coat guy walked over to me, and stuck another needle inside me, but this time added a tube inside the hole he had just created. I looked up to find that the tube was attached to a plastic bag, filled with green liquid.

I looked over to see that Misty was attached to a bag filled with black liquid.

“The fuck?” I screamed at the people in the room. I watched as they talked quietly, and wrote things down onto clip boards.

Some of the white coated looked up, and then walked over to us. I heard the boy next to me whimper slightly.

“He’s awake” One of them said, leaning over the table which the boy was laid on. He checked the plastic bag, then the tubes.

“Insert another tube” He commanded, looking to a white coat. She bent down rubbed the boy’s arm, ready to jab it in.

“Hold on” The man said.

“Yes sir?” She asked, looking up at him.

“Let’s try somewhere new” he said. He bent over a touched part of the boy’s body; I couldn’t see where because the man’s body blocked my view. “Here” He said.

“Are you certain sir? What if it’s too much and it kills him, or we hit a vein?” She asked, looking at him.

“I’m certain. Do it now” He commanded, then walked over to Misty. I watched as the woman jabbed the needle into the boy’s neck, and placed another tube in it.

“Leave him alone!” Misty screamed. The woman ignored her, and instead placed a plastic mask over his mouth and nose, causing him to close his eyes.

“Let go of me! Don’t you dare come near me with that thing! No!” Misty screamed, struggling against her straps, causing the table she was on to move and shake.

“We need to calm her down” The man said, and white coated people rushed to his side to pin her down.

“Leave her alone!” I screamed.

“NO! GET OFF ME RIGHT NOW! NOOOO!” Misty roared, and I saw that her ears were coming to view. I also noticed that her eyes had turned pitch black, and her teeth grew sharper.

My eyes widened as she howled. Literally, like a werewolf.


“Pass it now! We have to get her under control now!” The man screamed, as Misty lifted her arm up, causing the straps on her arm to snap. Her nails grew slightly, into even, smooth daggers.

Her other arm broke loose, and she grabbed hold of a white coat. She picked him up then threw him across the room, knocking other white coats to the ground. She picked up another, the one which injected the boy, and grabbed her and brought her into her arms. She roared, and brought her head back so she could sink her teeth in the trembling white coats neck.

As she started to move her head down to bite, she froze, her pitch black eyes going white. The dark colour swirled and faded away, showing her bright green eyes again. Her nails shortened back to their normal size, along with her teeth. Her ears flattened on her head.

I realized that she had a giant needle stuck in her arm. As she turned back to her normal self, a white coat grabbed hold of a plastic mask, and placed it on her face, coursing her to fall asleep.

The white coated people turned to me, and my eyes widened. “What do you want? Why are you doing this?” I shouted as the man walked closer to me.

He placed the mask on my face, and I violently moved around, holding my breath, trying to fight whatever was in the mask.

“It’s ok, just take a breath, don’t worry child” He said, as someone jabbed a needle in my arm.


I felt my eyes begin to feel heavy and my chest hurt, begging for air.

One little breath won’t hurt…

I took in a breath, and realized it was mistake. I felt something go down my throat, and into my lungs, causing me to feel sleepy.

“Nighty Night!” The man laughed, as I closed my eyes and fell into darkness.


Boring chapter, i know. This is more of a "learn stuff to do with the story" "passing time" "need a small break from the OTT action" chapter. Apart from the last bit when Misty goes crazy.

So...who's the boy on the table? What's with Misty's obsession with James? Why did she go crazy? Mwahaha i has the answers! all for later on though.

I've started gaining ideas, about when i finish this, of maybe doing a sequel. I dunno, but im likeing my ideas >:)

OMG tomorrow is my final exam, so i leave tomorrow!! That means, pranking! MWAHAHAHA!!! from what we know, only me and my partner in crime, Dani, are doing some pranking. Everyone else is to lazy. POO PEOPLE! 

is anyone pulling any end of year pranks? Or heard any that other years have done? Do tell, i do find some of the stuff things have done funny as :D

Untill next time! Thank you for reading, commenting and voteing. It means alot that their are people reading my story :)

Larney xx
