Chapter 15-He loves you more...

"Please don't leave me alone with her!!" I begged, wrapping myself around Lyric's leg, sitting on top of his foot, as he walked towards the door. He continued to lift his leg off the ground while I was still wrapped around his leg, which at any other moment would have been extremely attractive because he it shows how strong he is.

"Doll, she is not going to start anything. I promise you. After the whole yelling thing I'm sure she'll leave you alone." He looked down at me and I pouted up at him. " here." He chuckled the last part, holding his hands out for me.

I grabbed both of them and pulled myself off the floor, becoming very close to his face almost instantly. He wrapped his arms around my waist, while mine went around his neck. "She hates me." I whined and he let out a small chuckle, pressing his forehead against mine.

"She doesn't hate you, doll." He said and I gave him a look. "Okay maybe she does a little bit but now she knows better to start crap with you. Just stick it out for an hour and two. I'll be home sooner than you know it, okay?" He kissed me softly before I could answer making me melt into him.

"I hate it when you do that." I mumbled into the kiss and he smiled kissing me deeply. "Fine. But you owe me, Stone." I agreed pulling away from him.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He cheered spinning me around in a hug. I giggled once he put me down before kissing me quickly. "I'm going to be late if I don't leave now. That gives you about thirty minuets till she gets here. Love you!" He rushed out, pulling the door shut.

"Love you too!" I called out and plopped down on the couch. "God, please give me strength today."


Ms. Stone showed up a little while later with the same bitchy attitude she always has when she is around me. She didn't say much for the most part and mainly blew me off while I tried to make conversation with her.

"So, how is work going, Ms. Stone?" I asked tapping nervously against the warm mug that held my coffee. She glanced at me from her phone before rolling her eyes and looking back down at it.

"It's fine." She asked blandly. "Nothing you would understand. You aren't Amber so I wouldn't expect you to understand the complexity of it." She added and I made a mental note in my head. Strike one.

"Oh come on! How complex could it be?" I asked with a small smile trying to remained collected. She sighed and sat her phone down her lap, focusing her dagger eyes on me.

"Let me dumb it down for you." Strike two. "I teach a dance class for advance young dancers that are trying out for Broadway. We go through very complex dances that someone with the lack of talent like yourself wouldn't understand. Which is why I said you wouldn't understand it. Now are you done with the pointless questions, Blondie." She snapped and I gripped the cup till my knuckles turned white.

Strike three.

"Okay." I sighed, setting my cup on table, and standing from the chair. "Let me just make myself very do not scare me. You are not anything to me but my fiancé's mother. You are one simple dust particle  in a dusty room. You mean nothing to me! And stop with all this constantly attacking me just because I don't fit your standers. I'm sorry I'm not A.K.A perfect like Amber was but goddammit I am awesome. I make your son happy and I love him and hell I even try to be nice to your stuck up ass. And I take all this bullshit running from your mouth and deal with it. But I'm done! I am beyond done. You need to-"

"Listen hear little girl-"

"No you listen hear, old lady!" I cut her off, pushing my voice louder than hers. She stood from the couch and glared at me. "What did I ever do to you, huh? What made you hate me? Why do you always want to shoot me down every time I talk?! I have done nothing be nice to you and put up with your crap! I don't deserve all this from you!"

"You are taking my son away from me!! That's why I hate you!" She shouted and I laughed bitterly.

"Oh and Amber wasn't? I might have not ever met this Amber but I'm pretty sure sooner or later she would take him away from you too! And I'm not trying to take him away from you! If I was you wouldn't be here right now." I paused and let out a deep breath. "What is your problem with me? Is it my dancing? Do you not like it? Are you jealous of it?"

She laughed loudly and followed it with a scoff. "Me? Be jealous of you hideous dancing?" She laughed again and raged filled me once more.

"Then what is it?!" I yelled and her laughing ceased. "Why do you think I shouldn't be with Lyric?"

"Because he loves you more!!" She screamed, voice cracking. Both of us fell quiet after that and just stared. "He...he...loves you more." She said softly, tears pooling her eyes. "He always has since he met you. I'm no longer the favorite...I'm no longer the one he comes to first. It's always you now! It's always Ella and never mom! I just missed my baby." She broke down in body raking sobs, sitting back down on the sofa.

I stood there stun, watching Lyric's mom sobbed hysterically into her hands, things running through my head. All the rage rushed out of me at the sounds of her sobs and was soon filled with guilt. I sat next to her and slowly placed my arms around her, rubbing her arms. At my touch she leaned into me and wrapped her arms around my torso, burying her head into my stomach.

"Ms. Stone...he loves you so much more than you could understand." I assured her, now rubbing her back. "You're his mom. He would give his life up for you and just because he loves another girl doesn't mean he doesn't love you anymore. I could never take your place and I could never be loved by him more than he loves you. I promise you that."

She looked up at me, small whimpers slipping from her mouth. "H-how can you be so sure? I see the way he looks at you. How every time you say something or smile or even glance at him his whole face lights up. You can just see in his eyes that you are everything to him. I used to be his everything in a different way and now I'm not so sure that I'm even that." She confessed, sobs raking through her once again.

"He loves you. He loves you more than anything. Yeah, he loves me too but not the same way. You're his mom and nothing can take the place of you." I said, grabbing her arms, making her look at me. "You are is everything. You mean the world to him. Alright? I'm nothing compared to you." I pressed and she pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything I have ever said or done to you!" She sobbed into my neck, hugging me tighter. I hugged her back, tears filling my eyes from all the emotions in the air. "You deserve him. You deserve him." She said making a smile grow across my face.

"Mom..." Lyric's voice filled the room, causing both of us to pull back and look at him. He was holding a bouquet of flowers and a few Walmart bags, looking at us in confusion. "Are...Are you crying?" He asked, kicking the door shut with his foot.

Ms. Stone let go of me and wiped at her eyes and face, standing from the couch. "I'm fine. I'm fine." She smiled walking over to him, pulling him into a hug. He stood there looking at me with a puzzled look, arms still at his side. "I'm fine now."

"What's going on? Why were you crying? Why were you two...hugging? Did I miss something?" He asked once she pulled back and looked back at me.

"We...just...uh...we..." She stammered and I stood from the sofa.

"We just realized there is no need to be fighting with each other since we are going to be family soon and have something in common." I said for her and Lyric raised his eyebrows at me.

"Oh? And what would that be?" He sat the bag down on the coffee table and looked at the both of us.

I smiled over at Ms. Stone and wrapped my arms around Lyric's neck. "You." I smiled and he returned it, leaning down to kiss me. I grinned once his lips touched mine and kissed back.

"I love you." He whispered once we pulled back.

"I love you too." I replied and pecked his lips.

"And mom...I love you more than anything." He said walking over to her and taking her hands in his. "And I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"I'm sorry for being such a bitch to Ella. She nor you deserved that. I'm happy you found each other." She smiled softly at him and I couldn't help but gush at the two of them. "I love you so much, you know that right?"

"Yeah ma. I know." He pulled her into a hug making her fall into his chest. She was so shorter than him and could just hide into him if she need to.

They stood there hugging for a while and I decided that I should give them a moment. I picked up the bag off the from the table and made my way to the kitchen. I got down the pan to cook the noddles for dinner and walked over to the sink to fill it with water.

Just thinking about how everything has changed since high school. Here I was thinking four years ago I was going to be Shane forever and now look at me making dinner for Lyric who came into my life like a speeding train. Who would have thought that I would be marrying the douche bag from Starbucks instead of marrying the cheater that was my best friend?

A laugh slipped my mouth at my last thought as I stared at the pan being filled. "I really need to pick my men wiser." I joked to myself, going to turn off the water.


A gloved covered hand covered mine, forcing me to turn the nob. I froze in my spot, fear shooting through me. The hand pulled my hand away and another was placed on my shoulder, turning me around slowly. I was praying when I turned out around it would just be Lyric trying to show me new gloves.

But of course nobody was listening to my prayers. Cause once I was turned around there was a masked figure in front of me, with piercing blue eyes glaring at me through the eye holes. I went to scream but they but their hand over my mouth and slammed me against the wall.

"Don't make a sound."


*Author note*




Sorry for taking for effing ever to update! Hope this makes up for it! ;)

Much love my pandas!!xxxx


