Breakfast Wakeup Call

Chapter 23

I wasn't a morning person, but after awhile I learn to suck it up.
Nothing or nobody woke me up, my eyes fluttered open to reveal a sleeping Raphael in front of my body, his chest rising and falling softly while a small snore left his lips on occasion.

Smiling I rolled the covers off my body, and slipped out from my place on the bed, taking a step between the turtles legs carefully so I couldn't step on him.

A soft meow startled me, tripping on the edge of the bed I fell forwards and used my hands to grasp onto the bar that hung above the bed.
I sighed in relief, making sure to be quiet
"That was a close one.." I whispered planting my feet on the ground silently walking towards the door.

Just before I could place my hand on the nob, a voice interrupted the silence in the room.

"Kitten..? Where are ya going.." Raph's groggily voice spoke, sitting up on the bed to look at me properly.
Slowly i turned to look at him smiling sheepishly
"Umm, I wanted to make breakfast for you guys.. Since you've done so much for me, I decided I should do at least something for you.."

Raph chuckled, shaking his head and getting up from the bed, stretching his arms and neck, hearing the satisfying crack of a stretched bone.

Obviously being me, I didn't notice until Raph reached for his red mask laying on his bedside table that he had taken it off last night.

After a few seconds his mask was tied securely around his eyes and his belt was on again, sai's pushed into the loop of his belt.
"Come on, I may not now how to cook very well.. But at least I can help ya set up."

He made his way towards me, intertwining his fingers with my smaller ones, engulfing my entire hand.
I giggled slightly, as he chuckled.

Opening the door, we walked down the hall and down the stairs, headed straight for the kitchen.
"So What are you planing on making?" Raph asked nudging me slightly, I shrugged.

"Most likely eggs, bacon and toast.. As long as your toaster doesn't have a thing for hating me aswell" I smirked, as he broke into laughter.
"Nope, I'm pretty sure it's just leo it has one on."
I joined in on the laughing, grabbing the eggs from the fridge Raph refused to let go of my hand.

"Raaappphieee.. I need to make the food, can you let go of my hand for atleast 15 minutes?" I whined as he pouted
"To looong." He smirked, squeezing my hand slightly but released it.
I rolled my eyes, smiling also.
I grabbed the grey bowl from the top shelf, setting it on the counter as I cracked the 8 eggs individually into the mixing bowl, grabbing the milk I poured a cup of it into the bowl.

I cut up some cheese, tossing it into the bowl as well, grabbing the whisk I began whisking the ingredients in the bowl to be orange and yellow stirred liquid looking stuff.

"Looks appetizing." Raph said sarcastically peering into the bowl wearing a smirk, I smacked his arm playfully, turning on the burner to a 7 high.

"It's not done yet, Raphie.. Calm your shell." I laughed pouring the mixed eggs, milk and cheese into the frying pan.
He chuckled leaning against the island counter, focusing his eyes onto mine, I laughed using a spatula as I pushed the eggs making them scrambled.

In a matter of minutes the eggs were done, and I had already cooked the bacon, stuffing it into the microwave so it wouldn't get cold.

I looked over to the toaster seeing a large pile of toast already buttered and stacked.
Raph flashed me a handsome smile bringing the piles of bread to the counter top.
"Come on, let's go wake up everybody." He smiled reaching out for my hand and I laughed, grabbing it gently.

The two of us made our way down the hallway, Raph had the best idea of bringing a pot and a wooden spatula to wake the boys up.

"You sure we should wake them up like this?" I asked looking up at Raph with a uneasy look, he only laughed and let go of my hand, bringing the pot and spatula together looking at me.


I giggled, but decided to continue

He smiled seeing as i was going to play his little game,


"NOW!" I yelped as Raph brought the two kitchen utensils together making a VERY loud 'CLANK' 'SMACK' sound.

there was a 'thud' from all three of the rooms, meaning they had fallen off their bed probably.

Being unsure of this before, well now I'm laughing my butt off on the ground, holding my stomach from the cramps of laughter.

Each door swung open at their own order, Raph laughed along with me and continued to bang on the pot
"WAKE UP MY BROTHERS, TIME FOR BREAKFAST!" Raph shouted smiling as he spoke and laughed.

Leo looked at Raph and i tiredly, frowning, Donnie had the most unamused face on and it was absolutely hilarious!
Mikey, well he was smiling like mad, quickly running back into his room, in a matter of seconds he ran out running past me wearing his entire outfit.
Belt, Mask and nunchucks in his belt loops.

"FOOD!" Was all you heard between Raph's clanking noises, I laughed gathering up to my feet, I turned towards the other two turtles shooing them off.

"Go on, get dressed! I don't want the food getting cold!"
As on cue, the boys walked back into their rooms dressing themselves before walking back out.
Raph had stopped clanking the pot and wooden spatula together, smiling at me he finished laughing also.

"I think that was pretty successful." He stated confidently slinging his free arm around my shoulders
"Yeah, if you were trying to give us a heart attack, Raph." Don grumbled rubbing his eyes, walking past us and into the kitchen.
"Aww, Mikey! Don't eat everything!" Donnie shouted scolding Mikey.

"Why'd you two even make breakfast anyways?" Leo asked sheathing his katanas on his back pouches.
I shrugged, Raph slid his arm off my shoulder to be by his side

"I didn't make it, Leo, it was Kitara who did.. She thought she'd make it because of how nice we've been to her, I guess." He shrugged, placing his fingers into the front loop of his belt.
Leo nodded, smiling warmly

"It's no problem, least we could do for a friend.. Now come on, let's go eat." He said jogging past us as we kept up, entering the kitchen seeing the two turtles sitting at the island eating peacefully.

"This is really good, Kitara, thank you!" Don and Mike said at the same time, as the two have each other a weird look, before eating again.

I laughed giving them a shrug sitting down beside Don.
"No problem, glad you like it."


"The five of us sat in silence, not able to think of anything to say.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Leo asked looking over at me like I was the leader, I set my plate in the sink and smiled
"We gotta get ready dinner, for tomorrow.. So I have to go shopping, It won't take long!" I exclaimed grabbing my coat from the chair, slipping it over my shoulders.

My arm was stopped by the very end of the cost sleeve, i furrowed my eyebrows using my other hand to grab whatever was at the end of my sleeve.
I managed to pull out a hat, that apparently I've never took the time to notice.
Slipping the black hat over my head, I pulled the zipper to about 3 inches under my neck line.

"So, I'll be right back.. Okay?"
Leo, Don and Mike nodded, while Raph put his plate and fork into the sink, jogging up to be beside me
"I'll come with you, you could probably use the company.."
He murmured, i smiled nudging him slightly

"Or, did you have something to tell me, Raph?"
His eyes widened and he shook his head
"Nope! Now come on!"
He tugged my wrist before jumping over the exit and taking off.

Laughing, I followed him, my pace slightly slower than his.


I'm legit so excited! ^=^
Tommarow I'll be going down to Visit family with my mum, so if I can I'll write..
But I'm going to be posting a chapter after this one!

Thank the ninja turtle lord, that my stomach doesn't hurt anymore.. It was probably bad food I ate.
Hope you enjoyed this part!
I was using my pages app to see how many words chapter 21 and 22 were lastnight..
You ready?
3,080 words.
Holy shiznit man XD
I wrote so much!
Well, ttyl friends!

Peace Out DJ Sprouts!
Keep Calm And Be A Ninja! 💂
Savatage Out! ✌️
Love You forever and ∞
