Snow Snow, Snow Snow Snow Snow.

Chapter 9
((A picture of when I was on a trip last week, and there was snow.))

Snow snow snow.
Sure it's nice when it live in a heated house, lots of blankets and hot chocolate, but imagine all of those wonderful things, gone.
Like they haven't even existed.
Well, of course when I had a coat, hat and mittens on, I was slightly warm.
But under ground.. It's a freezing disaster in the winter.
I rarely even come out, unless it's day time.
Which is a little bit less cold.
I shivered uncontrollably, it was still along ways to go, and I was likely going to freeze to death.
"Cold.. Cold.. Need warmth.. C-cold.." I muttered over and over again.
I felt like Anna, when she was about to be frozen to death.. Besides the fact that I wasn't going to die.

"Sewer apples.. Where is she!" A voice shouted aggravated.
I tidle wave of relief went over me, by the sound of the voice, it was Raphael.
"R-Raph!" I shouted with all the strength I had, which i guess was kinda good, seeing as he probably heard it and his footsteps got louder and closer, finally seeing the bright green eyes in the dimly lit sewer, it looked like relief washed through them and he sprinted towards me, picking me up in his surprisingly warm arms.
"Holy crud Kit, your freezing! Why didn't you contact one of us.. We could of came and picked you up.."
He spoke shocked and upset.
"I-I.. D-didn't have your n-number.. I-I'm s-s-sorry.." I whispered laying my head down on his plastron shivering like mad.
"Alright.. Well I'll take you back to the lair.. We'll get you warmed up and punch our numbers in for you, sound good?" I just nodded sleepily growing tired quickly.
He chuckled, "You'll be alright Kitten.. You'll be alright.." He mummbled kissing my forehead and running into the direction he came.
/\Beep Boop, Time skippy skippy!/\

I felt myself being lowered into something soft, and gently being shooken "Hey, wake up.." The voice was rough, but yet soft.
I groaned, letting a yawn escape my lips and I stretched, opening my eyes I was faced with a pair of bright green ones, he smiled warmly handing me a mug of a steamy drink inside.
"Here, drink this.. It'll keep you warm for right now while I get some blankets for you." And with that I took the mug gently, sipping it.
The warm liquid went down my throat quickly warming up my insides.
I went to look back up to face Raph, but he vanished, this gave me some time to look around.
It was a small room, and I was sitting on a bed beside the wall, comic books were lined on the ground, some incased by something and a drum set in the corner, posters on the wall of a different variety of rock bands.
The door opened slowly and in came the red masked turtle himself, carrying a bunch of blankets folded.
Who would fold them? Probably Donnie or Leo..
He set them down on the bed, pulling each one over me until it got to the very last one, he set it on me, and sat at the end of the bed.
And awkward science fell over us.

"So Uh, this your room?" I asked hesitant knowing the answer immediately.
"Yeah.. It's kinda messy.. Isn't it?"
I giggled shaking my head "Nah, it isn't that bad. Everybody has their own messy meter." I replied with a smile.
"Messy meter..?" He questioned confused
I laughed "Yeah! Messy meter, like if your room is spotless, that's the first tick, it's an okay room, second.. And then dirty, third.. And then horrible the forth.. get what i mean?"
He nodded sniggering
"Yeah, I get what you mean, Mikey's would be the last tick, Don and Leo would be the first. And I'd be the second?" I nodded smiling, taking a sip of my hot chocolate.
"Mm.. This is delicious!" I exclaimed happily, making him laugh "Glad you like it.."
After talking for a bit, he decided to go,Taking my empty mug with him. "Night Kitten.." He whispered leaving the room.
I snuggled deeply into the blankets a warm tingly feeling inside of me
"Goodnight.." I mumbled drifting off into a long sleep.
Sorry dudes.
It's just bleh.
I have no inspiration ;3;
I'll try doe!
PM me ideas, or if your some person <WINK WINK> who have my kik.
Then message ideas away!
Go! go! Hurry :D
I am available for the next two-three hours!
Unless your like not wanting to talk to a crazy person like me.
Then Boop.
Gooda bye den!
Bye bye chicka ;3
Peace out DJ Sprouts!
Keep Calm And Be A Ninja!💂
Savatage out! ✌️
