17. You never walk alone

18th january 2021

Jieun looked at her reflection again in the mirror, twisting and fixing her hair into loose curls. She put her favorite red lipstick and applied more blush on her cheeks.  

" Mommy, you look so pretty!"

" Thank you darling. I want to look good because your father and I have a date tonight! " She smiled at her daughter who sat next to her in front of the vanity 

"What's a date?" Chaewol's curiosity was sparked 

" Hmmm how to explain it simply, well it's an activity like going to a restaurant, a cinema or a park that two people who like each other do. For example, your father is taking me to a restaurant: we'll eat, talk, laugh and he might kiss me at the end of the night".

"Ewww yuck " Chaewol frowned in disgust when she heard the kissing part  

" I'm happy! It's been a while since the last time I went on a date with a man." 

"So you went on other dates and kissed other men before and they were not Daddy? " the 7 years old girl shrieked, the look of betrayal on her cute face made Jieun chuckle. She was still amazed at how much her baby looked like Jungkook.

" Yes, you know your father and I were together many years ago, then we had you and we were separated for a long period of time.  During those years we were apart, we met other people and went on dates with them. It's natural for an adult to have former girlfriends or boyfriends.  But it's alright you know, it's all in the past now. Your daddy and I are back together, we love each other very very much and we'll be a happy family! "

" Yeah, we'll be the happiest family!!" Chaewol cheered in agreement 

"Now I need your help, should I put the white dress, the red dress with flowers or the blue one? Which one do you like? " Jieun showed her the 3 dresses. Chaewol picked the blue one as it was her favorite colour. Then she helped Jieun put a silver crescent moon necklace and choose other jewels.

" I can't find my J-Estina infinity ring, I'm pretty sure it was still in my jewelry box last week. Anyway I gotta go, the driver is already waiting for me in the parking. Have fun with your grandparents my darling" Jieun kissed her daughter's cheek and took her purse on her way out. 

" Bye Mommy, have fun too with Daddy!" Chaewol waved back

Her bodyguard Mr Park escorted her to the car. She couldn't go anywhere nowadays without at least 2 persons from the security team. Just like expected, Mr Park told her they were followed by one car and a motocycle, probably fans (more like stalkers) and/or paparazzis.

The security team of the Shilla Hotel were standing outside when Jieun got out of the car. They took her to the 23th floor at the La Yeon Restaurant. Jungkook was already waiting for her in a private area. He kissed her and complimented her before she sat down.

The dining space offered a stunning view over Namsan Park. 

" A three-stared Michelin restaurant for a date, are you trying to impress me tonight Mr Jeon Jungkook ? "

" Only the best for my amazing girlfriend !" He winked and she blushed, visibly affected by his words and the confidence which radiated from him.

Tonight he was dressed in all black from the dress shirt to the suit jacket. He had the audacity to leave two buttons undone at the top, that sexy bastard knew she had a thing for his collabone and chest. The all black look, the long hair, the tattoos, the piercing and multiple earings contributed to the "bad boy" aura that made him incredibly attractive. She hated to admit it but he knew precisely how to make her sexually aroused.

" Jieun-ah, are you alright? Your cheeks are very red."

"I'm fine, I'm just really hungry, let's order!" she tried to change the subject

Indeed, her body experienced hunger but the thing she craved was definitely not food.

They ordered and started to talk about many different things: from their last work commitments before the break to the way they should announce it. At some point between the second and the last course, they decided to stop talking about stressful things and focused on positive news.

Jieun's brother was coming back definitively in South Korea after his internship. Chaewol didn't have to go back to Yangsan to finish the school year. The academic year which ran from March to February was almost over. Chaewol was only in her first year of elementary school, thankfully she won't miss much in terms of knowledge acquisition.

" We have to find a new school for her in Seoul." Jungkook pointed out

" We only have one month left to find a new school, do all the papers, get her familiar with a new environment. I heard once on the news that parents started to scout for a place in a private school one year before the school start. And here we are doing almost everything at last minutes without a proper plan. Are we bad at this parenting thing?" Jieun wondered out loud, she was starting to get worried.

" We 're not bad, I'd rather say we're just lacking because we were propeled in this situation really fast. I still don't know what does a 7 years old child need, how to raise her, what I am supposed to say or do as a parent. Jieun-ah, it's normal to be clueless in our situation but we'll learn step by step."

She felt more at ease upon hearing his reassuring words. They will face everything together now as a team.

He changed the subject to the new book she was reading nowadays before going to bed. Jungkook wasn't the type of person to read many books, he was more into movies and TV shows. She appreciated his effort lately to be more interested in her hobbies and tastes. For example, he surprised her a few days ago when he declared he would love to join her yoga and pilate classes.

She asked him about the projects he would like to do when they will be officially on a break from their work. His eyes lit up as soon as he talked about his video edits and paintings.

After dinner, they exited through the Shilla Hotel's backdoor and took a different car to avoid the stalkers waiting outside.

Mr Park and Mr Noh (Jungkook's bodyguard) made sure no one followed them.

" We're going to make a stop, I want to show you something before we go home." Jungkook told her

" Okay " she replied, not giving it too much thought

When they got out of the car, she didn't even have the time to look at the surrounding to see where they were because Jungkook immediately ushered her inside the building.

Mr Park and Mr Noh stayed behind them to guard the entrance.

" Jungkookie where are we? What are we doing here? " She kept asking as they climbed the stairs.

" You'll understand very soon"
That was when she started to get suspicious.

" Those high heels are killing my feet. How many floor left do we have to climb?" She panted. The place wasn't totally unfamiliar, she was sure she was here at least once in her life but couldn't remember when.

" Just one, come on! Do I have to carry you on my back? I can if you want to." He teased her. Jieun just rolled her eyes and told him to keep moving.

Her suspicions grew  tenfold when she realized they were heading to the rooftop floor. Jungkook opened the door and she was taken aback by the sight before her.

She had a feeling he was taking her to the place they met but she almost didn't recognize the rooftop of his former dorm. It was covered with flowers, plants, led candles and light bulbs. There were furnitures (tables and a sofa) and even a flower arch. The overall decoration made the place look like a beautiful and relaxing garden.

Bruno Mars's song Marry you was played in the background. She gasped and turned to look at Jungkook when her brain finally made the connection. 

He sang the chorus and she laughed upon hearing him singing in the middle of such serious situation.

He just smiled at her and lead her in front of the flower arch. 

" I really wanted to do this in the place where it all started. More than 2800 days ago on a spring night my life changed for the better when I met the love of my life at this exact place, under this same moonlight. Jieun-ah, I know I haven't been the best partner to you and we both shared a painful story but everything is slowly being fixed in our life so we can finally be happy. I promise from this day forward you will never walk alone, I will love you without end, support you in everything you'll do. I'll make sure you remember everyday that you and Chaewol are the best thing that ever happened in my life. Can you stay with me forever? " 

" Jungkookie...I.." Jieun stared at him speechless, tears threatning to fall. He got down on one knee and presented her the velvet box with a diamond ring. 

" Marry me? "

" Yes " she whispered 

" What? " 

" I said yes, now put that ring on my finger before I change my mind" she teased him

He slid the ring on her finger, stood from the ground and captured her lips in a passionate kiss.

" Thank you Jieun-ah" he whispered against her lips. She just smiled and kissed him again.

Jieun looked around the place while Jungkook explained he bought the rooftop room and the terrace last year, out of sentimental value for the place. He renovated the rooftop room and turned it into an art studio, he sometimes came here for inspiration or when he needed a quiet place to work on music and art. The beautiful flowers, the candles and flower arch were added last minute today by Hoseok's sister who was a wedding planner. 

"I called her yesterday and she managed to do all of this with her team in one day! " 

It was indeed impressive, the place looked very different from her memories almost 8 years ago but it was still very charming. He offered her a glass of champagne and they sat on the sofa outside, wrapped in a warm blanket, both gazing at the full moon and the city lights. 

" The ring fits perfectly on my finger, how did you know my size?" She asked out of curiosity

" I took one of your ring this morning and went to several jewelry shops today." 

" Oh so that's why I couldn't find the infinity ring! And here I thought you were working hard at Big Hit's office today, instead you were busy planning a last minute proposal." She playfully pushed his shoulder

"Last minute but still awesome proposal right?" he chuckled 

"Yah don't get too cocky! But yeah it's really nice and very romantic. This place means a lot to us, I'm happy to be here with you again, it makes me nostalgic." she admitted 

" Yeah, it's been a while but my feelings never changed, you're still the
silver moon who lit up my life. " 

He retrieved an object from his pocket and put it on her palm. She looked at the picture in awe, mesmerized by the peacefulness of their sleeping faces and the way Jungkook's arms were wrapped protectively around her. 

" It's the picture Taehyung took that morning when he caught us in my bed. I've kept it with me for 2800 days. I looked at it a lot over the years, everytime I wanted to remember what it felt to be in love and be loved back. I've never had the guts to show it to you before, I was afraid it would bring back painful memories for you or that maybe you would tell me you didn't love me anymore. I'm giving it to you now because this time it's different. We're finally back together and I love you even more than before." He confessed, looking at her with eyes full of sincerity and love. 

She put a hand on his cheek to wipe his tears. 

" I love you Jungkookie and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I...please...promise me we'll be happy. "

She needed him to say everything's gonna be fine. They were taking a new start, a fresh path that she hoped will be filled with beautiful memories.

" We'll be alright, I promise"

And she believed him.


19th january 2021

A rumor that Jungkook and IU were seen at the Seoul Central District Court three days ago started to spread in the internet. Someone must have recognized them as they left the tribunal. It became a trending topic in twitter, naver and kpop news outlets. 

A lot of speculations started to rise about the reason of their presence in the tribunal. Some people said it was maybe to sue some crazy fans and paparazzis. The most ridiculous rumor was they were involved in a hit-and-run car accident during a date. Some photos of Jungkook leaving the parking of her building every morning also got published by paparazzis.

They knew they couldn't keep the secrets any longer. Jieun and Jungkook avoided social medias but they were aware a lot of false rumors, questions, theories and frustrations circulated online among their fans. People knew something weird was going on since their sudden dating news but none of them knew exactly what.

Big Hit and Edam Entertainment announced they will reveal everything during a press conference on the 20th january.
