
Y/n and her friend are studying in the library when her friend has a question Y/n can't answer.

Word Count: 414

My friend Samantha and I were sitting in the library studying for yet another test.
I swear these teachers are going so hard on us this year for no reason.

"Y/n", Samantha whispers, "what the hell does this mean?" I look over to the book shes reading which looks like a potions book and I have no idea what it's even talking about.

"I don't know, just look it up", I say going  back to my history of magic book.

"I can't I already tried", she says shaking her knees up and down. I look up and look around the library for someone to ask. It's rather empty except for a few students in younger years and Mattheo Riddle. No way in hell I'm asking him.

"You'll just have to ask Snape tomorrow", I say sighing.

"I can't the test is tomorrow", she says whining.

"Well then go over and ask Riddle", I say giving her her last option.

"Fuck no, you do it", she says.

"Fine rock paper scissors"





Samantha puts rock and I do scissors.

"Good luck", she laughs cornering the pages and reading on.

"I'm gonna need that", I say taking the book out of her hands and standing up.

"Hey!", she says as I walk over to Riddle. He looks up from the book that he is reading confused.

"Can I help you?", he asks closing his book slightly.

"Uh yes", I say shaking for some reason, "my friend over there is studying for potions and she had a question about this paragraph", he looks down at the book looking skeptical, but his face softens when he starts to read.

"Oh yeah that's easy where is she? I'll be able to teach that to her"

"Uh she's right over there", I say pointing over to Samantha. Before I can even react he's over there talking to Samantha teaching her some potions shit.

"Uh thank you", is all I hear her say before he walks away.

"Damn Y/n", he must like you he was weirdly nice to me"

"Girl, that's the first time I've ever talked to him in my whole life"

"Well, it was definitely love at first sight", she says elbowing me in the ribs as we walk on. I roll my eyes and keep walking to the next class.
