Chapter 22- Fancy seeing you here.

*Shane's P.O.V*

"Knock. Knock." Lauren poked her head into my room, which I was getting ready in. I glanced at her through my full body mirror before focusing my attention back on the many shirts I had laid out on the floor. "What's up?"

"Trying to pick out a shirt for my date with Cecilia." I told her, eyes roaming over the selection I had. "I just...don't know what to wear."

Lauren walked fully into the room and over to where I was standing. "H'm..." She hummed, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "I say the grey collared button up. It isn't too fancy and it isn't too casual. It basically will fit in to every occasion. " She nodded her head as a final thought. I studied the shirt and bent down to pick it up.

"Yeah and the selves come down to my elbows so if we go to a club or something I won't have to worry about getting hot." I said as I pulled the tank top I was wearing over my head with one hand. I looked up at Lauren and saw that she was studying my chest intently. "Like what you see, shrimp?" I smirked making her blush.

"Shut up!" She muttered making me laugh. "I was just looking at the tattoo over your heart." She said and I automatically knew which one she was talking about.

"1995." I said smiling a bit, tracing over the Gothic ink with my fingers. "The year I first met Ella." I added and Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Of course it is." She groaned, plopping down on my dark blue comforter. I raised an eyebrow at her as I slipped my arms into the selves of the shirt.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I asked, eyeing her quizzically.

"It's just...everything you have basically revolves around Ella. It is quite disgusting. Especially when all she is doing is stringing you along. " Lauren voiced and I rolled my eyes, buttoning up the shirt.

"She isn't stringing me along." I defended and She scoffed. "She isn't! Okay she has told me many times that she wanted Lyric and Lyric only. And just earlier today we came to agreement that we just need to stay friends." I added. "And not everything I own revolves around her."

"Bull crap!" Lauren snapped. "I could name at least ten things in here that Ella either got you or talked you into getting."

"Okay. Name them then." I retorted, walking over to my dresser, and pulling open my beanie drawer.

"Okay, well there is Rose." She started pointing at my guitar that Ella gave me when we started six grade. "And She is named after Ella's middle name. Then there is that very watch you are wearing now. The old dark red hoddie hanging on the bed post. Your cookie monster wallet that she got you for your fourteenth birthday. Your wooden guitar pick that she helped you picked out during senior year." She finished and I stood there with a 'Well-ya-got-me-there!' look.

"You said at least ten and you only listed five." I smirked and she shot me a glare. "Okay fine. Most of my things revolves around her but what do you expect? I have known her since I was six. You collect some things when you know someone that long. Physically and mentally."

"Yeah I get that." She sighed. "I don't know. I just think you have your mind wrapped around a girl who doesn't even deserve you." She added and I frowned at bit, placing a black beanie on my flat hair.

"She deserves more than me. I understand that now. Which is why I'm letting go and moving on." I stated and Lauren nodded with a small smile. "And look at me know. Getting ready for a date with a extremely attractive and rad girl. I've never felt so alive." She giggled at my words, pushing herself off my bed.

"I'm happy for you, Shane." She smiled, hugging me tight, and her head falling right under my chin.

"Thanks, Shrimp." I replied, giving a tight squeeze before pulling away. "Will you pick out a pair of shoes while I brush my teeth." I asked, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

"Sure." She giggled and walked over to my already open closet.


"How do I look, Toby?" I asked as I walked into the living room. Toby looked up from his computer, probably working on the new song we were writing. His eyes ran over me before nodding with a half smile.

"You look good, man. Gonna have mystery girl dropping to her knees for you. If ya know what I mean?" He said with a wink, making me laugh, and Lauren gasp.

"Toby!" She scowled, slapping him lightly on the shoulder. He gave her a toothy smile, before leaning up and pecking her on the lips.

"You know it's true, L. I basically had you doing the same for me our first date." He smirked, while laughing an 'ow' as she slapped his arm a bit harder.

"You are horrible." She laughed as he yanked her down in his lap. I smiled at their cuteness as he began to pepper her face in kisses. "Toby! Stop!" She giggled, pushing on his chest softly.

"Say you love me." He smiled in between the kisses.

She giggled a bit more, not ready to give up the fight just yet, before finally squealing out an "I love you!" once he started to tickle her. He pulled away with a satisfied smile before pressing a kiss to her lips.

"And I love you too, my love." He chuckled before pulling away. I let my mind visualize Ella and I acting like this. As if we were together and in love like back in high school. I pushed it away once I knew that could never be us again and I needed to accept that.

But maybe it could be like that with Cecilia.

There were a few loud knocks on the front door and my heart began to speed up. "She's here." I croaked out, suddenly feeling subconscious. "Are you sure I look alright?" I asked quickly and they both nodded their heads with smiles.

"Shane, you look great. Now get out there." Lauren laughed, standing from Toby's lap, and pushing me towards the door. "Remember just be yourself and keep your mind off of you know who. This girl isn't her. Remind yourself that." She gave a small smiled before disappearing back into the living room.

I stared after here before finally forcing myself to open the door. "Here goes nothing." I whispered before pulling open the door.

And there she stood. Her perfect white teeth shining at me in a sweet smile and her ice blue eyes beaming with delight. Fire red hair curled around her shoulders and straight side bangs swooping over her left eye.  She stood with her hands clasped behind her back and leaning her weight on one hip...kinda like what Ella does when she is embarrassed or upset.

Stop. She is not Ella.

"Hey there, handsome." She greeted as I pulled the door shut. I turned towards her with a smile, pushing my hair out of my eyes. "Don't you look dashing." She complemented, tugging at the collar of my shirt a bit.

I laughed slightly. "Thanks. You look great as well." I smiled, eyes taking in what she was wearing. "Nice shirt." I chuckled noticing that she was wear a white crop top with mickey mouse on it, holding up his middle fingers over his eyes. It was very...wild looking.

"Hope we aren't going anywhere child related." She smirked and I let out another laugh, taking her hand in mine. She looked down at our entwined hands and blushed a bit.

"Not anymore." I joked making her giggle, stirring up a feeling in my stomach. "I am really digging the shirt. And the..." I paused studying her exposed tan and toned stomach. "Belly ring."

She glanced down at her navel and smiled, playing with the ring with her free hand. "Yeah. My best friend got it for me. She has a matching one." She told me as we walked down the busy side walk. I nodded with a smile, thinking about the tattoo on my wrist that Ella has a matching one of.

"What does it say?"

She chuckled with a smirk. "Tease." She said with a wink making me laugh.

"Oh wow. You aren't going to tease me all night are you?" I asked with a playful smile.

"Only if you like that way, mister." She winked again making me chuckle. We walked in a comfortable silence for a while, hands entwined, and smiles on our faces. "So, where are we off to?" She spoke up and it was now my  turn to smirk.

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" I teased making her giggle. "Can't tell ya, love. Then it will ruin the surprise." I added and she pouted her lip adorably. Part of me wanted to kiss her and then another part of me wished it was Ella I would be kissing.

Stop. She's not Ella.

"And you're worried about me being the tease." She said. A laugh escaped my still busted lip and I squeezed her hand a bit.

I could get use this.


We walked up to the No-silence Cabin karaoke bar and Cecilia squealed with delight. "Oh my god! I love it here!" She exclaimed, jumping a bit on the balls of her feet. I laughed at her excitement, draping my arm over her shoulder.

"Well, I'm glad! Didn't know if you liked karaoke or not." I said and she smiled up at me.

"See you know me so well and we haven't even known each other that long." She beamed and pecked my cheek, causing my face to heat up. "Awe! Look at you blushing." She teased, poking at me cheeks.

"Oh hush." I chuckled, biting my lip in a smile. "Not my fault. You should just stop being bloody adorable." I added and it was her who blushed this time. "HA! Who's blushing now, Love?" I smirked and she playfully slapped my chest.

"Shut up." She giggled as we got closer to the door. "You going to sing for me, stud?" She asked nudging me lightly with her elbow.

I smirked down at her and shrugged with exaggeration. "I don't know. Maybe." I said nonchalantly and she beamed at me, knowingly. "Or maybe...not." I said with a smirk and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Oh whatever! You know you want to." She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I laughed loudly, making people look back us. An elder couple looked back at us and smiled sweetly.

"Aren't y'all just so cute." The elder lady exclaimed, beaming at us. I smiled at them and looked down at blushing a Cecilia. "I hope you guys are here because you are on a date." She added, only making Cecilia blush harder and buried herself into my side.

I chuckled through the pain, since she was pressed against my wound, and shifted a bit. "T-The first actually." I stuttered from the pulsing pain I was feeling, but played it off well.

"Awe! Bobby! These two are on their first date! Remember when it was us on our first date. You were so nervous that you spilled your hot chocolate all over me." The lady smiled over at her husband who was shaking his head with a throaty chuckle.

"Yes, I remember Lou. You never let me forget it." He kissed her cheek and smiled over at us. "You two kids have fun now." He nodded a goodbye as the lady gave a small smile and waved.

I looked down at Cecilia, biting my lip in a smile, and pain. "H-hey love?" I stuttered again, the pain growing worse.

"H'm?" She hummed looking up at me shinning eyes, making my knees almost go weak from the way she was staring at me. I completely forgot about the pain in my side as she stared at me, but it soon shot through me once she shifted against me.

"Shit!" I cursed, yanking away from her. I lightly gripped at my side and tried to sooth some of the pain away. I let out a small whimper once I pressed down to hard and Cecilia looked at me in full concern.

"Shane? You okay, babe?" She asked, voice laced with worry. I looked over with a weak smile and nodded slightly. "What happen?"

I opened my mouth to tell her but closed it, knowing that if I did tell her she would be worrying about me all night. Then it would take the fun away from the date. So I swallowed the truth and put on a big smile, standing up straight. "I just had a slight cramp in my side that's all." I lied and her face soften bit.

"Period time?" She joked with a smile, making me laugh loudly, and completely forgetting about the dull throbbing in my side.



"That was a rocking version of Don't you want me by The Human League! Preformed by Lou and Bobby Fritz!" Max, the announcer of the night, spoke into the mic. The crowd clapped and hollered as the elderly couple from earlier made there way off the stage. I wolfed called and clapped along with Cecilia.

"They were awesome." I exclaimed, looking down at Cecilia, who was plopped down on the lime green couch we were sharing. Now she was on the side that wasn't hurt. "They were so into it and acting like they were twenty again."

"I know! It was so cute!" She giggled and reached over to take a drink of her Cheryl temple. "I want something like them. When I'm older that is. I want to be able to still have fun like them even when I'm like eighty something."

I smiled, nodding my head in agreement. "Yeah. Same here." The sound of Max getting ready to come back on caught both of our attention.

"Anyone willing to come up next?" He asked scanning over the crowd.  I glanced down at Cecilia, who was excitedly waiting for someone to throw their hand up. I took a drink of my root beer and raised my hand.

"I will!" I called out and Cecilia snapped her head towards me, smiling like a little kid in a candy store. "I did say maybe didn't I?" I winked and placed a quick kiss on her cheek before rushing over to the stage.

"Alright!" Max cheered as I jogged up the stairs. "What's your name, mate?" He asked, clamping a hand on my shoulder. I leaned into the mic he was tilting my way and smiled out a the crowd.

"Shane." I said and he pulled it away.

"Well, Shane! Are you a good singer?" I gave a chuckle, trying not to sound cocky when I spoke.

"I guess you'll have to wait and find out won't you?" I smirked and he laughed into the mic.

"Alright ya tease! What song on you gonna hopefully knock our socks off with?" I looked over at Cecilia who was beaming at me and shot her a wink.

"Oh Cecilia by The Vamps." I've never seen a smile get so big at only five words in my entire  life until that moment. Her mouth stretched into a huge smile, making her dimples more prominent, and her cheeks turned a rose color. 

Max gave me a nod and handed me the mic before jogging over to the equipment. "Let me know when you are ready, mate." He said and I took a deep breath and let it out, like I always do before I preform and gave him a thumbs up.

Cecilia, you’re breaking my heart
You’re shaking my confidence daily

I belted and almost instantly the whole crowd went wild. I smiled largely at them and started to sway to the music. Trying to get it coursing through my body. I closed my eyes and tapped my hand against my thigh before getting ready to sing again.

Put your hands up
You’re surrounded
The whole love thing
I clowned it
Then who’s the joker?
I guess I’m it
‘Cause I let it right go when I found it

Time has never been my best suit
Now I’ve got everything except you
You moved out of my heart, still got the bruise
I’d give it all back to be next to you.

I opened my eyes and landed them on Cecilia who was standing up and rocking her hips, smiling up at me. The way she looked made me realize that maybe it was okay to move on. That maybe this is where I suppose to end up the whole time. Standing on this stage, on my first dates in months, and singing to the girl that was the first one in a while that made me want to kiss her. Other than Ella of course.

Stop. She's not Ella.

And You know what I honestly didn't mind that she wasn't.

I turn my radio up and it’s just my luck
Why-y-y-y-y-y-eh me?
I turn my TV on, it’s the same old song
Why are you following me?
It’s like a ‘missing you’ sign
Is written on my face
It’s like everybody knows
Cause everywhere I go
The whole world is singing to me

Cecilia, you’re breaking my heart
You’re shaking my confidence daily
Oh Cecilia, I’m down on my knees
I’m begging you please to come home

I soon had the crowd on their feet and dancing. I was being my usual self and tried to interact with them as much as I could. I was dancing around the stage, making a fool of myself, reaching out to touch people's hands as they rushed up to the stage. Cecilia made her way down towards the end and I beamed at her.

Although we’re many miles apart but I still feel her
There’ll never be another one like my Cecilia
Oh where, oh where could she be?
Does she still care about me?
When will she finally come back to, come back to me?

I sang and reached out my hand for Cecilia. She raised an eyebrow at me but took hold of my hand, which gave me a chance to pull her up on the stage. She squealed as her feet left the ground and she landed on the stage with my arm around her waist, and face inches from hers.

Cecilia, you’re breaking my heart
You’re shaking my confidence daily
Oh Cecilia, I’m down on my knees
I’m begging you please to come home

I sang a little softly, fading out of the song, and never moving my green eyes from her blue ones. She stared back with a small blush and smile, making my heart jump at how adorable she looked. I let the mic fall to my side and I grinned at her, brushing some hair out of her face.

"Shane...that was a-" I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers. They were soft and sweet, but it didn't make me I was home. They fitted with mine like the perfect puzzle piece and they kissed back with passion, but it didn't make fireworks go off. They weren't like Ella's...

Stop. She's not Ella.

I pulled her against me, moving my lips against her's with a smile, and letting everything fade away. Then my heart fluttered and my stomach did flips and I smiled even more. Maybe all I needed to do was not let Ella fill my mind and all the things suppose to happen will. Cecilia's arms wrapped around my neck and she pulled me closer to her, lips kissing me more eagerly.

I heard the crowd's cheers and realized that we were being watched, which made Ella fill my mind again, since I did only do this kind of thing with her. I pulled back and rested my head against her's and smiled.

"Well you sure did knock my socks off, stud." Cecilia smirked making me laugh and peck her lips once more.

"I'm glad, love. You did the same for me." We kissed again and this time...

Ella was no where in my head.


The night was filled with many more kisses after that. Some at the most random times. In the middle of a sentence, or while we are laughing. Some when we are even about to take a bite of food. No matter what moment it happened it still made both of us grin like a Cheshire cat.

One was about to happen now. I was waiting for her to reach for her drink or open her mouth to say something. The whole time trying to keep a normal face instead of bursting out into laughter.  Just when she went to grab her drink and I was going in for the kill....a certain name stopped me in my tracks.

"Ella! Come on! We practiced this so many times back in college." Maddie's voice filled the semi loud bar and I snapped my head towards the sound.

And there she was, dressed in a red, knee high, and flowly dress with her dirty blonde hair pulled up into a curly pony tail. She was sitting at one of the stools at the bar, smiling at her friend, but shaking her head. She looked stunning and she wasn't even really dressed up.

"Uh-huh! Not happening!" She laughed as Maddie grabbed hold of her hand, tugging her towards the stage. Ella noticed that she wasn't going to win and quickly grabbed her cocktail, taking a huge drink, before letting Maddie yank her off the stool. "Alright! Alright! I'm coming!" She giggled and rushed over towards the stage.

I smiled as her cheeks flustered once Maddie was telling Max that they wanted to sing. She began to pick at her nails, which is a nervous habit of her's, and sway side to side. Her head snapped up as Max said something with a smile and she flushed even more.

"Hey! Shane!" Cecilia waved her hand in front of my face. I blinked a few times, making me realize I had been staring at my ex-girlfriend, while I was on a date with maybe my future one.

"H'm?" I looked back at her, trying to force away my huge smile.

"You spaced out on me there for a second." She giggled and I gave her a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, Love. Was just thinking ab-" Her lips cut me off and usually I would have felt tiny sparks but this time...

There was nothing.

"No need to say sorry, stud. Just don't let it happen again." She said tracing my bottom lip with her thumb. I gave a awkward chuckle and nodded, wanting to move away so Ella wouldn't witness this. "Hey, what happen to your lip?" She asked and I tensed.

"Oh...I got into a small fight." I shrugged off and her face fell. "It's nothing to worry about really." I added but that didn't seem to help.

"And your eye? That was apart of this small fight too?" She sounded annoyed and that made me pull back a little to study her face. She looked annoyed and like she wanted to slap me, but what did I do to annoy her?

" was. It is not that big of deal, Lo-" This time instead of her lips cutting me off...

"Whatever." It was her voice. I was taken back by the harshness in her tone and the way she rolled her eyes.

I went to say something when she turned towards the stage and I thought it best to just leave it alone for now.

"Okay, Ladies and gents! We have another performance form Ella and Maddie." Max announced and my eyes snapped to the stage. Maddie stood confidently while as for Ella looked like she wanted to shrink away.  "What are you going to sing, beautiful?" He asked Ella and her blush grew darker.

"S-S-t-t-utter by Marianas T-T-rench." She stuttered and Max gave her an amused look.

"S-S-t-tutter it is then." He mocked making Ella look away and the crowd laugh loudly.

"Wow. Dick move." I muttered under my breath as I watch Ella pick at her nails again. Maddie patted her on the back before taking the mic from Max.

 Then the music began to play.

*Author note*


So, What do you think? Good chapter?

Who ships Cecilia and Shane?! (SHIP NAMES PLZ!)

And who is pissed about this whole chapter?


Who is wanting to kill me because I made him sing to her?

Who likes Cecilia?

Who doesn't?

Like the outfit??

Who wants Lyric to show back up soon?




And since this is the last book I am going to let y'all ask me questions about the story and anything you have been dying to know! Except about the ending and who she is going to end up with that is! ;)

Much love my pandas!!xxxx

