I Want You

Word Count: 1146

Everyone is scared of what Mattheo will do if he doesn't get his way except you. And when Mattheo wants you to go to his dorm with him you say no and it makes him want you even more.

Y/H= your house

Mattheo Riddle, the school bad boy that everyone is scared of because of his dad. Well everyone except me. In my opinion he's a cocky bastard who gets whatever he wants when we wants.

I think the only other people who aren't scared of him are all the girls who have big crushes on him. Even some of my friends talk to me about how gorgeous he is. It's actually really annoying. Even the girls that swoon over him and talk about how hot he is everyday have never had a conversation with him in their lives.

I mean I understand if you don't want to mess with him because you don't want to get on his bad side, but seriously people just because he's the son of the dark lord doesn't mean he's going to kill you if you do something he doesn't like.

I mean he might... but he'll be in a lot of trouble. Plus I'm pretty sure he lives with the Malfoy family anyway so he's probably not even around his dad that much.

"Y/N, did you listen to anything I just said" my best friend Kira says.

"No" I admit walking into the great hall for lunch.

"Well as I was sa-"

"Do you think Riddle would actually kill somebody if they did something mean to him" I said cutting her off and glancing over at Mattheo sitting with Draco and his gang at the Slytherin table. (If your a Slytherin just imagine that says glancing down the table at Mattheo or something like that)

"I don't know" Kira says giving me a questioning look "but I also don't want to find out"

I nod my head and give all my attention to Kira.


Later on I was walking to class and heard someone say my name I spun around and saw none other than Mattheo Riddle leaning against the wall.

"What do you want Riddle?" I say kinda surprised that he wanted to talk to me.

"I want you" he said calmly.

"What do you mean you "want me"?" I say with air quotations.

"I saw you looking over at me today from the Y/H table and I thought you were interested" He says with a smirk.

"Well I'm not" I say as I continue walking.

He caught up to me and grabbed my wrist.

"I get what I want and I want you to come to my dorm with me."

"Well you aren't getting what you want this time" I say as I try to jerk my wrist away.

Instead of letting go he pushed me up to the wall "I get what I want and I want you" he says repeating himself. Our faces were so close together I could feel his hot breath on my lips. "Come on let's just go to my dorm" he says trying to grab my hand and lead me in the opposite direction I was going.

"Ummm first of all I have class and second of all I don't like you Riddle" I say as I try to walk off again.

"Stop playing hard to get L/N, I know you want me" he says not letting me out of his tight grip.

"I need to get to class" I say trying to squirm out of his grip. He finally lets me go and I really want to run away as fast as I can, but instead I walk a little faster then I did before.

I didn't turn back around until I got close to the classroom. I looked back and didn't see Mattheo and I was so relieved. I decided not to tell Kira what happened because she would probably freak out.

"You Okay Y/N?" Kira says as I enter the classroom.

"Yeah" I say putting on a smile so she doesn't get worried.

"Okay" she says cheerfully turning her attention back to Flitwick.


After charms I had Potions and that was my last class of the day which sucked because it was my least favorite class.

During potions all I did was think about what Mattheo said to me in the hallway. I couldn't get him off my mind.


As I enter the great hall for supper I automatically look over at Mattheo and see him already looking at me. Our eyes meet and I look away and quickly sit down next to Kira.

"Are you sure you're okay Y/N" Kira says giving me a worried look "You've been a little off ever since charms"

"I'm okay" I say not taking my eyes off of Mattheo.

"Why are you looking over there" she says waving a hand in front of my face.

I snap out of my trance and sigh. "I'm not hungry anymore" I mumble getting up and leaving the great hall.

I see Kira frown but continue with her conversation with some other friends.

I start to make my way back to the common room when I feel someone grab my shoulder. I spin around and already know who it is. I meet Mattheo's eyes and immediately look down blushing.

"I love how flustered I make you" He said with a smirk.

"I-I'm not flustered" I stutter out.

"Yes you are" he says with another one of his smirks " I saw you looking at me in the great hall and I'm pretty sure you can't keep your eyes off of me after what I said to you".

I feel my face getting red and look down at the floor. He lifts my chin up to look at him.

"Look Y/N you are the only girl that isn't either scared of me or flirting with me 24/7".

"So?" I say looking down at the floor.

"So you're driving me crazy and after you telling me no in the hallway today it made me fall even harder for you. And I know you don't like me but I just wanted to tell you how I actually felt" he said and walked away from me.

"Mattheo wait!" I say running towards him. As soon as he turned around I slammed my lips onto his. At first he didn't kiss back. I think he was shocked. But he did eventually. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

The kiss was so wonderful I don't think we ever would've stopped if we didn't hear Kira down the hall.

"Y/N M/N L/N you best explain what the hell is going on!" Kira shouts startling us.

Me and Mattheo just look at each other and smile.
