
Mattheo and Y/n are the couple that always fights. After they breakup Y/n goes on a date with Cedric when Mattheo decides to finally apologize.

Word Count: 1147

"Seriously, are we really going to have this fight again?" I say fed up.

"Apparently we are until you realize how wrong you are", he snaps back.

"You know what Mattheo, I'm done"

The room goes silent.

"You're what?", he whispers.

"Everytime you were at your worst who picked you back up? Me. Everytime your dad did something to you. Who helped you through it? Me. I loved you at your very fucking worst, Mattheo. So good luck trying to find someone else to do everything I did for you", I march out of his dorm and slam the door shut behind me.

That was 3 months ago. And do I regret what I did? I don't quite know yet. But today I'm going on a date with someone else.

I arrive in hogsmede with my go to date outfit on when I see he's already waiting for me.

Cedric Diggory.

Perfect in every way. The exact opposite of Mattheo.

He opens the door to the three broomsticks for me and I look around for an empty booth and...


What bad luck. Enzo, Theo, Draco, Blaise, and Mattheo sit at a table together and they seem to have spotted me because they're all nudging Mattheo and pointing over to me.

I pretend not to notice as Cedric grabs my hand and takes me to the one empty booth in the place which thankfully is across the room from the Slytherin boys.

I can feel their stares, but I pretend to ignore them. So instead of focusing on them I focused on Cedric. He was charming and sweet. He even paid for my meal.

When Cedric and I finished we walked out the same we walked in hand in hand. We walked like that all the way back to the castle. We said our goodbyes as he went up to the hufflepuff common room and I went down to the Slytherin one.

When I walk in I hear laughing and automatically know who it is. Cedric and I must've taken our sweet time because they beat me here.

I walk by them with my head down and I can feel Mattheo's eyes following me as I walk back to my dorm. I let out a breath when I get to my dorm, when I find flowers by my bed with a note attached to it. The note read:

Sorry it took me so long to say this, but I'm sorry.


Pathetic. As soon as he sees me with another guy that's when he wants me. Apology so not accepted. The flowers were quite beautiful though and I didn't want to throw them out, so I made a mental note to get a vase of water for them later today.

Then, the door flew open and I jumped thinking it was Mattheo, but it was just Pansy. I sighed of relief.

"Who are those from?", Pansy asks taking a piece of chocolate out of our secret candy stash.

I toss her the note and roll my eyes.

"Wow, so he sees you with another guy and then he buys you flowers. I was hoping they were from Cedric", She says tossing her wrapper in the trash. "Speaking of Cedric. How was your date?"

"Amazing", I say, "Except for the fact the boys were at the same place we were at"


"Yeah, but they didn't do anything"

"Whew that's good", she says flopping on her bed. "But the flowers", she questions, "what are those about?"

"Who knows", I sigh. "He's so unpredictable one day he'll be in love with you the next day he wants to fight"

"Bipolar, as fuck", she says throwing me a piece of chocolate.

I laugh and put the chocolate in my mouth and eat it.

I look at the clock and realize it's time for dinner.

"Let's go to dinner", I say grabbing Pansy's wrist and helping her up.

Pansy and I walk into the great hall and I look over to the hufflepuff table and see Cho and Cedric chatting it up together.

"That didn't take long", I say pointing over to the table.

"Damn, Y/n you have bad luck", Pansy says patting me on the back.

"Whatever", I say trying to brush it off, but I really enjoyed our date and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little hurt.

I was really just playing with my food when I heard some shouting by the hufflepuff table.

"Y/n, it's Mattheo and Cedric they're fighting over you!",  A random hufflepuff comes over to me and says.

I jog over to where a small crowd has formed standing on my tiptoes to try and see over everyone. Once I finally push my way to the front I see Mattheo on top of Cedric with a death grip on his shoulders.

"ON TO THE NEXT ALL FUCKING READY I SWEAR IF YOU HURT HER ONE MORE FUCKING TIME IT WILL BE THE LAST TIME YOU EVER SEE ANYONE AGAIN", he slams Cedric's head against the ground and storms out of the great hall.

I don't even bother checking on Cedric and chase Mattheo out of the great hall.

"Mattheo", I say breathless "please wait"

He turns around with angry eyes, but they soften when they see me.

"Did you see all that?"

"Yes", I say, fiddling with the hem of my robes.

"Oh", is all he says and he starts walking again.


He stops and turns around to face me "he was ditching you already, I couldn't let him do that to you Y/n I've already done it once"

"No, why did you get me flowers"

"Because I'm sorry", he says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well why weren't you sorry sooner?", I say.

"I was sorry, but too mad at you to say it", he says looking me right in the eyes.

"What made you not mad at me?"

"Seeing you with someone else made me want to torture myself. If I don't have a life with you in it I don't want one at all"

"Mattheo, please be realistic"

"I'm being dead serious, Y/n"

"I can't loose you again and you know that", I say trying to hold back tears.

"You won't have to", he says making his way over to me.

"But we always fight it will never work", I say my breath hitching as he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

"But we can always forgive each other", he says his hands moving down to my back pulling me close to him.

"Your apology is accepted", I say grabbing his face and smashing our lips together.
