Awakening And Anger

Chapter 15
I was woken once again sadly by the sound of loud snoring.
Was somebody in the room with me?
Slowly my eyes drowsily opened to reveal the emerald green turtle laying beside the bed, his hand on top of mine, his snoring soon died down to a soft rumble.
I smiled warmly at the tough turtle, lying beside me at this moment holding my hand, so much for being tough.
I nuzzled my head into the pillow closing my eyes once again, falling back to sleep to the sound of soft snoring.
"Kitten, kitten wake up.. It's breakfast time, and you need to eat something."
A soft soothing voice awoke me once more, I sighed shaking my head.
"I'm not hungry.." I whispered nuzzling my head further into the pillows, whoever was in the room sighed "Come on Kitten, don't make me carry you"
I smiled "I wouldn't mind that.." I mumbled, soon I felt myself being lifted up, out of my comfortable pillow protection I groaned laying my head on my carriers arm, feeling them stiffen up slightly he let out a shaky breath before returning back to walking.
"Awww, little Raphie-poo is carrying his girlfriend!" A cheery voice sang happily making me groan from the loudness and push myself further into my carrier.
"Mikey, cut it out.. She's probably to tired to walk, let along deal with your loudness." A voice that sounded like Donatello scolded
"Aww, okay.. Sorry Kit." Mikey apologized sadly, or at least I think it's Mikey..
"Come on kitten, you gotta eat.." More and more the voice sounded like Raph..
I grumbled turning my head slightly towards the stool, slowly I was set down onto it and I folded my arms laying my head onto it.
"Wow.. I guess she really is tired.." The voice of Leonardo said surprised
"Well no doubt, she's being training non stop.. Is what London had said, the girl hadn't even had time to visit her friend.. She rarely got sleep." Raph pointed out I could hear the disappointment in his voice, I heard a small clink and something cold touched my hand, slowly I looked up at the mysterious cold feeling on my hand.
Realizing a bowl was easy enough once my eyes adjusted to the light, A spoon sat inside the bluish circular dish. Slowly I scooped the cereal into my mouth chewing quietly, my eyes looked at the marshmallows in the bowl, along with the small wheat letters.
Soon enough I had finished the whole bowl, leaving the rest of the cereal milk in the bowl, I hated drinking the left over milk.. It was disgusting.
I sighed quietly laying my head back onto my arms.
"Guess she doesn't like leftover milk.." Raph laughed
"Yeah, guess not."
I huffed in response, once again I heard a clink, water running and myself being lifted again, i nuzzled myself closely into Raphael, which I assumed was him.
"Right, let's let you go back to sleep.." He concluded returning back to his room, he sat me down once again and laid me down pulling the banker over me once again and leaving the room, "Goodnight, Kitten." He whispered before leavi the room come poetry shutting the door behind him.
I left my small room, letting out a sigh.
I was crazy for that girl, I always felt the need to offer to help her right away, even before anyone else could.
I know I sound like a hopeless romantic guy, but I even had to ask Don for help!
Of course I wouldn't talk to leo about it, he'd just annoy me more.
And Mikey?
Pfft, not a chance.
The only one who knew for sure about my crush on Kitara was Donnie, and it would only be Donnie..
I shook my head making my way back down stairs towards the dojo.
I needed to let off some steam or something, something to get my mind off of this situation.. I was never one to over think things.. That was Leo or Don's job.
I was mainly the person who went into things without thinking and either getting my butt whooped at the end of just getting out with a lecture from Splinter Jr.
Walking past my brothers I ignored them, going straight towards my main destination, the punching bag.
Sure, it's near were the four were but I still decided to ignore them, punching the living crap out of the greyish warn out bag, I heard leo trying to talk to me, but I just grunted in response, until a loud 'MEHHHHHHHHHH' sounded //A air horn xD//
I was startled back into life, stumbling back slightly a fit of laughter went around me I growled clenching my fists, "Can't you guys just leave me alone once and awhile? Or is that just to challenging for you?" I snapped storming out of the lair completely, I hated my brothers sometimes, they never thought about what they did before they did it, just like leo had said I do during fighting, I growled loudly climbing up the rusty sewer ladder, pushing the cap off crawling out and placing it back.
I flipped onto the roof tops, jumping carefully to make sure I didn't fall like Kitten had once done.

I'm so so so sorry.
I'm soooooo sorry ;3;
I've been so distracted..
Watching a movie and stuff and I keep forgetting about typing it's so bad>//<
Anyways hope you enjoyed!
Peace out Chikkas! ✌️
Keep Calm And Be A Ninja! 💂
Savatage out!
