A Night Under The Stars

Chapter 20

(This isn't exactly the picture I had in my head.. But the bottom of the roof is sort of right! Just imagine four large pillars in the corners of the square, with moss and plants hanging down with Christmas stringy lights onto the poles.. Excuse the other roofs in the background!)
~Enjoy the rest of the chapter!

Slowly and hesitantly I locked my hand with hers
"Kitara.." I muttered, unsure if I still put my full trust into her yet.
She giggled
"I know, Leo was telling me about you.. and how you have this special effect on Raph." I tensed up, my face a deep crimson.
"What? What do you mean I--" she covered my mouth with her hand.
Now she was making me frustrated..
She smiled shaking her head
"Don't be silly, you know what I'm talking about! Now, why don't we watch some tv!" She exclaimed, furrowing my eyebrows together she removed her hand from my mouth and sat down beside Leonardo.
I sighed, frowning in confusing I pulled my legs closer towards my chest and kept close attention onto the television.
"Psssttt...!" A voice whispered nudging me softly.
I held back the smirk that wanted to play across my lips, and ignored them simply
"Pssssssstt!" They whispered back starting to get slightly louder, giggling softly I turned to look at my culprit, Raphael.
"Yes Raph, what would you like?" I whispered back smiling.
He rolled his eyes
"Let's get out of here.. It Uh... I want to show you something.." He muttered blushing slightly.
My smiled got larger, nodding I slowly got up without the other four noticing, as Raphael followed behind me quickly.
I slipped between the bars to exit and we walked off along the abandon sewer paths.
"So, what's this special thing you needed to show me, Raphael?" I asked fully curious and eager at this point.
He smiled and let out a laugh
"Well aren't we excited?" He said simply, not letting out a single hint.

I groaned loudly
"Come on raph! I hate it when people do this, ugh! It's so annoying!" I grumbled, crossing my arm over my chest and made a pouty face, he laughed.
"Well, don't get your hopes up Kitten, Cus I'm not telling you anything.. Not yet at least." I groaned again, muttering words under my breath making him laugh again.

"Well, up we go.." Raph muttered, climbing up the ladder.
I looked up at the ladder in slight hesitation.
"Uhhh, isn't there like.. Another way up? O-or something?" I stammered blushing nervously, Raph laughed from up the tube
"Nope, sorry kitten. Ain't another way up unless we go back and use the shellraisers path.." He called back, I heard a sound of metal going against concrete, frowning I spoke again
"Well we can, umm.. Go back! Come on Raph lets go!" I exclaimed whirling around I started to walk again, but soon I was pulled back by my waist
"Nope, let's go." Raph's voice whispered in my ear as he picked my up, holding me close while using his other hand to climb.
I squealed, burying my face into his neck, my arms wrapping around his upper plastron while my legs hugged his waist
"God damn, we had to go up this way.." I mumbled into his neck making him laugh slightly
"Sorry kitten, fastest way.."
I rolled my closed eyes
"Yeah yeah.. Climb faster.." I grumbled as he laughed again
"Alright, your good." Raph said as he climbed up fully onto the concrete, pushed the cover back onto the hole and started to walk again.
"Umm.. Raph?" I asked opening my eyes so I could look at him again
"Yep?" He responded casually like nothing is happening, I rolled my eyes smiling softly
"You know, I can walk.. Right?"
He smirked, giving me a small nod
I sighed, rolling my eyes "I see."
"I'm glad, or else you couldn't see this awesome thing I'm about to show you soon." I laughed, and soon he joined in
"Ha. Ha ha. Very cleaver Raphie."
I said poking his cheeks, making them heat up.
"I try." He said simply, his walking turned into a run as we leaped from rooftop to rooftop, well he was, since he was carrying me..
Soon enough Raph set me down, slipped his bandana from his eyes, and tied it around my eyes so the holes weren't on my eyes.
"Raph, what are you doing.." I asked feeling around from the loss of sight.
"I feel like I'm blind.. Raph? R-Raph.. Come on.. This isint cool!" I shrieked, swatting the air to find Atleast something.
Absolutely nothing made a sound around me, he was gone.. Just like that.. I felt something grab my hand, and I screamed.
A sudden wave of laughter went around me
"Hey hey, kitten it's just me.. I had to do something real quickly, and well.. You weren't allowed to see!" Raph's voice soon calmed my scared body
"Bloody hell raph, what the hell! You scared the crap out of me.. That's not even cool.." I grumbled lacing my fingers with his.
Raph chuckled, gently kissing his lips on my forehead for a second, before pulling away
"Sorry sorry, my surprise will make up for it though.."

"It better.." I mumbled, smiling as he laughed softly.

"And well.. Here we are! Oh, whoops." He chuckled, as I felt his fingers remove the knot on his bandana and slipping it from my eyes.
I was honestly shocked..
We stood in a area, planter pots set up, while some heaters were also on full blast around the place, a large blanket sat in the middle of large square, a picnic basket on top of it.
Green and red Christmas lights strung up around the entire place, making it look like multicoloured stars
"Wow.. Raph, did you do this?" I asked my mouth slightly agape while my eyes widened with wonder.
His left hand was brought to the back of his neck, he rubbed it in nervousness, while his cheeks flared bright red.
"Well.. Donnie helped with the lights.. Mike made the food.. And well, umm.. Leo picked the location.." He chuckled.
"I know it's not the best.. And I'm sorry.. But, well.. I-if you want to go back, that's fine.. I me--" I cut him off with a kiss on the cheek.
"It's amazing, Raph, Seriously! I love it.. I wouldn't want anything else."
His nervous face slowly curved into a smile,
"I'm glad, now come on! The food won't be good forever."
And with that, I released his hand quickly, and ran over towards the middle, giggling like mad
"I'm gonna g-- AHH!" I squealed, my body being lifted into the air by my waist, both Raph and I laughed whole heartedly.
As quickly as I was picked up, Raph pinned me on the ground, holding my arms over my head, while he started at me smiling.
"Did I ever tell you, that you were the most gorgeous girl I've ever laid eyes on?" He asked his smile growing larger while I blushed
"U-um.. N-not that I recall.. Umm.. That you Uh.. Ever said that.." I stammered my eyes darting around the place trying not to make eye contact with him.
"Well, your definitely the most gorgeous girl I've laid eyes on.." He muttered, leaning down and kissing my cheek softly
"Come on, let's dig in." He said, releasing his hands from my arms as he helped my up, sitting down beside him on the checkered blanket.

Hours passed, until finally Raphael and I laid on the blanket, my head on his stomach while he gently looped his arm around my waist.
We sat in a blissful silence, admiring each others company, aswell as the stars that shine over NewYork.
"You know, this is a rare sight.. Since NewYork is always bright, You can't really see the stars so well.. It's really nice.." Raph broke the silence, and I smiled
"Yeah, it's not so bad.. I like it aswell.." I said quietly continuing to smile.
"Well, we might as well get back.. It's getting late.. Are you going to stay the night again?" I only nodded, as Raph scooped me up and carried me back towards the lair.


"Ah! There are the two love birds! How was your daaaatteee?" Mikey chooed as all three heads turned to look over at us.
Where's april?
Raph grumbled
"It wasn't a date Mikey.." He snapped, but I could already see through his lies.
"Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that big guy!" He exclaimed again smiling wildly.
Raph growled, jogged up the steps, opened his bedroom door and walked in, slamming it shut with his foot.
I winced
"What's wrong..?" I asked wearing a frown.
Raph sighed, setting me onto his bed he shook his head
"Nothing, nothing I'm fine.."
I gave him a 'Dafuq you think I am, I can see right through you' look, making him smile slightly giving in completely, he sat down beside me and i scootched over to be beside him.
He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him
"It's just, Mikey I guess.. He's always annoying me.. And it's just.. I don't know? Annoying? Aggravating?"
"He just, ticks me off sometimes.. You know?" I nodded, tracing over the Lightning bolt chip in his plastron.
"I understand, I guess all you need to do is ignore him.." I mumbled soon dazing off into space, paying the most attention onto his lighting chip.
"Kitten... Kitten! Is anybody home?" Raph asked breaking my daze, tapping my head lightly
"Mmhm.." I muttered gazing up into his eyes
"I'm home? What would you like?" I asked smiling softly, he chuckled.
"Your tired.. Aren't you?"
I nodded drowsily.
Raph laughed, pulling me close towards him as he then moved the covers so he could slip in, laying me beside him, he pulled the covers back over us and wrapped his arm around my waist once again.
Slowly and softly he pressed his lips on my forehead
"Go to sleep kitten, sleep well.." He mumbled.
"Mm.. Raph.." I murmured before sleep consumed me, unable to finish my sentence.

Annnnd that's it..
That's the best I could do..
I apologize for it being so late, but I'm going to probably wrote another chapter tommarow.. Or something maybe Christmas Eve?
Just so then I can post another for Christmas Day..
I'm really sorry though..
Thank you people who understand how I was feeling, your honestly the best of people ever..
Thank you so much! I love you with all my heart💙
Peace Out DJ Sprouts!
Keep Calm And Be A Ninja! 💂
Savatage Out! ✌️
Love you always and ∞
