Nose Booping And A Ticklish Turtle

Chapter 21
(TWENTY-WAN :) -Vine reference-)

Enjoy the adorable picture ^=^
And the chapter!



"GAH SHUT UP!" I shouted, slamming my hand on top of the obnoxious beeping instrument, my angry mumbling words were interrupted by a laugh.
"So, I figured out your not a morning person.. Good to know." Raph's teasing voice said from a far, that little jerk..
"What gave it away?" I grumbled flattening my birds nest of hair, throwing the covers off of me I stalked over towards him.
"Meh, basically your anger.. And I can so tell you have a grudge on my alarm clock." He smirked gently booping my nose with his hand, I stopped and turned my head to look at the turtle with a unamused face
"Did you just..boop.. my nose?"
I asked furrowing my eyebrows together
"Why yes, Kitten, I did." He smiled attempting to talk all British and formal like.
"What are you going to do about it, Eh?" He added again, and I smiled evily.
"Oh, you know.. Just-- THIS!" I shouted, swiping my foot under his legs as he came tumbling down, I pinned his body down and moved my hands around his sides making him erupt into laughter.
"MWAHAHA! The great and powerful Raphael has a weakness!" I exclaimed smiling madly, the drowsiness now fully gone.
"K-kitten, s-s-stop! *laugh* come on!" He gasped hitting the ground with his balled up fist
"Okay okay! *laugh* U-uncle! Uncle!" He exclaimed, continuing to laugh until i seized my moving fingers to be on his sides, I smiled.
"Okay, Raphie.. Let's go and eat, I'm starving!" I got up, extending my hand for him to take so I could help him up, he gladly took my hand and I yanked him up.
But he didn't release my hand, as we both made our way downstairs into the noisy kitchen filled with the amazing aroma of eggs and bacon.
"Mmmm, I love food!" I squealed, Un latching my hand from Raph's as I quickly ran in jumping onto a stool by the island.
Four laughs went through the entire room
"Glad you like food dudette! Made by the famous Mikester!" He grinned setting a plate down infront of me followed by a fork.
I eyes widened and I smiled warmly, grabbing the fork quickly I started to scarf down the food, obviously looking like a total idiot.. But who cares? It's food!

"Wow.. And you guys called me a pig." Mikey mumbled, smiling teasingly. But also earned a smack to the back of the head from his third oldest brother, and a small 'that wasn't necessary' from Leo.
I finished chewing, swollowing as well until I spoke again.
"It's fine, seriously.. But thank you for the food boys! I should probably be going.. I have to set up for Christmas.. Since I lacked the energy to do it before.. Anywho!" I stated, wiping my mouth with a paper towel and throwing it into the trash bin.
Getting up from my seat, I started to make my way out of the kitchen but was stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist.
"What do you mean 'I forgot to set up for Christmas..'" Raph asked completely confused, I laughed shaking my head.
"Your saying, you don't know why people set Christmas decorations up?" He shook his head sadly
"No, we were never told.."
I frowned in response, what could I do to make their Christmas special?
Light bulb!
I knew exactly what to do!
"You know what! I'll be right back.. Around... 25 minutes.. Raph, come with me!" I exclaimed smiling like mad, tugging on his wrist as we exited the lair.

Minutes of walking, silence and freezing cold sewers later, Raphael was the first of us two to break the silence
"Sooo.. What exactly are we doing?"
I smiled
"You'll see Raphie, you'll see.." I said simply, he only nodded.

This is getting so annoying..
Drip drip
Drip drop drip drop
Drip drip drip
"FRICKLE FRACKLE CHEESE CRACKERS!" I screamed into the silent nature around us, Raph flinched at my outbursts, turning to look at me with a 'are you high or something?' Kind of look, I smiled sheepishly
"Eheh.. Sorry, the silence was really eating me up.." I muttered as Raph laughed
"Isint this your place?" He asked gently squeezing my hand, my head shot up to look at the familiar dead end.
I laughed giving him a nod
"Yep.. Get ready for chaos.." I mumbled pulling on the small leaver, the door have a loud 'RAAAAAGGGHH' before it opened, literally revealing everything destroyed.
My eyes widened
"What the hell!?" I shrieked, running into my home looking around frantically for my small cat, ignoring the mess around me.
"FELIX! HEY YOU LUMP OF FUR! WHERE ARE YOU? FEEELLIIXXXX!?" I called continuing to look around the room until a loud 'MEOW' sounded and quick footsteps came running my way.
I was literally smothered in a cat hug, Felix leaped into my arms nuzzling my neck.
"Aww, did whittle Fewix miss mommy? Aw yes he did.. Mommy missed you to baby boy, I'm sorry for leaving you!" I cried holding him close, the small reuniting of my cat and I was broke up by a bunch of laughter
"M-mommy? What the heck! -laugh- o-oh my g-gosh!" He exclaimed holding his arm over his gut laughing.
I rolled my eyes, setting Felix down.
"Shut it Raphie, now come on.. Help me find something!" I said punching his arm, not to hard to hurt him.. Just hard enough to let him know I wasn't playing any games.
"Alright, Kitten, Let's find this special something of yours!" He smiled walking around the house, also tidying it up slightly.
"Uh, sorry to burst your focused bubble Raph.. But what are you doing? I don't need my house cleaned.. I'll do it later."
Raph laughed, waving me off
"It's alright Kitten, I can help.. Least I can do."
I sighed already knowing that he wouldn't take my offer and continued to look for the box.
"Nope.. What the- Nooopppe.. Not here... Ehh.. Not what I'm looking for- hey look my lost sweater!- where in the world is-- oh here it is!" I cheered pulling out a large box.
"What the shell is in that?" Raph asked, I took a large amount of air in my mouth, and blew the dust fully off the box.
Coughing for awhile I swatted away the dusty air from my face
"Christmas decorations, hey can you be a nice hot-headed ninja and carry this for me-- thanks!" I set the box into his arms as he grunted, obviously surprised on how heavy the box was.
"Commer Felix, we're going to go visiting some friends for awhile!" I cooed, scooping my kitty up in my arms as he purred, nuzzling into me again.
Quickly I sent a text message to London simply saying that I was going over to the turtles place for Christmas, so I could meet her by a manhole cover and lead her back.
"Let's go my fine turtle friend!" I exclaimed point towards the door as I ran out, having Raph follow closely behind me rolling his eyes.


"Holy sewer apples! What did you even bring?" Donnie asked as Raph set the big box down, he let out a sigh of relief already happy to be done carrying stuff, but he wasn't even done.
"Well, a lot of things.. I guess, but we're still missing something! And we need to go get it! Like right now.. Sooo do you have like, a car or something?"
Simply the four smirked, and my face soon turned into regret.
What the heck did I just get myself into.


How do you like those updates
*flips desk*
I'm sorry I'm like
Super happy, Christmas gets me pumped ^=^
Anyways peeps.
I have like these pretty Christmas lights in my room >:-3
It's really pretty.
Peace Out Dj Sprouts!
Keep Calm And Be A Ninja!💂
Savatage Out!✌️
Love you always and ∞
