
What will happen after the battle of hogwarts?

Word Count: 1904

The aftemath of the battle was going on around me, but I was only looking for one person. I've been looking for him for almost an hour and it's starting to feel hopeless. Finally, I see someone familiar.

"Tom!", I shout running over to him.

"Y/n, fuck thank Merlin you're okay", he says jogging towards me.

"Where's, Mattheo?", I whimper not sure if I want to know the answer.

"I'm not sure", he sighs, "I haven't seen him since the beginning" I couldn't take it anymore so I broke down falling into Tom.

"What if something happened to him?", I sob, digging my head into his shoulder.

"It'll be okay", he whispers stroking the back of my head, "I know my brother. He would do anything to make sure he is alive for you"

"What if anything wasn't enough?", I cry clutching onto Tom's shirt.

"I'm sure-", he abruptly stops.

"What?", I sniffle, looking up to see a smirk on his face his eyes not on me but on something in the distance. I turn around and see a beaten up Mattheo smirking back at his brother. I automatically let go of Tom and run to him. He tries to run to me as well, but he is limping and it looks like his right leg is hurt, but he is alive and that's all that matters.

"Mattheo", I cry breaking down in his arms.

"Shhh, it's okay love I'm here. I'm here. I'm alive." I start sobbing uncontrollably and I can feel Mattheo crying a little too.

"I was so worried", I sniffle composing myself, "I thought- I thought", I stutter out.

"Shhh just don't think about it. I'm here.", he comforts me and I squeeze him tighter.

He finally lets go and I look into his brown eyes gratefully. He grabs the back of neck bringing me towards him and kissing me passionately.

"Okay okay that's enough snogging. We've gotta get out of here before the order finds out we're still here"

Mattheo pulls away and gives me one last peck on my lips.

"Come on darling, you're coming with us", Mattheo says grabbing my hand.

"I guess I don't have anywhere else to go", I say squeezing his hand.

"Come on love birds", Tom says grabbing my hand and apparating us away from Hogwarts. I open my eyes and find myself in front of a small cottage tucked away behind some trees.

"Father had this place built for us just in case something like this would happen", Tom says to Mattheo leading us down the path towards the cottage. "It's only made for two people and has everything we'll need for a long time including a house elf that can cook for us. Y/n you can
probably leave eventually. Mattheo, you and I will probably have to stay here for as long as we can until the world settles. Then if we want to go into the outside world we'll have to get fake identities and use spells to alter our appearances."

"How are they not going to find us?", Mattheo asks as we reach the door.

"No one but us and whoever we let in can be within an 100 mile radius of this place. It's guarded by some very dark magic that only a group of very experienced aurors would be able to get through. Which they would have to find the place first, which would be almost impossible as when father told me about this place he didn't tell me where we are, so I assume no one even knows this place exists", Tom replies opening the door revealing a small living room with a couch, chair, radio, and fire place, a kitchen with an oven, sink, and light green cupboards, a tiny staircase, an open door that lead to what looked like a small library, and a big door which looked to lead to a cellar.

"Y/n it'll actually be pretty handy to have you around. You can actually leave as you fought for the order. You can go to the shops and buy us more supplies when we run out which won't be anytime soon", Tom says opening the cellar door. I peered down the stairs and there were shelves that reached the ceiling of canned food among other things like matches and wood to start fires. "Mattheo and I are just going to have to wait it out to make everyone think we died at the castle. No one will ever find our bodies however, which isn't a good thing", Tom says thinking out loud.

"What about Victoria?", Mattheo asks making Tom go silent. Victoria, Tom's secret girlfriend that he has had for almost a year now was basically my best friend as we were both dating a Riddle brother.

"I'm about to leave to try and find her", Tom sighs running his hand through his hair, "you two have to promise not to come looking for me if I don't come back"

"But Tom-"

"No Mattheo, I'm not letting you leave Y/n here by herself. I know what it's like to love somebody. That's why I'm not going to go the rest of my days wondering what would have happened if I did go looking for her", Tom says much to my surprise. I knew he really liked Victoria, but they were more of a private couple. Tom doesn't really do PDA. Also Tom Riddle doesn't like to talk about his feelings.

"Please be careful", I say pulling Tom into a tight embrace, "and thanks for everything", I give him a peck on the cheek before pulling back.

Then, Mattheo goes in for a hug. The two Riddle brothers who didn't choose to be in this, but were forced. The only one who could understand what the other was going through because they did it together.

"Be careful, little brother", Tom says ruffling Mattheo's hair before leaving. Mattheo and I watch as Tom gets to the end of the path and apparates back to the danger of Hogwarts.

Mattheo and I sit in silence for a while. Suddenly, we hear a small voice:

"Is the dark lord dead?", a female house elf peaked around the edge of the wall.

"Yes", Mattheo says expressionless.

"What's your name?", I ask sweetly not wanting Mattheo to scare her.

"Tilly", she squeaks.

"Hi, Tilly I think we're going to be accompanying you here for a while", I say smiling warmly.

"Master said there would only be anyone here if he died"

"He did die", Mattheo says again.

She squeaks and runs up to him.

"Is there anything I can get for you new master?", she says bowing down at his feet.

"No and please don't call me master. Call me Mattheo"

"Okay, mast- I mean Mattheo", she says leaving the room now. After she leaves I go and sit by Mattheo running my fingers through his curls.

"You should go", he whispers grabbing my wrist, "find someone else that can provide for you and make you happy"

"I already have someone to do that for me", I say smiling sitting on his lap and squeezing him tightly. He wraps his arms around me and sighs placing his chin on my head.

"I never wanted to drag you into this stuff Y/n", he says stroking my hair.

"I chose you. And when I chose you I chose this", I say looking into his big brown eyes.

"Y/n", he whispers getting teary eyed.

"I love you Mattheo", I say, "I love you too much to let this get in the way"

He pulls me in closer running his hands up and down my back.

"I love you too", he whispers.

The next few days went by slowly. Tilly made us good food and we were glad for her company. I could tell that the thought of Tom not coming back was driving Mattheo mad. By the end of the 4th day I could tell he was starting to loose hope.

I didn't have any clothes, so I have been wearing Mattheo's T shirts around. His father left both him and Tom a closet full of their clothes.

"Look what I found in one of the drawers in our room", Mattheo says on the morning of the fifth day holding up a letter with his name on it.

"What is it?", I ask.

"I don't know I'll read it", he says tearing it open. "Son, if you are receiving this letter that means that I have failed in my actions. I have set you and your brother up for greatness. You know exactly what you need to do to make sure my reign doesn't end with me. Go kill Harry Potter and round up the death eaters again." After he's done reading it he crumbles it up and throws it in the garbage bin.

"He did this to me!", Mattheo stands up loosing his temper, "he's the reason why we'll never be able to do anything. We won't even be able to have a proper fucking wedding because of him. I can't even leave this fucking house because of him!"

"And now he got his own son killed or in jail because of his own fucking opinion", he says sounding solemn.

I don't do or say anything when he runs up the stairs and I hear bangs and crashes. After about an hour of silence Mattheo comes back downstairs and sits with me at the table.

"Tilly, will you please make us some tea?", I ask after he sits down.

"Yes, sugar?"

"Yes please", I say and Mattheo doesn't say anything. "He wants sugar as well" I can feel the anger fuming off of Mattheo and decide to just leave him alone.

The morning of the 6th day Mattheo and I heard the door open. He made me hide in the closet while he investigated. It went quiet, but then I heard running up the stairs and I held my breath.

The closet door came crashing open and I was relieved when it was Victoria.

"Oh my god! You're okay!", I shout jumping up and giving her a hug.

"Tom found me it just took a while for us to get back here as I had to pack", she says showing two huge suitcases behind her. "And, I packed for you too", she says giving me one of the suitcases.

"Oh my gosh thank you", I say pulling her in for another hug, "I don't think I could stand one more day of wearing Mattheo's clothes"

"I'm going to go get settled in because I think we're going to be here for a while", she says leaving and closing the door.

As soon as it closes it's pulled open again to a Mattheo who looks in a lot better spirits.

"Do you feel better now?", I ask him walking over to him.

"Yes", he says looking down at me and putting his hands on my hips. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in closer to me for another hug.

"We're going to get through this", he whispers kissing my head.

"I'll do my best", I whisper my head in his chest.

And we stayed there and held each other for what felt like hours thinking about what was to come.
