Stupid Schoolwork

Mattheo comforts Y/n after she gets worked up over her test.

Word Count: 732

"Astoria broke up with me again", Mattheo says looking down at his lunch then back at me.

"I'm sorry", I say trying to play the role of "best friend".

"Yeah I think it's probably for forever this time she seemed pretty pissed", he says chuckling a little.

"And why do you think that's funny", I say confused.

"I don't know I guess I just wasted so much time on someone who doesn't even care about me", he says taking a bite of food.

"And you think that's funny?", trying to hold in my own laugh.

"No, I think it's funny that it was her. I mean look at her she's already moving on", he says pointing down the table.

I look over to where he's pointing and see Astoria speaking to a group of boys that are in the year above us.

"Yikes", I say sucking in a breath.

"Yeah", he laughs again.

"Okay let's to get to class", I say switching the subject as I notice we're both done with our food.

We get up and walk out of the great hall and I'm back on the cycle again. I think that I could have a chance and get let down time and time again by him getting a new girlfriend.

————Time Skip————

"Fuck I totally failed that test", I say trying to make it a joke. But in all reality I should be smart, both my parents were at the top of their classes, so I don't know what went wrong with me.

My parents don't care as long as I'm trying my best, but I feel like there is an external pressure that I have to be the best of the best. I spend a lot of my nights worrying about this.

"You'll be fine", Mattheo says snapping me back into reality.

"Well how do you think you did?", I ask him.

"I thought it was pretty easy actually", he says proving my point.

"Exactly, why is everyone smart, but me?", I ask.

"Your not not smart", he says pushing my shoulder, "your too hard on yourself".

"Well I'm supposed to be really smart", I say almost on the verge of tears at this point.

He chuckles but then realizes I'm almost crying and he asks: "Y/n why are you crying?"

I turn away from him, but he grabs my shoulder and pulls me aside from the flow of traffic going to their next classes.

"Hey stop it's not that big of a deal. It's one test."

"Why am I so dumb?", I ask, balling at this point.

"You're not dumb", he says wiping my tears and pulling me into his chest. I put my head on his shoulder and open my eyes to see Astoria staring at us with her mouth wide open.

Somehow I forget everything and turn to whisper in Mattheo's ear. I grab the back of his head and say: "someone is staring at us"

He turns us around so my back is facing her and I hear him audibly laugh. "Ok maybe what I said at lunch wasn't true, but I'm sure as hell done with her", he says letting go of me.

"You sure?", I say wiping my nose with my sleeve.

"Yeah, and please stop being so hard on yourself.", he says starting to walk. I follow him and we go to the rest of our classes for the day.

————Time Skip————

I walk up to Mattheo in the common room after I take my school robes off. I need to apologize after literally crying to him about stupid school problems.

"Hey sorry about uh earlier today", I say sitting across from him.

"Y/n seriously it's no problem. I'm worried about you. Stop worrying so much about stupid schoolwork", he says coming to join me on the couch I  am sitting on.

"Okay", I say deciding to go balls to the wall and lay my head on his shoulder.

He doesn't move away and instead grabs my hand and starts rubbing his thumb up and down over the back of it.

"You good?", he asks one last time.

"Yes", I whisper lying all the way down and stretching myself across his lap.

He smiles and plays with my hair for the rest of the night.
