Author's prelude and disclaimer


I will re-publish the chapters once the editing is done. Thank you for your understanding. 


This is purely fictional and for entertainment purpose, nothing more. I'm aware that this genre might not suit everyone's taste.

It's heavily inspired by one of my favorite movie August Rush but it's also different in many ways (it's a lot darker) but don't worry, it will go gradually brighter.

- Lots of angst, discussion of abortion and child loss, talk about suicide and mental health
-  Teenage pregnancy (18&19 y.o). I have no intention of promoting it nor on the contrary judging those who went through that
- Out of character protagonists in an alternative reality (but still kpop universe).
- Jieun is only one year older than Jungkook in this story
- Set in 2020 and 2021 but there will be lots of flashbacks (starting from 2013)
- Deformation of real facts (consider them as nods/winks to the reality)
- Evilification of some celebs (just 3 people)

Regarding the sensitive subjects in this story, it is absolutely not my intention to stigmatize, make judgement or promote things here. 
I am a very open-minded person, if you want to talk about any of the issues adressed in this fic, my private message is open.

I made a playlist for this story so you can listen to the songs on Spotify and read! The link is on my bio 

Started: 18/09/20 (special day 🥳🐰💜💙)
Finished : 01/01/21

I hope you'll enjoy reading it !
