
Mattheo gets into a fight.

Word Count: 379

"Love", Mattheo comes stumbling into my dorm room with a black eye, bleeding knuckles, and cuts all over his face.

"Mattheo!", I say shutting my book and walking over to him, "what happened?"

"Nothing out of the usual, just another fight, but could you help me clean up?"

I smile at his words and lead him to the bathroom in my dorm. Mattheo sits down on the sink counter and I stand in between his legs to get closer to him. I used the tip of my wand and run it down his face over all the scratches muttering healing spells as I went along. Mattheo gripped my hips and pulled me closer to him obviously in pain. I ignored him and concentrated on casting the spells.

"Where did all these scratches come from?", I ask, now working on his knuckles.

"Well, he had long nails and I guess he knows how to use them", he says getting impatient. "Are you almost done?"

"Yep", I say just as I finish healing one last cut on his knuckles, "you good now?"

"Yep", he says kissing my temple and getting down from the counter, "thanks, love"

"You're welcome", I say following him out of the bathroom.

"I've gotta go, but I'll see you later tonight yeah?", he says opening the door. I nod and just before he shuts the door he sticks his head back in and winks at me which makes the butterflies in my stomach almost fly out of my mouth.

Later that night the whole school was talking about how Mattheo Riddle beat up some upperclassmen Ravenclaw.

I walk into the common room and find Theo, Enzo, and Draco sitting in the boys's normal corner talking.

"Did you hear what your boyfriend did for you?", Draco says as I sit down next to Theo.

"Um no.... Didn't he get into a fight?", I say confused.

"That guy was saying some nasty things about you. I'll spare you the details, so Mattheo kicked his ass", Theo says from beside me.

"Oh", I smile.

"Awww, you are in love", Enzo says.

"Shut up", I say leaning back and covering myself with a blanket thinking about how I have the best boyfriend ever.
