Chapter 27- A pimptastic birthday.

"Hey..." Lyric whispered into my ear, snaking his arms around my waist. I jumped at the contact of him, making a few bubbles fly out of the sink, where I was busy washing dishes. He chuckled and kissed my neck softly. "What you up to?"

"Well, what does it look like?" I teased and he started to sway us side to side. He pressed more kisses on my neck, trailing down to my exposed shoulder.

 "It looks like my beautiful fiance is doing dishes when she should be taking a shower with me." He said, tugging at my waist to move me away from the sink. I giggled, struggling to stay by the sink, gripping on to the side of it.

 "Lyric!" I exclaimed in laughs once he picked me off the ground, making bubbles, and water drip to the floor. "You are making me make a mess! And the dirty water is getting all over me!" I laughed as he tossed me over his shoulder effortlessly, dashing off to our room.

"Looks like now you have no choice but take a shower with me." He said triumphantly, tossing me on the bed playfully. I giggled, bouncing onto my back as he stood at the end of the bed with a goofy smile.

"I thought we were taking a shower." I raised an eyebrow as he climbed on top of me, resting his weight on his forearms. I linked my hands together behind his neck, resting my head against the cover. He looked down at me with love and adoration in his perfect mint eyes. "What you thinking about?" I smiled at him, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.

"How can someone be so perfect and so beautiful?" He whispered, resting his forehead against mine. "And yet be with me?" He added and I leaned him away from me to get a better look.

"You're right." I said and his face filled with confusion. "How can I be with someone so ugly? Someone who doesn't deserve me. Someone one who is incapable of being loved due to his looks." I added and his whole face filled heartbreaking hurt.

"W-what?" He stuttered, leaning out of my hands, staring down at me with tears brimming his eyes. I stared back with the blankest face I could manage. My heart breaking at how hurt he looks.

"You see how ridiculous I sound, Lyric?" I said, cupping his face. "You see how stupid everything was that came out of my mouth? It was just as ridiculous as you saying that you don't deserve someone who you find beautiful." I said and the hurt slowly left his eyes. "I am in love with you, Lyric. You are one of the most attractive guys that I have ever laid eyes on and sometimes I feel like you are crazy for being with me. So stop downing yourself, baby. You are just as perfect to me as I am to you."

He gave me a loving smile and sealed my lips with his in a passionate and heart stopping kiss. I kissed back instantly, pulling his body on top of me, wanting to feel every part of him as close as I could. His hands fell to my waist, pushing my shirt up to press his warm fingers against my hipbone. I hooked my ankles together at the small of his back, pressing his hips down on mine, groaning at the closeness.

"I love you so much, Ella." He groaned emotionally as I kissed down his neck, biting softly every now and then. "And I don't know I would do if I lost you." He added. I kissed up his jawline and to his mouth, kissing him hungrily.

"You aren't ever going to lose me, Lyric. I'm yours." I assured him, pulling back to look in his eyes. They were filled with love, worry, and darkening with lust as they stared back into mine. He leaned down and kissed me hastily, pressing me harder into the bed.

"Prove it." He growled into the kiss as my hands slipped under his shirt and sprawled out on his chest. I moaned softly once he bit my lip and tugged at it before pulling back. He looked down with almost forest green eyes. "Prove it to me that I won't lose you." I leaned up and kissed, rolling us over so I straddling him, never breaking the heated kiss.

That is exactly what I did.


The doorbell rang just as I walked out of the room, freshly showered, and dressed in my favorite jeans that matched well with a plain black crop top. I rushed over to the door and opened it without looking into the peephole.

"There's the birthday man!" I beamed at Rain, who was comfortably sitting in a wheel chair with five or six balloons tied on each handle. His now more vibrant rainbow hair was covered by a grey beanie and was matched with a dark red v-neck with a black vest adorning it. He had a button pinned onto this shirt that said Pimptastic birthday, making me giggle.  

"You know I was hoping for a stripper to answer the door in a candy thong but instead I got you." He teased and was slapped playfully by Brandie on the shoulder, She was standing behind him, dressed in a simple navy blue, strapless dress, that flowed around her waist, and showed of the many tattoos she had on her arms and chest.

I rolled my eyes at him with a smile and stepped aside to let them in. "The others should be here in a bit." I told them as I shut the door. Brandie rolled Rain over next to the loft chair and took a seat next to him. "So, how does it feel being twenty-three?" I asked, taking a seat on the coffee table in front of him.

"Oh! I feel old! Like I think I'm getting the whole saggy and wrinkly ass. Brandie said that it looked like a prune when she helping me out of the shower." He said, making both of us laugh. Brandie shook her head at him with a dimply smile. "But for real I feel great. Feel like I could party for ages. I do wish I was able to go to a club but I can't cause of this damn thing." He said knocking on his cast.

"Hey, we can have just as much fun here. I might even order that stripper for you." I winked and he chuckled, taking hold of Brandie's hand. The sound of the bedroom door opening made us turned around. Lyric was walking out in a pair of dark blue jeans, with a unworn shirt tucked into his belt, and water from his hair dripping on to his bare chest.

"Looks, like we already have one." Rain joked as Lyric walked over to me with a lazy smile. "Oi! You get attacked by a Charlie or something?" His eyes raked over Lyric's chest, where there were faint red scratch marks running down his chest.

Lyric looked down at me with a smirk as my face flushed in embarrassment. "You could say something like that." He winked at me and looked back at Rain. "Happy birthday, cloud boy." He smiled, leaning down to give him a hug.

Rain met my eyes and made a exaggerated pleasurable face, before smirking at me knowingly. I rolled my eyes and flicked him off, making Brandie giggle at the both of us. Lyric pulled away and walked back over to me, putting on his shirt.

"Ev is going to be here around two." Rain said, still smirking at me. "When is Shane and that red head coming?" He added and I felt Lyric tense next to me. I blindly reached for his hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"They told me they should be here around one or so." I said looking down at my phone. "And it's twelve-fifty-five now." I added and scooted over for Lyric to sit down.

"You know we have couch for a reason." Lyric said as I patted the spot I made for him on the coffee table.

"Yeah, but the couch is all the way over there." I whined playfully. He rolled his eyes with a chuckle, taking the spot next to me, draping his arm around my shoulder. I snuggled into him and sighed happily.

"So..." Rain started. "What do you have planned for me?" He asked and I gave a mischievous smile.


I laughed loudly as both Lyric and Everett came out of the bedroom with sheets tied around their necks and small bottles of jack tucked into their underwear. Well, if you can even call them that. They were more like sparkling gold and sliver speedos. They exaggeratedly started dancing sexy, making creepy faces at the three of us.

Rain hooted and hollered, almost choking on the drink we fixed for him, and the birthday hat Brandie forced him to wear hanging crookedly on the side of his head. I whistled through my laughs as Lyric yanked a bottle from his waist band and sexily dragged it down his bare chest, trying to keep back a smile.

"Oh my god!" Brandie laughed as Everett shook his ass in her face. She whooped and stuck the fake money we bought just for this into his speedo. He winked at her and moved towards Rain. Lyric followed after him, the both of them doing funny sexual dances at him.

Rain's face was red from laughter and the alcohol he had consumed earlier. The both began to shake their asses in his face before uncapping the bottles and turning towards him. "Open wide!" The both shouted in perverted voices and I'm surprise that Rain didn't double over dead from hard he was laughing.

Rain played a long and giggled like a drunken college girl before opening his mouth. They both poured the jack into his mouth, laughing uncontrollably, while Rain spread his arms out to the side acting as if he was accepting water from the heavens. I fell on to the floor laughing, mainly from the alcohol I had, gripping at my stomach.

There was a loud knock at the door, making both Lyric and Everett dash off towards the room. Probably not wanting to be caught in the things they were wearing. I pushed myself off the floor, laughing still, and stumbled over to the door.

"Yes?" I slurred yanking the door open. My giggles stopped instantly once I saw Cecilia glaring at me with a present bag in her hands. I looked passed her to find Shane giving me an apologetic look, a bag in his hand too. I glanced back at Cecilia who only had her glare more prominent.

"You gonna let us in or are you just going to stand there?" She sassed and it took everything I had to not slam the door in her face. I bit my tongue and stepped to the side a bit to let them in. She stormed inside, bumping her shoulder into mine as she passed.

I shot Shane a look when he walked in after her. "I'm so sorry." He whispered, giving me a small side hug. "Cecilia got held up at work and I didn't want to come without her. She might have gotten lost." He explained. I glared at him but smiled in my head at the thought of little ms. bitch face getting lost.

"You could have just left her at the whore house. No one would have cared if she didn't come." Brandie smirked darkly at the both of them before sending a wink at me. I smiled back at her, feeling way closer to her.

Shane shot her a look and Cecilia just glared, setting her bag down on the table. Shane looked over Rain, who was watching all of this with a drunken smile, and walked over to him. "Happy birthday man!" He exclaimed, leaning down to give him a hug.

"Bout time you showed up!" Rain slurred, offering Shane his drink. "Now the real party can begin!" He shrugged once Shane declined and downed the rest of the drink within seconds. Lyric came out of the room right has he slammed the cup down on the table, a bottle of rum tucked in between his lips.

"Well, hello there!" He grinned at Cecilia, sticking his hand out for her to shake. "It is nice to see you again." She blushed at him and shook his hand lightly.

"Yeah, you too."She smiled and looked around the room. "You have a nice place." She took a seat down on the sofa.

"You can thank Ella for that one. She designed the whole thing. I helped with the little stuff." He said handing her a bottle of jack that was tucked in his jean pocket, sending a small smile at me. She cut her eyes at me in annoyance, her smile wavering a little bit.

"Oh." She said shortly and focused back on him. "Well the little stuff is what I find nice. All the other stuff seem a bit over done." She added and I flexed my hands at my side. She looked at me with a smirk, eyeing my every movement as I walked towards them.

"Lyric, baby, will you go put on some music?" I asked with a sweet smile, trying my best not to punch her face in. My hate for her and the alcohol  was not helping with my anger problems. He nodded and pecked my lips before going over to radio. I narrowed my eyes at her once he walked away, my lips forming in a thin line.

She looked annoyed by my presence, crossing her arms with a frown. "Can I help you?" She snapped and I cocked my head at her, darkening my glare. I opened my mouth to say something, but thought about what would happen if we ended up fighting. Not only would it upset Shane but it would also ruin Rain's party.

I let out a angry breath and flexed my hands to refain from punching her. "No. You really can't." I said through gritted teeth and turned on my heels to go get another drink. But not before hearing her soft but rude little...

"Yeah, that's what I thought." I stopped walking for a few seconds but reminded myself of the cons for hitting her and kept walking to the kitchen.

Happy thoughts, Ella. Happy thoughts.


"Hey, Ella remember that time when we all did the romeo and Juliet scene in English?" Shane asked while laughing, which made Rain and I erupt with laughter. I was on my third cup of beer, my hair constantly falling in my face from me laughing so hard. I was firmly placed on Lyric's lap, who was on his fifth.

"Oh god! The teacher's face when I walked in there!" Rain wailed in happiness. "She was so pissed!" I laughed nodding my head rapidly.

"I thought she was going to burst from how red she was turning." I exclaimed. "It was so hard not to laugh while doing it! You jerks just sprung it on me out of no where!" I joked, taking a sip of my drink, trying not to choke.

"I have to see this scene now!" Brandie said in between giggles. "Do you think y'all can do it again?" She asked and we all looked at each other with giant smiles.

"I'm down if you are." I said.

"I mean if I can find it again then why not?" Shane shrugged with a half smile. Rain nodded and chugged down his drink before rolling over to my lap top that was sitting on the dinning table.

"I remember exactly what website it was on too. But you two are going to need costumes. Give the people a real show!" He shouted and all of cheered.

"I have the perfect thing!" I beamed and hopped off of Lyric's lap, taking hold of Shane's hand. "Get ready for the best performance of your life." I hiccuped before whisking Shane away to my room.


"You look ridiculous." Shane whispered/chuckled. I giggled and glanced in the mirror. I was dressed in a pair of bright yellow tights pulled up over my stomach with a hot pink crop top that said SWAG. My hair was pulled up in a messy bun and had a green bandana tied around it, which clashed with my bright purple lip stick, and dramatic blue eye shadow.

"You don't look so hot either, Mills." I teased, fixing the button on his shirt. I lent him a old button up that Lyric doesn't wear anymore, only buttoning the very first button right at the collar. His pants where hanging low on his hips, showing off his spongebob boxers, and much to my dismay toned v-line. His hair was covered by my pink snap back that had the hash-tag simple on it.

He laughed as we both looked in the mirror. "If only we dressed up like this in class." He smiled pulling at the white tank top he had underneath. I giggled and nodded my head, blowing a piece of fallen hair out of my face.

"We would have gotten A+!" I joked. I fixed my lipstick before smiling at him. "I think we're ready." He smiled back and offered my his arm, leading us over to the door.

I walked out first, adding a dramatic hip shake as I walked, and popping my gum loudly. I did a funny pose, sticking out my but, and giving a funnily sexy face. Everyone erupted with laughter and clapped, causing me to bite back a smile. I looked back at room and signaled Shane to come out.

He limped out, holding the front of his pants, and giving a mean look that ended up to look like he had a wedgie. He gave a over exaggerated thugish stance and a head nod at them, causing everyone to crack up. "Sup, home dogs!" He said, voice wavering from trying to bite back a laugh.

Rain clapped in amusment, red in the face, and tears running down his face from laughing. "Bravo! Bravo!" He excalimed and we both laughed. He tossed us a piece of paper before clearing his throat and starting with. "Sup' yo?  I'm bout to tell y'all bout my homie, Romeo Montegue. See, he was diggin' this home girl named Roseline. But the chick wasn't feeling him back, you know? And I think the chick was seeing other people." He pointed at Cecilia with a smirk. Everyone chuckled, except for her, who just looked annoyed at his comment.

Shane kicked at the ground and smacked his gums. "Maaaannnn! These hoes ain't loyal." He sang and I bit my lip in laugh. Cecilia shot him a look but giggled at little bit with a shake of her head.

"So Romeo's boy said 'There's gonna be a hype party at the Capulets. We can hook you up!" Rain added and took a drink before continuing with  "Romeo ain't want to go but they finally talked him into it cause they got skills like that, you know." He blew on his nails and wiped them off on his shirt with a cocky look. "Well, they all got these fake IDs so they could get in wit out them Cappies knowin'. But Romeo was still trippin over Roseline. He said he was just goin' to watch home girl work it on the dance floor....but if you be askin' me home girl ain't got nothing on that capulets girl's moves." He sent another smirk at her and both Shane and I looked at each other with red faces from holding in our laughter.

Cecilia crossed her arms and glared at him, looking at Shane expectantly As if he was suppose to stick up for her. He just let out a small chuckle before focusing on Rain. I held myself back from going over to her and rubbing in her face that she can't control him like she thinks she can.

Shane looked over the crowd like he was girl searching and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Man! Where's that Roseline girl at? Home boy needs to get his freak on!" He exclaimed and I had to fight back the throw up in the back of my throat. Even if he was just messing around the though of him sleeping with her hurts my stomach.

"Romeo was searchin, tryin' to peep Roseline when he saw the finest chick he ever seen!" I started to pop my gum louder and strut passed Shane, adding more swaying to my hips.

Daaaaaaaaaamn!" Shane called biting his knuckle as he watched me walk by. He looked at the rest of them with a shocked face. "Shorty be fine as hell!"  He said, eyes running over me as I did a ghetto fabulous stance, popping my butt out dramatically. They all laughed and hollered, except Cecilia who gave a small smile but kept her glare on me.

"All of Romeo's thoughts 'bout Roseline just went away. he walked over to her and was like..."

Shane limped over to me, holding the front of his pants, and creepily bit his lip. I held back a giggle and continued to pop my gum. ""Hey baby! How you? Want to come wit me?" Shane flirted pressing a hand against the wall blocking me in.

I let my eyes run over him, slipping back into the feelings I got when I did this as a teen. Feeling as if I was still in the fun part of our relationship. Before everything fell apart. "I don't know." I shook my head of the thought and rolled my eyes with fake sass.

"Come on baby." Shane urged, making a funny face at me. I busted out laughing, not being able to take it anymore, my head falling onto his shoulder. Shane laugh followed after me, along with everyone else and he wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"How did I keep a straight face through that whole thing back in high school?" I said in between laughs, pulling back to look at him. He had his normal crooked and cheeky smile, looking at me with bright eyes. I felt butterflies taking flight in my stomach as his eyes dropped to my lips before back to my eyes.

"Hey! We aren't done yet!" Rain snapped at us. I quickly pushed away from him and tried to force myself away from the thoughts in my head. "He winked at her and that seemed to work cause all she said was..."

"Hell yeah!" I shouted as Shane winked at me. I held back my laughter once he sent me a perverted look, biting his lip hard. I tired to make once back but couldn't because of the giggles slipping from me. "I am to drunk for this!" I laughed, resting my head on his shoulder again. I took a few deep breaths before looking back up. "Okay. Okay. I'm good. I'm good."

Rain chuckled before finishing it off. ""And with that, Y'all, they went behind the curtain and made out for a little bit."  Shane cupped my face blocking out any sight of our faces and made kissing noises. His lips sometimes brushed against my cheeks, making my heart flutter, and uncontrollable laughs fall from my mouth.

Everyone stood up, laughing, and clapping. I pulled away, red in the face, and heart thumping hard against my chest. Cecilia did this slow, bitchy, and sarcastic clap, her glare on me never flattening. I rolled my eyes and hugged Shane laughing. "We still got it, Hall." He whispered in my ear before letting me go with a cheeky smile.

I blushed a bit and rushed over to Lyric, who picked me up in a hug. "I am really disappointed i didn't get to see that when we were in England." He chuckled as I giggled into his laugh. "That was awesome, Doll." He smiled down at me.

"Thanks babe." I kissed him quickly and jumped away at the sound of the timer going off. "Oh! That would be the cake!" I exclaimed and rushed off towards the kitchen.


I hummed the beat of Smack that by Akon as I covered the rainbow colored cake in cream cheese icing. "Smack that all on the floor. Smack that till you get sor-Ah!" I screamed, dropping the icing knife on the ground, once I turned around to find Cecilia leaning against the door frame with a pissed off look. "Jesus!" I groaned in annoyance, picking the knife off the ground and walking over to the sink. "Can I help you with something?"

"Stay away from Shane." She order and I turned off the water angrily.

"Excuse me?" I snapped, spinning around with the now clean knife in my hand.

"Stay. Away. From. Shane." She said slower. "Do I need to spell it out for you, Blondie?" She hissed and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"No I heard you perfectly clear. I just think it's funny you think you can keep me away from my best friend." I retorted and she laughed, pushing herself off the door frame.

"He's not your best friend anymore. Cause' now he's my boyfriend and I decide whether her hangs out with his slut of an ex." My jaw tensed at her words and I took a step towards her.

"Who are you calling a slut, you control freak?" I growled, tightening my hand around the knife.

"The girl who thinks it's cool to kiss her ex when she has a fiance and flirt with someone else's boyfriend." She snapped back, stepping towards me. I felt a pain of betrayal wash through me at her words.

"He told you?" I said in a smaller voice than intended it to be. She smirked darkly at me and crossed her arms.

"He told me all about your little and pathetic relationship. He complains all the time about how stupid he was for wasting his time on you." She told me and I felt my heart slowly starting to break with every word.

"You're lying." I shook my head in disbelief. "You don't know anything about my relationship with him. Cause' if you did you would know that he would never feeling stupid for dating me. He's told me multiple times."

"He's the one lying to you. Not me." She pressed, taking another step towards me. "He knows you are still in love with him. Everyone does. It's kind of pathetic actually. He just doesn't want to hurt your tiny little feelings becasue for some strange reason he hasn't realized how much of a bitch you are to him. Stringing him along all those years, with the hope that one day you come out of that airport, and run into his arms" She added and I let the knife fall on to the ground.

Tears welled up in my eyes and my heart felt as if a thousand needles were being shoved into it. "Get out of my kitchen." I hissed, wiping at my eyes before a tear fell. She gave a evil chuckle and took a step back.

"You broke his heart, Blondie. And now somebody is going to break yours. If I was you I would keep an eye on that fiance of yours. Never know when he is going to realize how time wasting you really are. S-"

"Out!" I yelled, eyes seeing read. She gave me a dark smirk before heading towards the exit.

"Stay away from Shane, Blondie." She paused and looked over her shoulder at me. "Or else."

And with that she left. Leaving me in a crying mess, dropping to the ground. I covered my face with my hands, not caring about ruining my make up, and let soft sobs leave my lips. Shane's laughter filled the kitchen for a split second and I knew he was looking at me.

"Ella? You okay?" He asked in concern. I looked up at him with a glare and tears falling.

"No. Not really, but why do you care?" I snapped and pushed myself off the ground, wiping at my eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked reaching out for me.

"Don't!" I growled and yanked away. "Your little red head is what's wrong." I added and his face fell into a look of annoyance.

"What did you do, Ella?" He retorted and I looked at him in disbelief. "What happen to you being happy for me? Why are you being a bitch to her?"

"What did I do!?" I shouted, hoping I couldn't be heard over the blaring music. "Oh god! She already has you wrapped around her finger doesn't she?" I shouted, the beer boosting my anger. "What? Did she already put out so you're her slave or something?"

"That isn't any of your business!" He snapped.

"Oh but she can know all about ours, right!!?" I yelled and we both grew quiet. "Yeah, I know you told her everything."

"Ella, she asked..." He said softly.

I scoffed and turned away from him, picking the knife off the ground. "Get out." I whispered walking over to the sink.

"Ella..." He started.

"Now!" I wailed, covering my mouth to keep in sobs. He let out a little sigh but left anyways. I slumped against the sink, sobbing quietly. "I can't believe you..." I started but shook my head in anger. "No! Not today! Not on his birthday. Deal with this later." I told myself.

And with that I went back to fixing the cake. Acting as if nothing happen.

*Author note*

It is great to be back! And I am so excited about this chapter!

I didn't proof read this so there might be a lot of mistakes! SORRY!



How do you feel about Cecilia?

And what about Shane?

Hating me for the drama?

Hating me for not updating?

Hating Ella or feeling sorry for her?

Do you think what Cecila had a little bit of truth behind it?

Let me know what you think!

Much love my pandas!!xxxx

