Chapter 42- Never letting go.


Hey! So in this chapter there is gonna be a song that I'm sure a lot of you know and what not. I just want to say that in the story this band doesn't exist and so that's why the character is going to say they wrote the song and blah blah blah.


Anyways now that is out of the way! Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter!

Talk to you again at the end!!

I unlocked my apartment door and almost fell to the ground as it gave no resistant when I pushed it open. I flicked on the lights, dropped my keys into the bowl, and left my bags by the now closed door. I let out a little breath of comfort once it hit me that I was in my own house and not at the hospital. My phone started buzzing from my pocket and I groaned knowing it was probably Rain.

"Hey." I answered with out looking at the caller ID.

"Hey babe." Maddie's voice filled my ear and I jumped in surprise, fully expecting Rain.

"Oh...Hi." I said back earning a chuckle from her.

"You already said that dork." She teased and I smiled a bit. "How have you been?"

"I've been better. Just got back from a weekend at Rain's cabin with Lyric and them." I told her, picking up my bags, and heading to the bedroom.

"You spent a weekend with Lyric?" She asked sounding shocked.

"Yeah but all of it was spent with him being in the hospital." I sighed, sitting my bag on the bed. There was a long pause and I knew she wanted me to explain. "He overdosed."

"Oh my god." She breathed. "Is he okay?"

"He'll be better after a month in rehab." I replied, pulling out the clothes I didn't get to wear, and walking over to the dresser. "The whole thing was pretty terrifying but I think it finally made him realize what those drugs can do to his life."

"No kidding. Man, that's crazy." I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "How is everything between the two of you?"

"Well, we're not back together if that's what you're wondering." I started and heard her sigh a little bit. "And I don't know if he still wants to talk to me. A lot happened this weekend and in the beginning of it we weren't doing so good. But then him overdosing changed everything and we actually acted like friends." I let a little smile form on my lips at the thought of how normal and nice everything was. "But I still don't where we stand."

"I think it's gonna be a while before you do, Ella." She pointed out and I knew she was right. "Have you talked to Shane?" I bit my lip at the sound of his name and flopped down on the bed, staring down at our matching tattoo.

"No. No, I haven't." I said softly, already picturing him in my mind. "Should to him?"

"I mean...I would if it was me. Just to find out where y'all stood." She paused for a few seconds before adding. "Do you think you want to be with him?" I groaned and threw an arm over my face.

"I don't know."I whined in frustration. "I don't know what I want. I know I love them both but it's just...I can't figure out what to do, Maddie. I don't want to cut them off and forget about them completely but I getting to the point where I think I should just move on from them both. Start new with someone else. I'm tried of stressing over this." I confessed and felt a huge weight lift off of me once I said it aloud.

"I get where you're coming from, babe. I really do but you can't just cut them both off like that. You are in love with these boys. I can see it in your eyes when you look at either of them and I don't want to see you lose them because you can't get your feelings in check. Maybe you need to talk to both of them and find out where you stand. Then figure out whether you want to be with them and if so who do you want to be with." She noted and I sighed, not wanting to accept the fact she was right.

"I'll think about it. I just-" I was cut off by barking coming from her side. I smiled, knowing it was Charlie since I still haven't picked him up from her yet. "God I miss that dog."

"Well come get him." She exclaimed and the barking grew louder. "Ever since he got her all he does it whine and bark. I think he misses you." She told me and I laughed.

"How bout I come get him today? In a hour or so. Sounds good?" I suggested, leaning up into a sitting position.

"Sounds bloody amazing. The little shit keeps peeing everywhere." She cursed and I could see her glaring at the poor thing in my head.

I giggled and pushed my hair out of my face. "I'll see you in a hour then." I smiled before adding. "Try not to kill him before then."

"No promises." She joked making me laugh. "Bye girly." She giggled before hanging up after I replied with a bye.

I sat my phone down and looked around the room, memories of my night with Shane filling my head. I stood up and walked over to the dresser where my foot knocked off my makeup bag once we came stumbling in. I brushed my hand over my hip bone where there is still light bite marks from that night, sighing at the thought of him.

The way his hand knew where and when to touch on my body. Like he has been memorizing me from the day we met. The softness of his lips as he tenderly kissed my neck and down my chest. The sweet taste of his mouth when he finally brought his lips to mine after all the teasing. The feel of his body molding into mine as we got sucked up into a heated mess of passion and lust. The shocks of pleasure. The breathtaking kisses and bites. The tender touches. The feeling of just being his.

And all of it is just a blur in my mind but it's one of the things I'm never letting go.

The sound of the doorbell ringing snapped me out of my thoughts and I jumped in embarrassment like I was caught doing something I shouldn't have been doing. I shook my head of my earlier thoughts and walked out to the living room, with slightly flustered cheeks, and panting breaths.

I calmed myself before pulling opening the door. Which wasn't really need because as soon as it was opened I started to freak out all over again. Shane stared at me with an awkward smile and his guitar case hanging by his side. His hair was pushed back into blue beanie and I could tell he was growing it out again by the few curls popping out from the sides. I stared at him in shock with my mouth hanging open rudely but I didn't know what to say or do.

"Hi." He smiled slightly and I snapped out of it when I noticed he was talking to me.

"Uh...hi." I squeaked out. " want to come in?" I asked, stepping out of the way. He nodded and slid pass me, hand brushing over mine. Which had my heart nearly exploding with overwhelming feelings. I stared out in the hallway for a few seconds before recollecting myself and walking into the apartment.

He was already sitting down on the sofa with his guitar case next to him and his hands linked together on his lap. He stared at me with an nervous smile and that same look of love in his eyes as he watched me walk over. I slowly sat down next to him on the sofa and cleared my throat awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"So, how have you been?" We said at the same time and stared at each other with raised eyebrows before breaking out into laughter. I fell back into the sofa, gripping my stomach in joyful pain, and not being able to control the loud laughs coming from my mouth. It wasn't as funny as I was making it out to be but everything from all the shit that has happened in my life since senior year came rushing back and I thought maybe if I kept laughing then I wouldn't break down again.

But I was wrong to think that.

My laughs soon turned into sobs as my whole body went limp and my hands covered my face to keep him from seeing me like this. "I'm...I'm sorry." I cried into my now damp hands, finding it hard to take a breath. His arms wrapped around me and pulled me face first into his chest. I moved my hands from my face and gripped at the back of his shirt as the sobs grew louder. He hummed a song I've never heard into my ear softly and rubbed soothing circles into my back.

"Breath, Ella. Breath." He coaxed me into doing breathing excises with him and after a while I was able to control my breathing and tears. "There you go. See all you have to do is focus on breathing." He smiled at me once I pulled away some and looked up at him. He used his thumb to wiped under my eye, trailing it down my cheek, before finally cupping my face.

We stared at each other deeply as if it was the first time we were actually seeing each other. Without any distractions. Without any rocky relationships to ruin. Without any worry about hurting someone. We were finally seeing each other without being afraid of it being the wrong thing to do. And for once it felt like it was the most normal thing in my life.

"What was that song you were humming?" I whispered, blinking slowly to get tears out of my face. His eyes lit up at my question and much to my dismay he broke contact, reaching for his guitar case. I watched him intently and leaned back into the cushion to get comfortable.

"It's a song I wrote." He started, glancing up from the guitar now siting in his lap. "Lauren and Toby want me to put it on the album we're working on but it's a bit personal." He said and blushed cutely, messing with the strings on his guitar. "And I wanted you to hear it first so it doesn't come as a surprise when you hear it on the radio."

"Oh and you're so sure it's gonna get on the radio? Getting a bit cocky aren't ya, Mills?" I teased and he gave me a crooked smile. Dimples very prominent.

"A guy can dream can't he?" He beamed at me as I giggled. He cleared his throat and began to play a sweet sounding tune on the guitar, every once and while glancing up at me with slightly pink cheeks. I tired to hide the smile forming on my lips from how cute he looked, knowing that he was sharing something very personal to me, and I wanted to be serious during it.

I got a heart and I got a soul
Believe me I will use them both
We made a start
Be it a false one, I know
Baby, I don't want to feel alone

So kiss me where I lay down, my hands press to your cheeks
A long way from the playground

He sang, closing his eyes as he got lost in the music, and had a small smile plastered on his lips. My heart fluttered at the sound of the lyrics coming from his voice. A mixture of rasp, sweetness, and passionate love. Which had me weak in the always.

I have loved you since we were 18
Long before we both thought the same thing
To be loved, to be in love
All I can do is say that these arms were made for holding you
I want a love like you made me feel
When we were 18

He fluttered his eyes opened, locking them with mine, while his voice got breathy, and his cheeks turning an even darker pink. And that's when I knew this song was about us. With that thought butterflies took flight in my stomach and my own cheeks grew pink.

We took a chance

God knows we tried
Yet all along, I knew we'd be fine

So pour me a drink
Oh love, let's split the night wide open and we'll see everything
We can live in love in slow motion, motion, motion

He gave a cheeky grin and winked at me. I couldn't help but smile at the lyrics with the thought of our night together on my mind. He kept his eyes locked on mine as he continued to sing, saying each line with more passion than the last. Truly putting all his emotions into the song as if it was the last one he was ever going to sing.

So kiss me where I lay down, my hands press to your cheeks
A long way from the playground

I have loved you since we were 18
Long before we both thought the same thing
To be loved and to be in love
And all I can do is say that these arms are made for holding you, ooh
And I want a love like you made me feel
When we were 18
When we were 18
Oh lord, when we were 18

He grew louder around the chorus, the tune turning more intense as he strummed the cords devotedly, and the smile from earlier growing bigger with each word. I beamed at him, snapping my finger to the beat, and swaying back and forth to encourage him.

Kiss me where I lay down, my hands press to your cheeks

A long way from the playground

I have loved you since we were 18
Long before we both thought the same thing

He slowed down the song, his voice growing soft as he sang sweetly, with his love filled eyes staring into mine like I was the only thing he ever wanted to see. And it was the greatest feeling I have felt in a very long time. I glanced down at my lap with a smile and blushing cheeks, the butterflies in my stomach throwing a party.

To be loved and to be in love
And all I can do is say that these arms were made for holding you
I want a love like you made me feel
When we were 18
I want a love like you made me feel
When we were 18
I want a love like you made me feel
When we were 18

He finished just as I looked up at him to find him beaming at me. We stayed staring at each other with dopey smiles and I found myself feeling like I was eighteen again when I just found how hopelessly in love I was with the curly headed dork sitting in front of me. Thinking how I wished I could go back to the days where everything were slightly simple and there wasn't all these new mature emotions making me feel like my head was going to explode every time I thought about either one of them.

I broke out into applauds and cheers making him laugh his contagious laugh. "Encore! Encore! Bravo! Bravo!" I cheered in between blissful giggles. He did a small bow with a huge, dimply, and bright smile making me only cheer more. "That was amazing!" I gushed at him making his cheeks grow red once again.

"Thanks, Ella." He grinned at me. "I guess you already know it's about us." He said softly and I nodded with the same dopey smile.

"Yeah, I do." I smiled, biting my lip slightly. "Shane, where do we stand?" My mouth blurted out with my mind telling it to. His eyebrows rose slightly before he glanced down at his lap with a thinking expression.

"I...I'm not sure actually." He said after a short pause, looking back up at me. "I want us to be together and I-"

"Shane..." I started with a sigh.

"No let me finish." He cut me off waiting for me to protest but only got a sigh and a nod. "I want us to be together and I know it's not that simple for us to do that. Cause' you're in love with two guys including me and I know you need to figure out what you want. I know it's hard and I know it's going to take time but I just want to say." He paused and took my hand in his, staring deeply into my eyes. "I am never letting go of what we have and I am willing to wait as long as it takes for you to decide what you want. Even if it's not me you are still going to have a best friend because I have came to realize that I'm not me without you in my life. Lately I've been spending all my time wishing on every dandelion and shooting star for you to be back in my life and honestly I'm tired of wishing. I just want it to happen." He finished and once again found a way to leave me completely speechless.

"I-I don't know what to say." I breathed, not being able to find any other words. He chuckled and kissed my hand quickly, before standing up.

"I wasn't expecting you to say anything. I only came over to sing you that song, tell you what I just said and give you the time you need to think." He said and headed towards the door. I pushed myself off the sofa and followed after him, still trying to figure out what to say. "See you around, El." He smiled at me while opening the door and stepping out into the hallway.

My hand caught his wrist and pulled him back towards me, our faces inches away from each other, so close that if I moved the slightest bit our lips would touch fully. I stared at him, not sure what to do next, or why the hell I pulled him towards me in the first place. He stared back obviously waiting for me to do something. I took a deep breath and pushed back all the doubtful thoughts in my head before pressing my lips to his.

The sound of his guitar case dropping to the ground was the last thing I heard before his arms wrapped around my waist and the world around us disappeared. Leaving only us and the feel of our lips moving together in perfect rhythm. My hands pulled off his beanie and dropped into the ground carelessly. Tangling themselves in his curls and pulling him closer. I just couldn't get enough of him once I realized I could have him.

We pulled back breathless and panting, staring at each other in shock and awe. I was the first to say something while pulling away. "Um...thank you for being so understanding." I said awkwardly, growing embarrass from my previous bold actions.

He stared at me with flirty smirk, swollen lips, and disheveled hair from my hair tugging. "Yeah. No problem." He smiled with a shake of his head as he slipped the beaning back over his head. "See you later." He chuckled before practically skipping down the hallway.

I watched after him, with a smile forming on my lips, and I touched them with tingling fingers. "This decision is going to be harder than I ever thought possible." I sighed and shrugged, not letting the thought of that ruin my surprisingly...

Great mood.

*Author note*

OMG that was the cutest thing to write! Shane was all....aweeee and then Elane was...AWWWWEEE! Ella was right this decision was going way harder than we thought possible! Ugh!

Anywho! Good chapter?

What was you're favorite part?

Anybody know the song and the band who sings!? {I mean some of you guys have to!}

You think Lyric is going to be okay after rehab?

You think Ella is going to be able to choose or will she move on?




3...3 more to go...get ready. :(

Next update soon!!

Much love my pandas!!xxxx

