chapter 28

Authors note. If you don't like gore, then be warned. There is gore in this chapter. Just warning you.


He quickly removed the cloths, revealing 6, beaten up boys, tied down to chairs. Damon. Liam. Zayn. Harry. Niall, and finally, my boyfriend, Louis.

“The fuck did you do?” I screamed, tears beginning to form.

He just laughed, causing Danielle, Perrie, Alexia, Misty, Eleanor and I to start running towards him, screaming.

“One more step and I cut them” He said, and we froze.

Our screaming causes the boys to wake up. Their focus was messed up, but when they could finally see, their gaze fixed on us.

“EMILY! MISTY! RUN! HE WANTS YOU JUST RUN!” The boys began screaming.

Emily’s point of view

Why does he want us?

Some sort of force began to push me away from them. Along with Misty. We slowly began to be dragged away from the group, closer to the door.

“They hell?” Misty screamed.

That was when Hammond punched Damon in the face, causing the force to stop.

“Stupid mutants and their powers. One more move like that, and you all will be gutted like a fish, got it?” He snarled. This caused the boys to nodded, then look back at us.

During this, Misty and I walked back to our group, taking our original positions.

“Why?” I asked.

“Why what girl?” Hammond snapped.

Oh someone’s a little pissed.

“Why are you doing this? Why did you take the boys, and why do you need Misty and I so much?” I asked, my voice cracking slightly.

No Emily! Tough act, tough act! Act like a badass, or he’ll take advantage and think your week!

“Oh, for such a brilliant experiment, you sure are stupid! I took the boys, because they are your weakness! These boys!” He screamed, gesturing to the boys madly. “Are your weakness! You, your twin, and your friend’s weaknesses. And that ladies. And gents of course” He said, and jumped down.

My mouth dropped in shock.

That ledge was at least a few feet high! He should be dead, or at least have broken something!

“Is why you are so easy to play with. Now, I tire of this. Guards. Take them” He said, turning and in a flash climbed up the cliff, and sat besides the boys.

“What are you?” I screamed, as the guards began to surround us.

Seriously. If this ass is threatening my friends, my family, trying to take me again, and turning everyone into a mutant, and he can get away with doing that shit, then I want fucking answers.

“Stop!” He shouted, and the guards stopped walking towards us.

“We aren’t that different Emily, Misty” He nodded to my other twin. “We are the same. We have mutant blood running in our veins. We wish to achieve the greater good, do you not?” He asked.

We just looked at him.

“Of course you do. Make this easy, on yourself and your friends. You two join me, and I will let your little friends go” He said.

We both sat in silence.

“What do we do?” I thought/shouted to Misty.

“I don’t know! I can’t have him hurt the others, but I don’t want to work with him!” She whined.

“My bet is, even if we agree or not, he won’t let them go. We need to stand and fight” I said.

We nodded to each other, and then back at Hammond.

“You wouldn’t really let the others go, would you?” Misty asked.

“Of course I would! Cross my heart!” He smiled, placing a hand where his heart should be.

I paused.

“Fine. Let them go” I panicked.

“NO! DON’T DO THIS! EMILY!” Louis’s screams were the loudest against the others protests.

I HAVE THIS! CALM THE FUCK DOWN!” I thought to everyone, causing them to stop.

“Please don’t Emily. Please” Louis cried. I could hear his voice cracking from hear, and somehow, I was able to see the tears falling down his face.

Cool. Must be part of the whole Angel thing, good eyesight.

“I have too Louis.” I smiled, crying silently.

“Now you said that my dear...” Hammond smiled.

“I promise is a promise... but I don’t have a heart. Oh dear, what a shame” He grinned, his tone dripping with sarcasm


“NO!” I screamed, as the guards shot to us.

“You will NOT touch my friends!” I roared, and charged towards a set of guards, at top speed. I kicked one in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him. I got behind his back, and slammed the side of my hand on his neck, causing him the gasp and fall in pain. I kicked him in the face, elbowing another guard in the face, causing the one on the floor to be knocked out.

As I did this, my friends unfroze, and began to attack. I heard roars and screams as they all transformed.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Perrie and Alexia knock people down with the tails, and Roxy blinding and tripping others with her web.

The twins began to do some crazy moves, shooting out fireballs and darts of fire. Josh began shooting out this jell, which blinded the guards. Another flick of his hand, and the jell turned into acid, sizzling the faces of the guards. Their screams were painful.

A guard charged at me, and I hit her in the face, between the eyes, causing her to feel dazed. I swung around and kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying.

“Connie! Eleanor!” I shouted.

“What’s up?” They screamed, jumping around, working together to knock down the guards, using Eleanor’s strong claws and hypnotising eyes, and Connie’s lethal feathers.

“Help me get the boys!” I shouted, and jumped up, flying over to the boys. I was surprised that I was fighting and flying like this; it seemed like a natural instinct.

In seconds, the girls were by my side, as we carefully landed on the cliff. I noticed that the guards, Hammond and Ben had escaped.

“Louis!” I shouted, and ran over, untying him. Eleanor ran over to Damon, as Connie got to work on Zayn.

“I’m so glad that you’re ok!” I said, his ropes dropping to the floor. He turned around and hugged me, causing me to hug him back.

“NOT THE FUCKING TIME!” Harry screamed.

We pulled apart and worked on Niall and Liam. Connie quickly untied Zayn, so she worked on Damon.

“Right. Eleanor, you carry Damon down to the others. I’ll take Liam. Connie, Zayn, while Louis takes Harry. Niall, will you be ok for a second?” I said, looking at the Irish blonde.

“Yep, I’ll be fine.” Niall said.

I jumped off the cliff, opened my wings out, and then circled back, picking up Liam. The others copied me.

“Fucking hell! You way a ton!” I screamed, dropping him on the floor. He ignored my comment, and grabbed hold of his sword, running to a guard.

“Watch out!” Louis shouted, and I ducked, and stepped to the side, as a guard rap past me. I quickly stepped behind him and kicked his back, sending him to the floor.

I hit the side of his head, knocking him out. I just couldn’t face myself to kill any of these guards, despite what they had done to me and everyone else.

“I’ll get Niall!” I shouted, and jumped up, as another guard grabbed my leg, sending me to the floor.

I felt something connect with my jaw, and something kick me in the stomach, knocking the air out of me.

“EMILY!” I heard someone shout my name, and the guard attacking me was sent flying. I looked up to see Louis hold his hand out to me. I grabbed it, and he pulled me up.

That was when I noticed that a group of guards had surrounded us two.

“Crap!” Louis shouted, as we stood back to back, facing the guards.

“There’s too many! We can’t fight them off!” I screamed, wildly watching the guards as they stepped closer, taking in their black uniforms, raising my fists in a fighting position.

“We can do this Emily! Just trust me!” He shouted back, taking up a fighting position as well.

“I hope you know what you’re doing!” I answered, as the guards were almost upon us.

“I do! Trust me. When I say, I’ll turn and throw you in the air. You fly up, and then serve to the guys in front of you, I’ll take these guys” He answered.

“Since when did you come up with these sorts of ideas?” I shouted.

“No idea!” he laughed.

“That isn’t reassuring Louis!” I screamed.

“I know. NOW!” He screamed, and he quickly turned, grabbed hold of my waist, and twisted me around and through me.

I quickly snapped my wings out, and twisted around, facing the group of guards, now attacking Louis. He spread his wings out, knocking many flying. He started to punch a guard, pick him up, and then threw him towards some of the other guards, knocking them down.

I zoomed downwards, kicking behind, and hitting their necks, knocking them out quickly.

I saw someone sneak up behind Louis. “Behind you Lou!” I screamed.

He ducked, and swung around, kicking the guard in his chest, sending him flying. During this, he elbowed another guard, and I had run over to him.

“Cheers babe!” He shouted.

 “I’ve got your back!” I replied.

“I will always have your back love” He grinned at me, making me blush slightly.

“OI! LESS FLIRTING ON THE BATTLE FIELD!” The twins shouted, shooting fireballs at a group of guards, disintegrating them quickly.

“SORRY!” We both shouted, and as Louis ducked, I rolled on his back, kicking multiple guards. When I landed to the floor, Louis picked me put by my arms, and swung me around. I kicked out at the guards.

I bet if anyone was watching this, it would look as if I was running on the guards. Ha-ha.

“Nice kick!” Perrie shouted, not that far from me. Next to her, Zayn swung at a guard with a long sword, which was covered in blood. Perrie was holding a sword just like Zayn’s, also covered in blood.

“Thanks!” I shouted, punched a guard in the face. That’s the last near us.

We both ran over to Dani and Ewan, who were struggling slightly. Dani shot out ice crystals, and Ewan was on the floor, with a guard on top of him.

I jumped up and flew to him, pushed the guard away, sending him flying. I kicked him in the balls, causing the guard to scream in pain, and lean over to protect it. I brought my knee up, snapping his chin upwards, knocking him out.

“Don’t knock him out!” Josh screamed, and shot some of his water jelly stuff at the guards face, sizzling it into mush, along with his brain.

“Did you just knock out all those other guards?” He said sternly, pointing to the guards Louis and I had finished with.

We both nodded, causing Josh to groan. He ran over to the knocked out guards, and began to work on them like he just did with the guard in front of me. To be honest, the look of the mush in front of me was enough to make me want to be sick, let alone the smell.

I looked over and saw Harry scratching out at guards, causing the guards to have thick, open wounds. Even if it didn’t kill them now, if they don’t get to the hospital later, they will die.

That was when Roxy threw a gun to Alexia. She quickly shot the guards in their heads, causing them to die instantly.

Well at least she did it quickly.

Once Louis, Dani, Ewan and I had finished with the guards around us, we quickly helped out Misty, who was on the floor, about to be shot.

Ewan sped to her side, using his quick speed, while Louis and I flew to her side. We both brought our arms out, causing the guard to be knocked over, doing a flip in the meantime.

In that moment, the guard was surrounded in webs, which glowed bright green, causing him to bubble up and fizz.

“You. Are welcome!” She screamed, hitting the last of the guards.

I noticed that Connie was helping Liam and Danielle. She was holding onto the sword Liam had, dripping with blood, some blood on her face.

My guess is, Liam didn’t want to kill anyone

“I bet that as well” Louis said.

“Did I say that aloud?” I asked.

“Yep” He answered, popping the ‘p’.

We turned back to the group, and saw Liam whip out a gun, shooting guards in the chest.

“Maybe not then” I said, my eyes wide open, like Louis’s.

I thought Liam would do what Louis and I did, not try and kill them?!

“Where’s Lewis and Ellie?” Ewan shouted.

“Where’s Matt?” Dani screamed.

“And where the hell is Niall?” Misty looked at me.

Opps...forgot about Niall.

“I’ll get him!” I answered to Misty, opening my wings and running forward. I jumped up, my wings beating, sending me higher, towards the ledge.

“Where is he?” I screamed when I landed, looking for the blonde Irish boy, who wasn’t there.

“Looking for someone?” Hammond came out of the shadows, holding Niall in front of him, who was struggling slightly, even though he had a knife at his neck.

“Leave him alone!” I shouted, taking a step towards him.

“Na ah ah!” He sung. “One more step, and Mr. Blade goes slice slice on his neck, and boom! Blood everywhere. Would make a terrible stain, the cleaners wouldn’t be able to get it out” He cackled, laughing madly.

I froze, my eyes widening in terror. I saw Niall’s eyes widen as well, and stopped struggling.

“You’re crazy” I said.

“YEP!” He laughed.

Below, I heard the fighting stop. I turned my head, and saw that all the guards were on the floor. It looked like a blood bath; blood, bodies and gore covered the floor, and some of it was on my friends’ bodies.

“Now, fly down there, and he won’t get hurt” He said, placing the knife closer to Niall’s neck. I saw Niall flinch, and a small bead of blood dripped onto the knife.

“Just do it Emily. Do as he says” Ben whispered, looking down while stepping out from behind him.

“And why should I believe you?” I snarled.

“Just...please Emily. Do as he says” He said, moving his hands timidly.

“You’re the last person I would trust, even next to this monster” I spat, pointing at Hammond. “You’re nothing but a traitor. You’re dead to me” I snarled, my guts turning.

It hurt saying those things and the look of Ben’s face after I said it made me want to apologize, and cry, but it was sort of true. He had been with Hammond the whole time, even though we were friends. He wasn’t dead to me; I couldn’t even bring myself to hate the bugger. I just felt disappointed, and betrayed.

“Little girl, trust my nephew” Hammond said.

I looked at him, and was about to speak when Niall interrupted “Just do as he says. I’ll be fine” He gave a weak smile. I didn’t believe him, but I did as he said. I walked over to the ledge and jumped, opening my wings.

I softly landed on the floor next to Louis, my feet drenching my bare feet. I felt queasy at the thought of it.

I turned back to Hammond, and my group stood closer to me.

“Now, I’ll make you a little deal. We will come down, but you must drop your weapons, AND promise not to start fighting me.” He said.

I nodded to the group, and they began dropping their weapons. “We promise” I shouted.

Hammond jumped down, with Niall in his arms. He landed perfectly, and we all stood in silence as Ben slowly climbed down the wall, besides the cliff.

When he reached the bottom, he ran over to Hammond’s side.

“Right. I’ll do you a swap. Niall, for Emily and Misty” He shouted.

“NO!” Niall and Louis screamed.

“Sorry mate” Louis smiled apologetically at him.

“Don’t worry about it mate, I would say the same if you were me” He laughed.

Sometimes I don’t get that boy. Laughing with a knife at his neck?

“How can you laugh at a time like this?” Misty said, crying silently.

Niall shrugged. “No idea” He laughed.

“Only Niall. He laughs at the most weirdest times, especially in awkward moments” Liam grinned.

“Yeah that’s true” I heard Louis, the other boys, Perrie and Danielle say, nodding in agreement.

“ANYWAY! Deal or no deal?” Hammond snapped.

“This isn’t a TV show man, calm down” Louis laughed, causing everyone but me, Misty, Damon, Alexia, and Hammond.

“I don’t get it” I frowned.

“I’ll explain when were out of here babes” He grinned, holding my hand.

“ENOUGH!” Hammond roared his face red. His scream caused Ben to jump and shuffle away from him.

We stopped, and looked at him.

“Answer the question!” He screamed. Wow, he must be mad; I can see a vain pumping on his forehead from here.

“You know what, why do you want us so much?” misty asked, stepping forward.

“Yeah, why is that? I mean, out of all the experiments there are, you want us” I said, dropping Louis’s hand and stepping forward, next to Misty, crossing my arms.

Hammond stayed silent.

“Is it cause we’re so hot?” Misty laughed.

“Or is it because we have the things that you men have needs for” I sassed, trying not to laugh.

“I mean, by the looks of you, I bet that you couldn’t get a women” Misty chuckled.

“Oh, really?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh Miss Sharp!” He sung, and turned towards the cliff. I didn’t notice, but next to the cliff, was a big shadow, which could have hidden anyone.

We all looked to each other, confused.

“Me?” Dani said, pointing to herself.

“Oh not you child, not you” He laughed, as a women stepped out of the darkness. The sound of her heels echoed the silent room, as she walked towards us, avoiding the guts on the floor. She wore thin framed, black glasses, and she had pale skin, which stood out against her black suit. She also had long, jet black hair, tied up in a bun, much like Dani’s old colour, and dark, blue eyes, just like Matt’s, but hers were cold, and evil.

She stopped besides Hammond, and smiled at him, kissing his cheek.

“MUM?” Dani pure horror in her voice. 

“How about we bring out Mr Adams as well?” He grinned, as Matt’s dad stepped out of the shadows, and strolled over to us. He looked just like Matt; same blue eyes and dark blonde hair. Well, before Matt’s hair turned purple like Dani’s.

“DAD?” Matt and Dani screamed. I turned and saw tears down their faces.

“Oh Matthew, I’m surprised that you didn’t shout Mommy like your sister” Miss Sharp grinned.

“You’re not my mum; Poppy Adams is!” He shouted.

“Ah ah! Poppy is your step mum. I’m surprised you never guess that I was your real mum, I mean, Poppy has brown hair, brown eyes, and olive skin. I mean, where do you think you got your little freckles from?” She laughed.

“I always thought that it was from my dad, since we look the same” He looked down.

“Nope! While I pushed your sister out at the start of September, I got pregnant again and pushed you out at July, meaning that you both were in the same year. Ever wondered why you both were the same age?” She giggled.

The both put their heads down, crying harder. I heard Dani try not to let any noise escape, but failed slightly.

“Hey kiddos! Nice work on those guards, great moves! Loving the whole crystal darts, such a fab show!” Mr Adams laughed.

“You’re a monster!” Dani cried, burying her head against Ewan’s chest, who hugged her, stroking her hair and kissed her head.

“Nope, I just do what I can to make money!” He cackled.

“You don’t work for Hammond. You’re a lecturer. And you Miss Sharp, you’re a police officer”

“Wrong! I’m Mr Hammond’s line up, also scientist, while Daddy here is just a scientist” Miss Sharp corrected.

“Wait, next in line?” I interrupted.

“Seriously Emily, always butting in! But, anyway, if anything happens to Mr Hammond, I will take over The Compound, and Root 13.” She boasted, smiling.

“That’s if we don’t kill you first!” Dani spat.

“You wouldn’t kill your own mother!” She scowled, her face showing disappointment.

“Now kids, come over here now” Mr Adams said, pointing to his side.

Dani and Matt didn’t move.

“I said, now” He commanded, his patience going.

“NO” Matt screamed.

“Excuse me?” He said, looking shocked.

“You’re not my dad. Not anymore. And you’re not my mum either. You don’t control us; we’re nothing but your little experiments.” He drawled.

“That’s right. You’re dead to us” Dani said, looking up at her parents, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

“Such a shame. You could have been useful to us” Miss Sharp shook her head.

“Guys? What about me?” Niall said, causing the attention to turn to him.

“Anyway, girls, what is your answer?” Hammond said.

“They don’t have to answer” A voice said.

We all looked up, and saw Angel flying above us, a gun in her hand.

“Angie! Get down now!” Ben shouted.

“Nope big bro. No can do” She shook her head.

“BRO?” We all screamed, looking at Ben.

“How do you know?” Hammond spun around to Ben.

“I saw her files. She’s a stolen egg” He shrugged his shoulders.

“Now. Let the guy go to Emily and her friends, and let them all go, or else” The child threatened.

“Or what? You kill me?” He laughed. “You’re just a child! You wouldn’t dare!” He barked, walking closer to the child.

“She won’t kill you” Ben said. That was when he brought a knife out of his pocket, and stabbed Hammond in the back.

“I will” Ben snarled, as Hammond dropped to the floor, letting go off Niall. He ran over to us, but noticed something, and ran to a pair on the floor. Misty ran to him, then knelt down, moving her hands around.

Mr Adams and Miss Sharp turned and ran, but josh and Ewan ran to them, attacking them. Ewan knocked the pair to the floor, as Josh sent his jell on the pair, slowly killing them.

“That was for my family” Ben spat. “And this, is for my friends” He stabbed him in the balls.

I turned away as Hammond screamed. I felt sick. Seriously, I felt for the guy for a moment. And I heard that getting kicked in the balls was torture that must have been worse.

“BEN!” Matt screamed. “Why did you do it?” Dani said.

“Emily!” Misty screamed. I rushed over, and saw Lewis and Ellie on the floor, bleeding.

“We need to heal them, now!” she said, and I nodded.

“JOSH! WE NEED WATER!” We both screamed. He was by our side in a flash, and created a giant ball of water in the air.

I felt something tug inside of me. I began to drift the water onto the couple, Misty copying me. After sometime, their wounds healed up, and they woke up, coughing.

“Thanks” Lewis gasped.

“Here, drink this. Don’t worry, its clean water” Josh assured the pair, and guided some water down to them. They opened their mouths, as the water entered, then swallowed quickly.

“That should heal you right up” He grinned. The pair jumped up, and dashed over to our group.

“I had to guys. I couldn’t let Angie do it” Ben smiled, as Angel flew into his arms. He hugged her, as she wrapped her arms around her neck.

“Angie?” I asked.

“That’s the name I gave her when I first met her. Of course, I met her first when she was very young, so she couldn’t remember. You were close to her name though” He grinned.

“Why Angie?” Angie asked innocently.

“Because, our mother was called Angelia, before she passed away. Also, because you’re like a little Angel” He grinned, causing her to laugh innocently.

“But... the prophecy” Matt began.

“And the darkness” Ewan continued.

“Your fine” Ellie and Dani finished together.

“Yep. Fifty fifty chance” He grinned.

“I hate to interrupt, but can we PLEASE get out of here. We have some bombs to drop of here” The twins whined.

“BOMBS?” Zayn screamed.

“I thought Hilayia called them off?” Liam shouted.

“Nope. Still going through. But, everyone’s out. We stopped the bad guy. Let’s blow this shit up!” The twins answered, and opened up their jackets, revealing some bombs.

They put them on the floor, and pressed some buttons, causing it to beep.

“What was that?” Louis asked.

“Just getting it ready. But we out to go though. We have about 10 minutes to get through here and the sewers, plus get at least a few streets away from the building” James answered, while Oliver looked at his watch.

This caused us to jump up and dash towards the door. With Josh, Tails, Connie, Roxy and the twins in the lead, the rest not that far behind.

We didn’t say a word as we sped down corridors.

“HERE!” Tails screamed, stopping in front of someone.

“Glad you came” he grinned, shaking his red hair.

“Get in now!” Connie screamed. One by one, we climbed down, me and Louis being the last.

“Ladies first” Louis chuckled.

“Whatever Boo Bear” I shook my head, and headed down the ladder.

“Fuck this smells!” Harry shouted.

“Deal with it. This way!” Roxy answered, and we ran down the path next to the horrible river.

After some time, we reached another ladder.

“UP NOW!” The new guy shouted, and we began climbing up.

“3 minutes remaining” A voice from the twin’s wrists said.

This caused us to grow panicky as people slowly made their way up the ladder.

When it came to my turn, I just opened my wings and flew up, Louis following.

We stayed in the air as everyone ran down the streets. We noticed that no one was in the area. Strange.

“5, 4, 3, 2, 1” The voice said, and a explosion followed. We stopped and turned, looking at the flames roaring high in the air.

We began to hear the sound of sirens.

“Let’s get out of here” I said, landing on the floor and folding my wings straight, holding my hand to Louis as he dropped as well. He grabbed it, and we heard many mumbles of agreement.

“Let’s go to the hide out” Connie said, and took off, us not that far behind them.


And that, is chapter 28. The big fight scene, Hammond's death. Bit of a twist that Dani's mum is also Matt's mum, meaning that their not step bro and sis, but really bro and sis, and their mum and dad were both working for Hammond. And Angie being Bens sister. Bless!

I think that there is going to be one or two more chapters left, but that won't have any super fighting in it, more to ravel it up. Im kinda sad, but proud. Im proud, cause whenever i start a story, i have NEVER finshed it. This is my first time ever finishing! and also, cause of how its gone. A simple idea, leading to others. My origanal idea, was that their was going to be more and more bits of Emily being torn, between Niall and Louis. Also, some messed up stuff. But then, i got inspired by the whole hyrbids/experiments idea. So i changed it. Also, i've been reading Maximum ride series, and L.J Smith nightworld series. Not that long ago, Darren Shan's Demonata series and the Percy Jackson series. Great insperation.

Im sad that the story has come to an end. It's like, a little trip. if you get what i mean. When, you connect and love the characters you write about, i've learned that while writing this. My stuff may not be top notch, but i'm proud of this story. I really am.

Other news, you guys heard One Directions new release, Best Song Ever? I spent hours listening to it, i loves! And their full trailer for This Is Us, i was unstable for ages. I had to run upstairs so that my mum wouldnt see me cry. That moment when Zayn buys his mum that mansion? Bless his heart, how can people hate on someone so good hearted? If im like that during the trailer, i better bring my tissues when i see it in cinema!

Comments would be fab, and votes. Please, suggest this story to others. It would mean alot. And thank you, to those who have read untill now, and stuck with the story. Your the reason why i was able to get here.

Untill next chapter (The most likely final)

Larney xx
