chapter 17

Eleanor’s point of view.

I jumped as the guard opened my cage and placed my food in it. The same, everyday, grey mush.

I silently ate it, jumping as the guards opened the other prisoner’s cages. I looked to my left, and saw a guard throw someone into the cage. A newbie. Poor kid, she looked about eleven.

"Hello, my name is Eleanor, what’s yours?” I thought to her.

Yes. Thought. Since I came here, I started gaining these weird powers, allowing me to read people’s minds. Im not strong enough to control people, but I have heard of people think it before. It’s only a matter of time. I’m just hoping that Louis is out there, trying to find me, along with my family. I miss his so much, I love him so much. It’s only been a few months, but it feels like forever.

The girl looked to me with horror, tears falling down her face. “Where am I?” she asked.

My heart broke. “Don’t speak aloud, or they will punish you. I learned that the hard way.” I showed her my arm, full of old scars from the burns I received. That’s nothing compare to some of the others.

She looked at me with fright, and nodded.

“How do I talk to you?” She thought.

“Just think what you want say to me. I can read thoughts, and I can push my thoughts towards you, so we can communicate silently. Now, what’s your name?” I thought back.

“Misty. What is this place?”

“That’s a beautiful name Misty. And this place is called The Compound. It’s where most of us get sent to, but some are taken to other places. It’s a laboratory, which holds people, like us, and people in lab coats experiment on us. At first, we all are normal, human, but they change us.”

I point to the cage in front of me. Misty looks to where im pointing.

“That’s Damon. His code name is 01830. He was experimented with mutants, which caused him to be like a vampire. I’m not sure how, but there are only a few successful experiments. He’s one of them. Those aren’t lucky; the extra DNA either poisons them, or burns them up.”

I point to the left, to a cage that’s slightly higher up than us. The whole room is full of cages, stacked on shelves. Thankfully, since im so tall, I’m in the bottom shelf, which means that I get extra space. The higher the self, the small the cages are.

“That’s Alexia, she named herself that. Her code name is 01196. She wasn’t born normally, like us. She was injected with snake DNA. But, for some reason, she has a pink tinge to her skin. Like Trance from Andromeda...don’t ask what that is, it’s a TV series my dad use to watch... anyway, we recon it’s because her grandparents were experiments from this place. Her mother was a mutant, father unknown.”

"I can hear you! Stop talking about me!” Alexia crawled up to the bars of her cage, placing her hands on the bars. She looked down and glared at me.

“Im just explaining to Misty!” I thought back at her.

“Oh, another newbie! Don’t bother El, she’ll just end up like most of the others!” her glare grew cold.

“Shut it Alex!”

Misty looked between us too, her bright green eyes full of confusion.

I won’t end up like the others” She thought to us.

Alexia and I looked at each other, then back at Misty in shock. Damon moved to the front of his cage, looking at her in shock too.

"How did you do that?” Damon thought.

“You heard it too?” I looked to him in shock. He never possessed the power to hear conversations. What is going on?

“I’m not as young, nor weak, as you think. I am experiment 06834 after all” She crossed her arms and looked at each of us smugly.

My eyes grew wide. 06834! The ultimate experiment! They mentioned that they had re-captured her, and but I always thought she would be my age! Not a kid! She was rumoured to be able to be the werewolf experiment. And she was the great-granddaughter of the mighty witches, meaning she had the power to control elements, read minds, control people, the lot!

“I heard that Eleanor” she turned to me.

I blushed, embarrassed. “Sorry”

“Hang on, if your 06834, how come you didn’t know how to communicate to Eleanor?” Alexia frowned her eyebrows.

“I had to act innocent until I had a clear idea of who you were. Sorry about that. And I’m not a kid, I’m 15. I just look young for my age” She thought back.

“Anyway, if you have so many powers, can you get us out of here?” Trust Damon to think of that.

Misty shook her head. “They injected me with something that weakens my powers. Meaning, I can’t control the guards, at the full moon, my powers won’t work. But I think I know someone who can help.”

“Who?” I looked to her. We heard the guards walking closer to us, so we moved away from the bars, and carried on eating, acting normal. They didn’t know I could communicate with thoughts. Better that way.

Once the guards left, we moved as close as we could to misty.

“My twin. It’s the lab coats took me away from my family when I was born, not realizing that I had a twin. They didn’t take my other brothers and sister, wanting to leave them until they reached the correct age. I other heard some guards at the last place I was at talk about a girl, who had been taken three years ago. Experiment 09872. She had escaped, and by the sounds of it, she was a really important experiment, like me. It has to be her, I know it!”

Misty’s eyes grew in plead. Im not surprised, if I found out I was separated from a twin, I would hope that he or she was on their way to save me.

I looked up to Alexia and Damon, and we all thought the same.

"Misty... Im sure that she’s on her way to find you” I thought to her. The other two looked at me as if I was mad, but I shrugged it off. She needed comfort.

“Thank you” She thought to me, her eyes filled with hope.

We heard a door slam open. Filled with panic, we all shuffled to the corners of our cage. I heard other experiments move as well.

Loud, heavy footsteps grew closer and closer.

“Please not me please not me” I thought. I could hear the other living experiments thinking the same thing.

The footsteps stopped in front of my cage. The guard bent down slightly, to open the door.

I could hear most of the other experiment’s sigh with relief, but Misty, Damon and Alexia’s thoughts were full of panic.

The guard opened my door, and stepped inside to grab me. I kicked his as he grabbed hold off me. He cursed, and gripped hold of my hair, dragging me out.

I screamed in pain, feeling some of my hair pull out, tears falling down my face.

“Leave her alone!” Damon screamed.

“No Damon! Shut it!” I screamed back at him. Rule 1, never speak, or else.

Another guard walked up to his cage, grabbing hold of his cane, and hit Damon with it. Damon fell to the floor, thrashing madly as blue electricity charged through him.

"Leave him alone! Stop it!” I screamed, crying madly, biting the guard who was pulling on me. He let go of me in pain, and I ran to the guard who was hurting Damon. I pushed him away, causing him to hit me with his cane.

I screamed as pain shot through me. I could feel my blood boiling, my mind going white with pain. I thrashed madly, screaming and crying.

Suddenly, the cane was released from me, causing the pain to end. I looked up at Damon, to see him watching me with tears in his eyes. His grey eyes were turning red with rage, part of being a vampire.

“He’s transforming, knock him out!” A voice from behind me said. Suddenly, as Damon jumped the bars, a dart hit his chest. His eyes dropped slowly, and he fell backwards, passing out.

“Bloody freaks” a guard said, picking me up. I looked back at Misty, seeing that she was crying silently. My gaze shot to Alexia, then Damon. Alexia was crying as well, while Damon was silently sleeping.

I was dragged out of the room, down a corridor, and into another room. I was placed onto a chair. I felt my arms and ankles being tied to the chair. I struggled against the rope, causing my skin to rub and burn.

I gave up, and looked at the man in front of me with hate.

He smiled evilly, as usual.

"Eleanor Eleanor” he said. “Why do you always have to cause a scene?”

"Maybe because I don’t belong here!” I screamed, leaning forwards, trying to break through.

He laughed. “Eleanor, that isn’t going to help, You should know this by now. No one is going to save you, so you should just give up”

"That’s not true! Louis will save me! I know he will!” I screamed at him, my face heating up with rage.

“Oh, but will he?” His face was full of amusement. He turned to the guard at the door “Bring her in”

The guard nodded, and left the room. Panic filled me, along with confusion.

“Who? What are you talking about?” I asked.

“My dear, you will see in a few moments. Remember when we first brought you here, we took some of your blood?” He asked.

I nodded, my stomach turning with dread.

“And remember that blank body that rested next to yours?”

I nodded again, shaking at the memory. It was a body, but has no features. As if was like a computer, having its data wiped. The body rested, waiting to be filled with life.

“Well, would you like to see it again?” he smirked.

I shook my head in horror.

The guard came in. I turned to the door, to see a woman follow him. She walked towards to middle of the room, closer to me and the light. I gasped in horror.

Her brown hair neatly fell behind her back, her chocolate eyes blank. Her skin glowed, much like mine. Exactly mine.

The woman in front of me looked just like me. No, exactly like me. My own clone.

I turned to him, Doctor Hammond, with pure horror.

“What is it?” I whispered.

“Oh, that’s no way to call your clone!” He said, walking closer. “She’s been filling you in, making sure no one missed you. Here, see for yourself”.

They both walked over to the wide screen in front of me. I saw him grab hold of some wires, and push the clones head forwards. He moved her hair away from her neck, and pushed the wires into it.

She jumped, and looked forwards with dead eyes. The wide screen lit up, showing a series of clips.

He walked over to me, holding a remote.

“I know lets watch Mummy and Daddy!” he smiled, pressing a button. Suddenly, a clip was playing. I saw my mum and dad, looking forwards with rage.

“So, mummy, daddy, I never saw why I lasted with you so long. You’re so stupid, weak, hopeless, and never good for anything.” A voice said. It sounded just like mine.

“No” I whispered.

“Get out” My father screamed. His face was filled with rage, while my mother’s was filled with tears.

“Make me” Clone me said.

“You idiot!” I screamed. My father hated being disobeyed.

He screamed at clone me, but from the angle it was at, I couldn’t help but feel that he was screaming at me. Wait, he was. He just didn’t realize that it wasn’t the real me. Tears fell down my face.

Clone me and my father started screaming at each other, and then Clone Me left the house. I heard clone me say “Stage 1, family, completed” then the clip finished.

“How about your hero Louis?” Hammond said.

Not Louis! Please!

Another clip started, and it was in my apartment. He was sitting on my sofa, a grin smiled on his face, his eyes filled with happiness and joy. He didn’t bother styling his hair into a quiff, he left it messy and lazy, like he use to.

“While you were away, on tour, I found someone else.” Clone me said.

He face dropped, his eyes began to water. “What?” He whispered.

“I said, I found someone else. So much better than you, at least he could give me my.... needs” Clone me said slyly. I could guess that she was grinning at this.

“What do you mean?” he said. He looked heartbroken. My Boo Bear. Tears fell madly down my face. His was as well.

“Oh quit it Louis! It’s not as if you didn’t cheat on me as well, you cheated on me with that whore Shannon!” Clone me screamed.

“I told you, it was just a hug! She was new, and she was a fan! I only hugged her because she was nervous; you know I always give out hugs!” He protested.

“Please, I bet you shagged her all the time while you were on tour” Clone me replied.

“I would never do that to you! I love you so much, with all my heart! I would never do that to you! Please Eleanor!” he shouted, tears crashing harder than before.

“Stop being a baby, grow some balls and face the facts. You cheated, I did something about it. I don’t need you. I never loved you. Now get out, I never want to see your face again” Clone me said.

“No, please Louis don’t! That’s not me, im here, please!” I screamed, crying harder.

Louis grabbed his jacket, looked at clone me, and then ran to the door. I heard the door slam shut.

“Stage 2, Louis Tomlinson, completed” Clone me said, and the clip went black.

I cried harder, sobbing my heart out.

“We did it all for you Eleanor, so you can achieve your greatest” Hammond said, cupping my chin.

“GET OFF ME!” I screamed, thrashing madly. He backed off.

“You ruined everything! You took me away, tortured me, turned me into a freak, and now you created a copy of me, and tore my family and the love of my life away from me! You destroyed everything!” I screamed.

“Phase three, win Louis back” He said, and the screen played a clip.

Copy me walked up to the door, and pressed the door bell.

“I’ll get it!” Louis’s happy voice called through, and he pulled the door open. His face was full of shock. A girl with long, messy, dark blonde hair hugged Louis, screaming “Louis-bear!”

My stomach clenched with horror, watching.

He didn’t say anything. The girl looked up at him, her face full of concern, and asked “What’s wrong Lou?”

He didn’t react, his mouth was wide open, but nothing came out. His eyes were wide open with shock. She turned to the door, and gasped, her bright green eyes widening with shock.

Clone me looked at the girl. “Emily?” she asked, staring at me in shock.

“Eleanor?” she asked with horror.

Emily? Little Emily? What was she doing with Louis? I heard she went missing, but no one could find her. I tried looking for her, but couldn’t myself. I regret being harsh on her, after what happened to James, but I forgave her after a short while. But, we moved to Cheshire, meaning that I could tell her that I had forgiven her. It wasn’t her fault.

"Eleanor?” she asked. Even from this, I could see in the clip that she was terrified.

Louis looked at us both, confused. “Do you two know each other?”

She nodded, and moved behind Louis.

“Yeah...we go way back. Don’t we, Emily” Clone me spat. Shit no!

Louis looked at her, and Clone me continued “So, how you been? Heard you’ve been fucking lads every night, nothing new there though, slut”

I saw her eyes begin to form tears, and Louis tense up.

“Don’t call her a slut” Louis said, his voice low, as he tried to contain his anger.

No Louis! That’s not me I swear!

Clone me looked at Louis. “Oh, baby, I’m only joking. But please, Boo Bear, I love you. It was a mistake. I should have realized that you’d never hurt me baby, you’d never cheat on me with Shannon. I know you still love me baby, please. I miss you so much!”

Louis froze, and I saw his eyes widen. I saw confusion cover his face, as if he was trying to decide something.

“Don’t fall for it! It’s a trick!” I screamed at the screen.

I could see Emily look between me and Louis.

“Oh Emily! Boo Bear! Breakfast is ready!” Harry’s voice rang through the halls. Clone me turned its head towards the voice, and I saw Harry running towards us, smiling widely.

His smile dropped when he saw Emily’s expression, and said “Emily, what’s wrong?”

He turned towards, and looked straight at the camera. I worked out by now that the cameras were in Clone me’s eyes.

His eyes widened with anger, his body tensed up. I was scared, even though it had already happened. In all the time I had known him, he had never looked so angry. “Your. Not. Welcome. Here” he spat.

Clone me replied with “Oh, but me and Boo Bear are sorting things out!”

He pushed Emily and Louis out of the way. Emily fell to the floor, and Louis was standing slightly away from Harry, frozen, his face a look of shock.

“Get out! You cheated on my best friend; you’re no longer welcome here anymore! Stay away from us all, or I’m getting the cops!” Harry screamed, his face red with anger.

I heard footsteps, and then Liam and Danielle appeared, picking Emily up. She smiled as a thank you, and then walked over to Louis, taking his hand.

My stomach dropped. No, he can’t have moved on!

Louis looked down at her hand, squeezed her hand and smiled.

The camera looked down towards the couple holding hands.

“” I heard Copy me say, rage filling her voice. Great, now this clone can mimic emotions, just like me!

“Yep! Meet the new official couple, Eouis!” Perrie shouted, walking towards the door. My heart stopped, and my stomach felt as if it was being kicked into.

Danielle followed, and said “Yes, so Louis won’t be able to take you back any time soon. Bye bye hun!” waving sarcastically.

The camera looked at Danielle and Perrie, then at Emily.

“Listen you little whore. Not only did take away my brother, but now you’ve taken my man. Well, listen up. I’ll be back. We made you go bye-bye for 3 years, we can take you back again for longer. Im sure you’re friend will most certainly enjoy more fun, you useless heap of crap! You’re nothing but a slut, and you’re gonna get it!” Copy me spat. No! It wasn’t your fault Emily! Don’t believe it! Please!

Hammond cursed. Looks like someone let something slip!

She grew closer towards Louis, tears falling down her face.

“Get out!” Niall shouted, walking towards the door. He walked out, forcing Clone me to move backwards. No Niall! Please! You know me, your one of my best friends! Know that it isn’t me! “Don’t you fucking dare call Emily a slut! Get out of my sight right now, before you fucking get it!” He shouted, causing the camera to move further away.

Louis dropped Emily’s hand, and ran beside Niall, and screamed “How fucking dare you! How could you take away Emily like that! She’s been through so much pain because of you! Why would you fucking do that? What the fuck did Emily ever do to you?”

The camera looked up at Louis, and shouted back “She murdered my brother! And she’s a useless whore who deserves everything she gets! All she would ever have been in life is a prostitute, and not even a good one! That’s how low life she is!”

It turned towards Emily, and said “I’ll get you back! Don’t you fucking forget it! And Louis. Will. Be. Mine!” and with that, the camera turned away from the door.

I could hear the door slam shut.

“Stage 3, gain Louis back, failed” and the camera stopped.

Tears poured down my face. “Why?” I wailed at Hammond. He looked at me, his face red with anger. He stormed towards the clone and unplugged it. The clone moved, its eyes moving with life.

“You stupid, worthless experiment!” He screamed, kicking it in the stomach. It bent down, coughing up something black. Oil?

He pulled its hair, and lent his face against its, screaming “Why did you it away? How will we be able to take the subject back, along with our target?”

I froze. Target?

I looked at Hammond, and whispered something, I couldn’t hear what.

“Take her to her cell!” He screamed at the guard, throwing her at him. He quickly grabbed hold of her, and left the room.

Hammond paced around the room, clearly forgetting me.

“What target? Who?” I asked.

“That is none of your concern!” He screamed. He untied me, punched me in the face, and dragged me back towards my cage. I saw Alexia, Damon and Misty shoot up towards the front of their cages.

When he reached my cage, he picked me up, threw me in, and locked the door, stomping furiously away. I landed in an awkward heap, causing me to cry out in pain.

Eleanor? What’s wrong?” Misty thought.

“What happened?” Alexia and Damon asked.

“Let me rest. I’ll explain later” I thought back, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.


BOOM! plot twist, the Eleanor you hate is a evil clone! LOOOL! and the real eleanor is stuck, trapped, like Emily was. Now, i could never see Eleanor being evil, so i kinda made it so she was actually good...tehe?

Misty. Yes, Emilys twin. Yes, named after Misty from Pokemon. Only cool female companion in Pokemon. She wears suspenders, end off!

Damon. Yes, i named him after Damon from Vampire Diaries. He's beautiful though! and i couldnt think of any names haha.

Alexia. Dont ask about her name, i just love it. If i ever have a child, and it's a girl, i wanna call her Alexia-May Brianna. Don't ask why, i just do haha

I love how this story is going! i read all these storys, how the boy and the girl meet, have a little problem, then live happily ever after. No crazy, hybrid, experiment spice. I have read a really good hybrid story, called Operation: Get Harry Styles by breethebree. Its a Larry story, check it out!

Anyway, i wanted something different. So, boy meets girl. But theirs a small love triangle going on. Ish. People getting experimented on. Clones. THE BOMB! BOOM!

I hope you guys like it! comment your thoughts! ask your friends, followers and whoever to read, i really wanna get more readers! If that isnt too much trouble, thank you!

And i want to say, thank you to those who have read through up to here. I see that at the first chapter, theres a few reads, but in the last few, the most there has been is 3. It's kinda sad. I cant see who it is, but thank you! If im not following you, comment, and i will! 

Larney xx

