Chapter 8- Love notes.

"Hey Ella!" Shane called out. I turned around with a sad look, not wanting to exactly leave just yet. "How about we hang out tomorrow? Lauren and I are performing at open mic night down at Lucy's. You can bring Lyric and other friends." He suggested. I gave a smile, happy I get to see him again, and nodded my head.

"Alright. Text me the time and we'll be there." I smiled before turning, the smile staying put at the thought of seeing him again...

As friends of course.


I walked into the apartment building hallway and my ears filled with the blaring sound of Could you be loved by Bob Marley, automatically knowing where it was coming from. "I'm going to kill him." I muttered to myself, digging around in my bag for my keys. The sound of a door being unlocked filled the hallway and Mrs. Rogers; the elderly lady next door, walked out with a unhappy expression.

"Ella. Will you please tell that boyfriend of yours to cut down that damn music?" She snapped and I gave a apologetic look before nodding.

"Sorry, Mrs. Rogers. I will tell him right now." I assured her and she gave a grunt before slamming her door shut. I let out a sigh and unlocked the door before pushing it open. The music became louder, hurting my ears, and I slammed the door shut, the sound never being heard over the music. "Lyric! Turn it down!" I yelled placing my bag down on the coffee table.

There was no sign of Lyric in the house but I noticed the remote on the sofa and walked around to grab it. My eyes landed on a unconscious Lyric laying on the ground, looking almost lifeless. "Oh my god!" I gasped dropping my knees and scooping his head into my lap. "Lyric! Baby! Open your eyes." I yelled, tears filling my eyes. I quickly grabbed the remote and turned off the music before tossing it back.

Lyric's head laid effortlessly in my lap as I shook him, trying to wake him up. "This is why I told you not to do it! Wake up. Please baby! Wake up!" I cried, slightly slapping his face. His shoulders slowly began to shake and a smile tugged at his lips, making me scrunch up my face in confusion. His eyes shot open, pupils dilated, and eyes wide.

"Your face was priceless." He laughed loudly, sitting up. I continued to look at him in confusion as he jumped up, gripping his stomach. "You honestly thought something happened! Oh god you are so naive!"

My face fell at his words once I took in how he was acting. Eyes dilated, hands shaking, nose slightly running, and extremely hyper. I turned away from him to look at the dinning room table and saw his 'box' sitting on the table. Rage shook through me as I pushed myself off the floor.

"Are you serious right now?" I snapped glaring over at him. He gave me an amused look with a big and almost demonic smile. "You think this is funny?"

"I mean would I be laughing if I didn't?" He retorted with a crooked smirk. "This is what you get for hiding my things." He added crossing his arms with a smug look. I stared at him in disbelief and anger, balling up my fist.

"So you made me believe that you were dead because I hid your drugs from you? Are you shitting me right now, Lyric?" I yelled intense rage raking through me. He gave a chuckle and smirked darkly at me.

"I got you good, didn't I?" He laughed and I scoffed, the urge to slap him coming strongly. "Maybe next time you won't hide the thing that helps me cope with her death the most." He smirked sitting down on the sofa.

"If you would just talk to me about it then I could be the one to help you! But every time I try to get you to open to me about  her you resort to that poison on the table and we end up like this! Lyric I want to help you!" I cried, tears filling my eyes. He laughed bitterly and walked up to me, cupping my face with his hand.

"Honey, you will never be able to help me." He smiled in a wicked but sweet manner. "The only thing you are good for is sex." He added that smile turning into a smirk. I yanked away and slapped him with all force, his head snapping to the right.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that!" I shouted tears pouring over.  Charlie pulled on my pant leg with his teeth making me look down at him. He cocked his head at me and happily barked. I gave a weak smile and looked back at Lyric who still hand his head snapped to the right. "Charlie and I are going to bed. You and the thing you obviously love more than us can sleep out here. I can't even stand to look at you."

And with that I scooped up the puppy and stormed off towards the room, trying to push back the tears. I slammed the door shut and pressed myself against it, rage being replaced with utter sadness and pain. I slowly slid down the door, sobs slipping from my mouth, and pain shooting through my heart.

Charlie made a whining noise and placed his paws on my chest, leaning up to my face. I opened my eyes to find the adorable puppy looking at me with a sad look and gently licked the tip of my nose. I laughed weakly and wrapped my arms around him, giving him a small hug. He licked my face making me giggle and fall back onto the ground.

Which is were I stayed for the whole night, cuddling Charlie, and crying softly.


"Ella. Doll. Hey it's time to wake up." Lyric whispered, shaking me slightly from my sleep. I slowly fluttered my eyes open and blinked a few times adjusting my eyes to the light. Lyric leaned over me with a soft smile and loving eyes, looking nothing like the guy from last night. "What are you doing on the floor, dork?" He teased, brushing some hair out of my face.

I quickly slapped his hand away and pushed myself off the floor, the rage from last night coming back. Lyric gave me a confused look once I turned towards him with a glare.

"You okay?" He asked softly, reaching out to touch my arms. I moved away and continued to glare at me, with my jaw tense, and lips formed in a thin line. "Doll, what's wrong? Is this about the little text fight we had?"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "No Lyric! This isn't about the text fight we had! This is about how you treated me and that really messed prank you pulled last night." I snapped and he looked at me in confusion.

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Of course you don't! You were too jacked up on your drug! Lyric I am so tired of doing this with you." I yelled, tears pooling up at the corners of my eyes. Lyrics face filled with concern once he noticed me about to cry.

"Doll, what happen last night?" He asked softly and I let out a sigh, a tear slipping from my eye. I quickly wiped in away and let out a deep breath.

"I came home and you were passed out on the floor." I said using air quotations around passed out. "And I freaked out because I thought something happened but it was all a prank. Then we fought well you just laughed and smirked for most of it while I yelled. We started talking about Sara's death and I told you I want to help. You told me that all I was good for was sex. I slapped you and told you to sleep out there and me and Charlie slept in here." I explained a few tears running over.

Lyric stared at me in grief and slowly stepped towards me, tears in his eyes. " know I didn't mean right?" He asked in a soft tone. I dropped my head and let a small sob slip from my mouth.

"I don't know anymore, Lyric. I can never tell if what that version of you is saying is true." I cried covering my face with my hands. "I can never tell how you are going to act or what you are going to say to me when you are on that stuff.  So no! I don't know if you meant it or not." I added

He looked at me with sympathy and reached out to touch me put I pulled away once his hand brushed my arm. " didn't mean what I said. You are so much more to me than that. Ella...hey...please look at me." He said slowly removing my hands from my face. He looked at me with watery eyes as mine still flooded with tears. "I love you so much that sometimes I don't even know what to do. It is unbelievable how much I love you." He said voice, cracking, and a few tears falling from his now cloudy green eyes.

I pulled away from him and shook my head rapidly, tears falling more quickly. "No! You don't get to just say sorry and everything is forgiven! You broke my heart last night, Lyric! Do you know how much that hurt me?! I cried myself to sleep! I left early from my coffee with Shane to come and check on you! And you treated me like that! I...I...just..I'm going to take a shower." I cried before rushing to bathroom and slamming the door.

I covered my eyes and cried loudly as Lyric yelled in frustration and something fell to the floor in the room, probably breaking.

What a great morning.


"Hey, have you seen Lyric?" I asked Maddie once we finished the dance for the next show. She took a sip of water, holding up a finger. I crossed my arms and blew a piece of hair out of my face.

"He said he had to leave early for something." She told me wiping her mouth. "He didn't give much detail to what that something was. Are you guys okay? There seems to be a lot of tension."

I let out a sigh and looked down at the floor. "Is it really that noticeable?" I asked softly and she nodded.

"You guys are like THE couple here so when you guys aren't okay we all can tell. So is he like mad that your hair looks like a banana?" She teased and I gave a weak laugh.

"My hair doesn't look like a banana. It is not yellow." I laughed shoving her playfully. "And no we just had a really bad fight. Something I rather not get into right now." I told her, heart ache washing over me at the thought of it.

She nodded and picked up her bag. "Well, let's get you home and we will have a girls night in." She smiled draping a arm around my shoulder and walking us out the door. I spotted Shane talking to Lauren, all there stuff packed up and remember Lucy's.

"Actually I was thinking about going down to Lucy's for open mic night." I said, eyes still focused on Shane. She looked over where I was staring and smirked.

"Ya know? If you actually talked to him then you wouldn't have to be all stalkerish and stare at him." She teased and I looked away from him and over at her. She smirked and gave me a smug looked once I blushed.

"Actually I-" I started but was cut off by Shane's voice.

"Hey Ella!" He smiled once we both looked over him. Maddie looked between us with a raised eyebrow that soon turned into a glare at me. "I was just coming to tell you that Lucy's changed the time. It is going to start at eight now." He added and I nodded.

"Alright cool. I'm really excited." I smiled back. Maddie cleared her throat and I looked over at her. "Oh! This is my friend" I introduced and she stopped her dagger eyes, looking over at him with a smile.

"Hi. I'm Maddie." She smiled shaking his hand.

"Shane." He replied. "I'm an old friend of Ella's." He added and she looked at me with a 'oh-really' face.

"Is that so? Well it is nice to meet you and I will be seeing you at Lucy's right?" She asked looking away from me. I looked down already knowing I was going to here about this later.

"Yeah. I'm actually performing there with my group." He told her and she gave me another look, nodding her head. "Well I have to get back to cleaning up. It was nice meeting you, Maddie and I will see both of you tonight." He waved goodbye before heading back to Lauren.

Maddie looked at me once he was gone with one of her's 'I'm-about-to-kill-you.' looks. I looked down and scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. "So yeah. I kind of know him from England." I said trying to be nonchalant about it.

"Yeah, I could tell. You have a lot to explain." She pulling me by the arm down the street. "Which you can do while we walk home."


I opened the door to my apartment, the aroma of strawberry filling my nose. I walked inside and saw candles lined up all around the house, now knowing where the smell was coming from. There was a sticky note on the T.V stand and I pulled it off before reading it.

Follow the notes. Love you...

                                              ~Lyric x

I looked down at the floor and saw a line of sticky notes posted on the ground. There were the colors blue and pink and the blue had the words I'm sorry on them while the pink had I love you. I smiled and followed them into the dinning room. There was a giant poster board in the middle of the table with a drawing of the world and the words 'wherever you are, that is where I want to be.' printed in Lyric's handwriting.

I smiled down at the poster, a warm feeling filling me. I followed the arrow of notes with I love you printed on them into the kitchen where Lyric was standing with a small smile. He was holding a poster with I love you printed in bold red letter and flowers. I gushed at the sign and walked over towards him.

"Ella...I am so sorry." Lyric whispered as I walked over. "I feel completely horrible for what I said and how I acted. I would completely understand if you hate me and don't want to be with me any-"

I muffled his voice by kissing him passionately, cupping his face in my hands, and standing on my toes. My heart fluttered at the touch of his lips and the feeling he put into it once he kissed back. The sound of the poster hitting the floor filled the room and his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer. We continued to kiss deeply, sometimes nipping at each other bottom lips, or kissing each other jaws.

It was the first time where we didn't pull back for a while and if we did we just went right back to kissing with out any sound. Shocks rippled through me and so much passion was put into it. It was like any fight we have ever had was wiped away with that kiss.

"I could never hate you." I said pulling back breathless. "No matter what you do or what we fight about there is not a bone in my body that could hate you." I added resting my forehead against his, and running my thumb across his cheek.

He smiled kissing me softl, pulling me closer. I closed my eyes and played with the ends of his hair, heart thumping against my chest. He pulled away and kissed the tip of my nose. "I'm so sorry about last night." He whispered, voice cracking. I opened my eyes to find his with tears in them and I quickly wiped the corner of his eyes.

"It's alright baby." I cooed, pecking his lips. "Just promise me that you are done with the drugs. Please?"

He nodded his head rapidly and pulled away to walk over to a cabinet. He opened one and pulled out the 'box' and handed it to me. "I'm done. For good." He promised, moving his hands away from it. I looked down at the box and smiled. "I'll do anything for you, Ella. You know that right?" He added making me look up at him.

"Yeah. I know that." I smiled and placed the box on the counter behind me. "And I would do the same for you. Anything at all." I kissed him, wrapping my arms around his neck as his found my waist. "Speaking of which. Can you do me a huge favor?"

"Sure, doll. Anything." He smiled leaning against the counter with me still in his arms.

"Will you..." I paused, kissing him again to make it less bad when I ask. "Go to Shane's open mic night down at Lucy's with me?"

*Author note*

So I hope this was long enough! I can never really tell until I post it. :P

So what do you think? Good chapter?

And aaaaaaahhhhh DON'T STOP JUST CAME ON! :D :D :D :D

okay...I'm fine Fangirl moment.

How many of you are still pissed at Lyric?

Who do you think Sara is? (BTW she is the girl that died and wow that sound dark.)

Did you expect him to be on drugs?

Did you like the way he made up to her?

What do you think is going to happen at Open mic night?

Do you think he is going to go?




Let me know what you think in the comments!

Much love my pandas!!xxxx


