Waking Up

Thank you, enjoy the chapter.
Chapter 34..
Splinter's Perspective

My sons are quite.. Distant.
Yes, I would describe this situation with each of them, incredibly distant and less talkative.

As a father, I am meant to guide them respectfully and fill their bodies with hope, that everything will once and further more.

Be alright..

So, as Michelangelo had once described my parenting skills.
I had become the 'kick ass' father like they had once said.

"Leonardo." I had stated, raising a brow towards my son who sat cross legged in front of the blossom tree in the dojo; that had beginning to become wilted and shedding its pettles.

Due to my eldest sons sitting position, he had rapidly allowed his eyes to flicker onto my being.
Watching my son's tired eyes search my own, Leonardo had sighed and faced the ground.

"Hai, Sensai.." He mumbled, curling his hands into light fists and placing them into his lap.
Exactly how every beginning training session had went.

"I would like for you and your brothers to exit the lair, and to go patrol the city." I hummed, my fingers also curling and to be placed on the lower area of my spine.

Leonardo had glanced up, almost in disbelief.
"But sensai, she's still asleep! We can't leave, or well.. Raph can't, we can't go." He had stammered, his ocean blue orbs filled with bewilderment and caution.

"I will not take no as an answer, Leonardo. You're brothers and yourself will be leaving this home, I'll take care for the child." Sternness had been laced with every bubble of words I had uttered out, eyes locked onto my son with a slight frustration to them, with a hint of kindness.

Leonardo held my glance briefly, before sighing; muttering an 'Okay..' As he exited the dojo and stalked towards the laboratory.
Where Raphael had been located.

A few loud shouts were echoed from Donatello's work area, my third eldest son had erupted quickly from his dwelling quarters, a nervous look in his maroon eyes.

"Donatello, fetch Michelangelo for your nightly patrol." I stated, returning to stand at the entrance of the kitchen, facing my son to watch my remaining two sons exit the laboratory.

Raphael had departed the area, his neon coated orbs filled with irrational rage.
"Master, splinter." He had snapped, stopping in front of myself, his emerald tinted skin coloured palms clenched into tight fists.

I had raised my eyebrow, my head tilting slightly as I encouraged him to continue, Donatello had left the area to retrieve Michelangelo like I had requested.

"You cannot make us leave our home, she's still recovering, what's goin' to happen if she wakes up?" Infuriated, my son had ranted about the precautions of his beloved waking up earlier than expected.

"Then you shall return with your female companion fully operational."
Sensing the slightly panic in his eyes, flustered and unknown with what remark to respond with; my son had aggressively walked off towards his bedroom to fetch his training gear.

Michelangelo and Donatello had exited the hallway straight after Raphael had angrily stepped into his; Donatello returning to walk forward and stood near where my place had been on the kitchen entrance.

Michelangelo had stopped short by Raphael's room, stating something inaudible as my tempered son exited his room, grunting something along the lines of 'leave me alone.'

Which my son only responded with grabbing his wrist and pulling him into a friendly brotherly hug.
Almost immediately Raphael had wrapped his muscular emerald green arms around his little brother.

Smiling in triumph at my son's slight recovering I had searched the area for Leonardo, who had now joined Donatello and myself, silently standing beside me.

Raphael had stood beside myself on the left of my body, while Michelangelo stood directly across from Donatello, on his right.

With a swift moment, I had reeled my sons into my arms and hugged them tightly, Donatello and Michelangelo releasing a laugh as they had all hugged back, chuckling and mumbling a variety of pleased sentences.

"Everything will go alright, Raphael. I have a feeling your companion will wake up sooner than later.." I had gingerly stated, placing my hand on his upper back and patting it, smiling warmly at him.

Raphael's lips had curled slightly, the male nodding and giving myself a smile.
"Hai Sensai." He chuckled, glancing towards Leonardo and smirking at him.

"Ready to go o' fearless leader?" Raphael had teased, elbowing him in the gut somewhat roughly, and Leonardo responded with a loud laugh; nodding.
"Let's go kick some shell."

And just as those words had been uttered, the four had vanished with slightly light hearts, and cleared minds.
Or, their minds were cleared of the most part.
Kitara's Perspective\\O/ /

There was beeping..

Really, loud beeping..

"Kitara, Child. Calm your heart rate."

Was that Splinter?
But why would he be here..

A slightly irritating sand paper feeling covered the back of my throat, the dryness of my mouth was unbearable.

"Nnnnnngg.." I had groaned, that slightly action making my lungs itch and I began to cough; with slender fingers being placed on my back as they gently patted the space.

"There you go child, welcome back."

Welcome back?
What the hell did he mean by that..
Surely I've only been out a few hours..

I felt something cold being placed into my palms, the plastic had been cold, and slightly damp..
Which then I realized when I had opened my eyes, was indeed a water bottle.

"I was assuming you hadn't been consuming fluids since the weeks you have been unconscious."


I've been gone for weeks..

My eyelids had blinked quickly, holding shut briefly in order to return to it's state of adjustment.

Slowly removing my hand from the seized position on the water bottle in my lap, I had moved it to gently pour into my mouth.

"Raphael hasn't left your side until now." He chuckled, rubbing a soothing circle on the square of my back, my violet coloured orbs locking with the door of the lab.

"He h-hasn't?" I croaked, cringing at the roughness of voice, pouring some of the water from the bottle into my dry mouth.
And proceeding to swallow it down my sandpaper textured throat.

"No, not until this evening when I had sent the four of them out to patrol."
My fingers had gently placed the plastic cap onto the bottle, twisting it to tighten around the top of the twirling plastic seal.

In response to his statement, only what I had replied with was a nod..
At least i know positively that he cared..
But what about London?

"Splinter.. I-I uhh.. Is my friend doing well, London?" I had murmured, my pale fingers gliding across the edges of the water bottle cap; my heart racing to hear some more information on my childhood friend.

"She is doing quite well from the week we have seen her last, Miss Clarke's household had went on a family vacation in order to release the emotion build up that was previously caused." Splinter had stated in a low hum, and the makeshift bedspread had been ruffled slightly when he removed himself from the area on the bed.

He soon stood in front of me, repaying my slightly stress with a smile to call my nerves.
"My sons should be back in a short amount of time, if you'd like to change from those clothes I'm sure April O'Niel would have some extra fashion choices you'd like."

With an uneasy nod, the elder rat had exited Donatello's lab and proceeded to walk off.
He knew I was alright.. And fortunately he knew when to give a female some space.

Bare feet collided with the ground, the only sound was a small thud, barely audible.
While my arms had crossed over my chest, the old clothing I had worn before the kidnapping a few..weeks back.. Had been incredibly cold; the only thing I had remaining to do was attempt to keep myself warm.

I exited the lab, glancing towards the entrance briefly in response to my mind questioning thoughts of the boys returning and seeing me awake..

"Meeeeow.." A soft yowl had erupted from the floor, my violet orbs casting downwards to connect with Felix's golden ones.
Felix looked.. Fatter, his legs growing a large amount of fat to them, and his tummy having a slight lump to it.

"Huee, is my handsome kitty getting chubby?" I had teased, kneeling down to allow the feline to affectionately rub up against my legs.
In response to the question, Felix released a loud 'Mrrrow' and his sandpaper tongue licked my hand that had rubbed his ear.

With one last pat, Felix scampered off into the room of the dojo, a faint chuckle only being heard from Splinter having the new found company of my feline companion.

Returning to walking in the boy's lair, my eyes casted onto a small closet placed into the wall; seeing this made me question how the hell a small rack of closet holders had been successfully placed in a under ground lair.

With my head filled with questions, I silently opened the door from the clothing holder and sifted through some of the extra female clothes to find what would fully suit my fashion sense.

It's too cold down here for a dress.. So that's not going to happen.. I had thought, removing a pair of black leggings and a long sleeved orange t shirt from the closet I ended up soon finding a pair of undergarments I could wear as well.

Score to April for being one for the team, and leaving her clothes here.
Shutting the doors with a soft 'thunk' I replaced my stance into one that contained moving my legs, and gently pushed the door of the bathroom open, entering the said area and blindly reaching for a light switch.

That isn't a light..

That ALSO isn't a light..

What the hell is that?

"Ahah! Great and powerful light switch, you shall be flickity flicked." I had hissed, turning the light switch upward towards the 'on' engraved part of the panel, and light illuminated the entire room.

Proud of my new found powers to find a light switch, I slipped into the cold room and shut the door, turning the lock to protect myself from any intruders.

Because personally, I wouldn't want any one of the four teenage turtles to invade in personal hygiene cleansing.
That's just not right.

Drawing a shaky breath, my eyes caught sight of three tiny little blades, hidden under a towel when my hand had collided along with the soft fabric, releasing the blades to the cold think air of nausea..
The three little blades had been easily identified as pencil sharpener blades.. a small coat of crimson liquid dried upon the thin steel.

I wafted the smell towards my nose, the disgusting stench of iron filled my nostrils and my eyebrows crinkled, an aggravated thought filled my mind.
'If one of them have done this because I was on.. I'll personally kick their butts..'

Hastily setting my borrowed clothing on the counter top, my pale hands maneuvered themselves to move towards the sink as I turned the water on.
My hands followed in a circular motion as the droplets of water collided in a water bubble, guiding the ball of water towards the iron scented blades, it soon coated over top of them and brought them inside of the elemental sphere.

Determination and slight fatigue had filled my body as the water swivelled in zigzag motions around the encased the three blades.
In a simple movement I had flicked my fingers towards the drain pipe, and the water zipped towards it, allowing the disintegrated steel to follow it's captures orders.

It was gone so easily.. the worry that consumed me for the fear of my new made friends.. Whomever had decided to do such a thing to their skin.. I'll find out.. And I'll make sure they wont return to that stupid habit again.

I folded the beige towel onto the stone floor; reaching my palm forward to collide with the bathtub knob which I had gingerly twisted counter clockwise to meet seven inches beyond the start of the red line which my sweat coated sleeve was then drenched in the stinging heat of the water.

Releasing a soft sigh, I glanced towards the slightly damaged mirror; my reflection staring back at me with a crinkled forehead and furrowed brows, a slight pout spreading across my lips.
My dampened violet hair, cascading down towards my stomach that was matted together with sweat and overly unwashed grease.

Pale hands had removed themselves from laying limp by my sides, and they calmly ran themselves through my violet locks.
A stressful grumble of cuss words followed to string out from my lips; followed by a chuckle while my hands removed themselves from my locks and returned to remove my shirt.

"I look like complete shit."


"Meow, Meow, Meow.. Mrrrrrowww"
A string of meows echoed from the small black cat that now sat perched on the dipped in blue couch from the lair.

"Meow to you too, Felix." I chuckled, wiggling my eyebrows as he tilted his head, releasing another meow and proceeding to leap onto my shoulder just as he would always do when I would be back home.
My eyes searched around the lair, my tangled locks staying bundled up by my back begging and having a large desire to become straight and brushed.

"Hmm, now where should a brush be hiding in place with four bald teenage turtles and their rat father?" I hummed, twirling away from the couch and from that action, claws dug into my shoulder blade from my feline companion becoming startled due to the quick movement.

In result from my spinning, my cat had leaped from my shoulder; glaring at me while he trotted back to his couch perch.
"Pssh, suit yourself and your pansy personality." I crooned, walking towards the closet door that contained several items used from a female friend I met during the season of winter and coldness.

"Now Miss O'Niel, does your stash contain a brush or a comb? Preferably a brush, but I mean.. whatever floats your goat.." I spoke in a quiet mumble to nobody in particular, my eyebrows furrowed as my violet orbs connected with every product in the small containment storage, until fortunately for me they had came in contact with the bristled item, a large grin centered fully onto my lips.

"Mwahah, I win evil brush." I muttered, yanking it out from the pile and shut the brown doors; placing the bristled object in the locks as I began brushing the nasty unwanted tangles out.
I winced slightly when the brush locked with my messy hair, and with several tugs it refused to leave my mess filled hair.

With a sigh, my fingers reached backwards the untangle the brush from my head, and soon enough I began to once again brush through it.. But with much more cautiousness in order to not get it stuck again..
My mind began to wander towards the depart of the four males.

When would they be back..?

How would they react to me finally waking up..?

Would they be angry.. Or would they just ignore me again like I never existed..?

Who knows? All I hope is for the last thought to be irrelevant and for it to be deleted in my mind..
But how was I supposed to deleted something from my mind that could be true?
I mean, they're totally capable of throwing me out and sending me away for the trouble I granted them, and the burden to heal me up again..

With a silent sigh, I returned the brush to it's normal position in the closet; my hair untangled and no mess recognizable.
At least I can look presentable before they come back after not being able to see me for.. weeks..

"You seem troubled, Miss Nรถel.. What is it that bothers you?"
And cue the direct movement where I spin around and make some weird karate movement, nearly smacking Splinter in the face.. But luckily he had good reflexes and can dodge it quite easily.

"O-Oh.. Crap, sorry Splinter.. you startled me.." I had sighed quietly, awkwardly removing myself from the unknown reflex stance and I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck.
In response, the elderly man-- Err, Rat.. had chuckled; his eyes containing a large amount of amusement inside those crimson brown coloured orbs.

"It's quite alright, There isn't any need to apologize when you hadn't gotten nearly the length to hit me entirely." He spoke with a small, nearly invisible smirk on his lips, his lips spewed the words out with pure tease and slight sarcasm.

The old rat had back sassed me.. I was literally sassed by an old man.

Unable to contain my laughter, it broke free from my lungs, the sound releasing itself from my lips as it echoed the entire lair.
"My goodness.. D-Did you just-- Wow, that is a sight.." I giggled, using the orange sleeve from my shirt to wipe away the growing tears of hysterical laughter.

"I am quite glad I was able to cause you amusement, Miss Nรถel." Splinter had stated with a low chuckle; the smirk wiped from his lips and replaced with a smile.
My head had tilted upwards to look at the man, pausing slightly as I warmly returned the smile.

"It is very good to have you back.. Your smile is quite warming." He stated, reaching his hand forward to ruffle my violet coloured locks.
A giggled had bubbled from my lips, stepping forward as I wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.

"It's amazing to be back, Splinter." I mumbled, the man had taken a few seconds to adjust to my grip on his waist, before he had leaned down and hugged me back.
Silence had erupted the lair, before I broke away from the embrace the two of us had shared between each other.

"My sons should be returning any moment now.. If you'd like to make an entrance towards them.. You should begin to get into your hiding position."
And that is why Splinter is the bomb of a father, He wanted to scare his sons brainless.

In a swift movement, I ran towards the entrance of the lair, ducking by the turnstiles small little box as I waited for the four's voices to echo down the walls of the abandoned subway station.
"Mikey! Don't touch that, it's disgusting!" Donatello's voice had cried, hearing skin touch skin was sounded as a slap and Michelangelo's cry of pain echoed throughout the walls.

"Brooooo, Master Splinter said NOT to hit.." He had whined, their voices getting gradually closer.
"Yeah, well I will hit ya in order to get you not to touch that.. disgusting thing.. whatever the hell it is.." Raphael had grunted, his words practically drenched in his smirk that contained his pink lips.

And as the boy's body's leaped over the turnstiles each of them had seen splinter standing by the blue couch, his slender hands intertwined together behind his back.

"Master splinter..? Why aren't you in the lab with her?" Raphael had asked, his anger beginning to bubble and steam over like a shaken bottle of pop.
"I would like to ask you four something." He stated simply, in which Raphael had clenched his fist in a ball.

"Master Splinter, why ar--"
"Enough Raphael, Close your mouths and allow me to ask you an easily answerable question, then you may proceed to enter the laboratory that contains your beloved."
With a huff of air, Raph had crossed his arms over his chest, leaning on his left leg for Splinter's 'easily answerable question'

The three other teenage boys had slight concerned looks in their eyes, Donatello glancing towards the lab briefly before splinter began to speak again.
"Would you become startled from something easily approachable?"

And just like that, I crawled out from my hiding spot; jumping behind them quickly and releasing a loud shriek cry to scare the boys.

"BUBALABBABABUBRAAAAWWWWR!" I bellowed, Splinter's smile that his lips allowed him to express was large as he began chuckling at my scare.
The boy's of course, had all released loud surprised shouts, Michelangelo screaming loudly and stumbling backwards towards his father as he crashed into the ground.

The four boys stared wide eyed at my figure, My grin widening as I looked upon the group.
Raphael had kept his eyes locked aligned with my own as I stared right back at him.

"How.. When did you.." He had stammered, his hand reaching towards his temple to rub at his forehead.
Donnie had been staring at me also, star struck as he stood there, unable to move a single inch from his stiff boarded position.

Leo held his face in his hands, eyes wide as he stared towards my smiling face.
The only one to do something had been Michelangelo, his lips releasing a loud scream as he stumbled to his feet, his arms wrapping around my waist as he spun me around in a circle; his grin beyond compare.

"You're Back! You're Back!" He yelped happily, bringing me to his chest as he hugged me tightly; snuggling his chin into my shoulder.
"I missed yoooooooou" He whined, setting me down briefly as he looked towards his bewildered brothers.

"Well don't just stand there! Come and lets do a group hug!" He beamed, which the three of them hurriedly ran over to hug my petite body.
A small 'umpt' echoed from my lips at the impact of the four hugging the life out of me.

"Don't ever do that again.." Raphael had growled, Followed by a "Yeah Kit, we thought you wouldn't wake up!"

My arms tangled around the boys, or as far as they could reach around the large embrace of four males and myself.
'Well I'm here now, aren't I? And I don't plan on leaving anytime soon." I laughed, which followed by Splinter clearing his throat.

All four boys broke away from the embrace we had shared, and sneakily Raphael had wrapped his arm around my waist, in which I began grinning incredibly big, so much that my cheeks began to ache.

"You have a phone call, Miss Nรถel." Splinter had stated with a low chuckle, and I stepped forward to gingerly take my phone from his slender hands.
"I'm assuming you'll enjoy this one even more."

I placed the cellular device to my ear, and softly spoke a small "Hello?".

The other end of the line was erupted into loud sobbing, a few shuffles of things moving was sounded and a hoarse heart broken voice answered my question.

"You a$$hole.. Kitara, y-you a-a-a$$.. You scared the sh^t out of me.."
Tears broke through my vision, and I used the my orange sleeve to hastily wipe them away.


"O-Of course it's me, y-you a-a$$.."


Hello, This is you author speaking..

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Because it took awhile to write...

Any who loves, Have a good day.

Please Vote, Rate, Comment. <3

Love you all so much!
Keep strong and stay happy.
Peace out DJ Sprouts.
Keep Calm And Be A Ninja๐Ÿ’‚
Savatage Out! ๐Ÿ˜บ
