10. Dear Moon pt.1

Jieun had the impression time was slowing down on their way to the social center. She wanted to beg the taxidriver to accelerate but he wasn't responsible for the traffic in Seoul. The poor man looked at his rear-view mirror nervously, probably wondering what two superstars were doing in his taxi. 

" What did she look like? What did she tell you?" Jieun turned to Jungkook expectantly. He started to tell her details about his encounter with their daughter. Tears of joy fell on her cheeks when he said Chaewol sang beautifully Knees and was as pretty as Jieun. She was shy, had a little Busan accent and a cute smile. 

" I'm a bit jealous that you met her before me but I'm happy for you because you two shared a special moment . I can't wait to meet her." 

" In my imagination, she would have looked like a mini you, not me, that's why the thought of her being ours didn't cross my brain. But I still can't believe I didn't connect the dots: her name Luna, her age, her eyes, her accent. I...felt something, this strange sensation like I needed to protect her, comfort her, make her smile. That day, I had to go to the meeting with the CEOs and the group but I didn't want to leave her. I should have stayed." He lowered his eyes in shame

" You didn't know. We can't see the image of our daughter in every 7 years old child we see. " Jieun tried to reassure him to lessen his guilt.

" But I'm sure you would have known it was her at the exact moment you saw her. You carried her for nine months: there must be a special bond between you." Jungkook quietly said

" Maybe..." She sighed and put her head on his shoulder.

They arrived 10mn later in front of Cheongdapong's welfare center. Jungkook gave a fat bundle of 50 000 won bills to the driver plus his expensive bracelet and asked him to forget everything he might have heard or seen. 

" Don't worry, my lips are sealed" the taxidriver told them before he took off.

The woman at the reception shrieked in surprise upon seeing IU and BTS's Jungkook in front of her desk.

" Am I dreaming? Is this real?" She panicked

" Hi! We're looking for Dr Kim Chang Wan. Do you know where he is? It's an emergency." Jungkook said

" Oh, oh, follow me. He's currently seeing a patient." She lead them in the second floor and knocked on a door. Jieun looked around hoping to see their daughter appear at the turn of an hallway. 

" Excuse me doctor. There's hmmm...two persons looking for you. It's a big emergency." The receptionist said through the door. 

Jieun squeezed Jungkook's hands, nervous about the situation. The doctor excused himself from his patient, closed the door behind him and looked at them in surprise.

" Jungkook, what are you doing here ? And you came with...IU. Nice to meet you!" He bowed and they bowed back to him. Jungkook looked pointedly at the receptionist and then at the doctor.

" Jin Joo, can you please leave us a few moment alone?" 

" Oh! Of course doctor, sorry, I'll go back at the reception desk." 

" Jungkook are you alright ? What's the emergency?"

" We're looking for our daughter, her name is Moon Chaewol. I met her at Big Hit a few days ago and she said she was there thanks to you. Do you know where she is?" Jungkook pleaded 

" What?" The doctor exclaimed. Jieun immediately showed him the picture.

" Moon Chaewol? She told me her name was Moon Luna...this is....wow...so she is your long lost daughter, the one you told me about. Oh no..." The forlorn look on the psychiatrist's face only augured bad news.

Jieun's heart skipped a beat.

" No, no, don't tell something happened to her. Where is my baby? Is she okay? " Jieun howled, shaking the doctor's shoulders.

" She lived here with Mrs Lee Son Suk and her granddaughter Jian after they found her in a park alone. I reported a missing child named Moon Luna to the police to find her parents or her home but we got no news. I don't know what happened two days ago but they left in the middle of the night. Which is alarming because Jian is enrolled in the local school, her grandma got along well with everyone here, Luna was happy to go to the singing lessons at Big Hit. For me it looks like they are suddenly running away from something or someone. The staff noticed two suspicious men lurking around the center these past two days.  I talked to the police yesterday but they didn't take the case seriously. I'm sorry, I have no idea where they are."

Jieun's world collapsed yet one more time, she clinged to Jungkook's arms to avoid falling to the ground. All hope and energy left her spirit and body. They were so close to find Chaewol and she was gone again.

" Why does this keep happening? Why are we so unlucky? I just want our daughter back, I just wanna know she's safe." She sobbed 

" It's all my fault, I'm so sorry Jieun-ah. " Jungkook repeated between his heavy sobs. 

" It's terrible what happened to you three but this is not your fault. It's a chain of events that goes behind your control but I'm sure this bad things will end soon and you'll find each other. I know it's hard but try to stay positive in your mind. I'm going to tell you the same thing that helped Namjoon pull himself away from the dark place he was in a few years ago: the night is always the darkest before the first light of dawn. If the stars are hidden, let the moonlight guide you. Even if the moon is dark, let your faces be the light that helps her find her way. Moreover, if it can ease a little bit your mind, just know that Jian and Lee Son Suk are good persons. Wherever they are, I know they are taking care of your daughter. They will help Chaewol find her way back to you." the doctor patted their shoulders

" Thank you doctor." Jungkook said

" If I hear something, I'll call you right away. Don't hesitate to call me if you need to talk about anything. I'll be there to listen to you and to help you." Theye exchanged their personal numbers to stay in touch

Jieun numbly said goodbye and waited for Jungkook to fetch a taxi to go back to Gocheok Sky Dome.

" I don't have the energy to go on stage today." She stated

" Me too but the show must go on. All the staff worked hard for this. We can't cancel at the last minute and I can't let down the boys. Jieun-ah, maybe we can convey a message to Chaewol through our performances and speeches. Maybe that's what the doctor wanted to stay: our faces in the spotlight will help her find her way back to us. The show is diffused on national TV, maybe she will see us and hear us. " 

Jieun still felt like all her hope was taken away from her. She wondered if Chaewol  was doing well, if she was scared, if she felt lonely. She tried to convince herself ber baby was not alone, she was within the care of good people but Jieun was still worried sick and desperately in need of a good news. Was this their last chance? 

" I'll try...I'll sing to her. I'm supposed to sing Dear Moon tonight. I wrote that song for you and her. Maybe this is not a coincidence." 

" Even if I can't be on the same stage as you, remember I'm 100% behind you. We'll get through this Jieun-ah, I promise." He held her tightly in his arms and kissed her temple. She buried her face in his chest and let him comfort her.

His phone beeped a few moments later and he took the call.

" Jungkook, is everything alright? Where are you? " 

" It's a long story Taehyung but we didn't find her. We're back to the start."

" Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that."

" I'm not giving up. I know we'll find her. We have to keep faith, we have to keep going, if not I don't think I can take this anymore. I know I complain a lot about the negative side of our popularity but I think I can find a way tonight to make it useful." He explained on the phone

" Alright! The red carpet will begin in 15 minutes. We're lucky to be the last to pass. Oh just to warn you: a lot of photographers and fans are waiting in the main entrance but also at the backstage door. I'll tell Sejin, Hanteo and the bodyguards to wait for you there and escort you in safely. Bang Pdnim, Hanteo and Sejin are fuming mad. You caused quite a scandal by running away together earlier. "

" Thanks for the warning. See you later Tae" 

5 minutes later, their taxi was autorized to enter the venue and park in front of the backstage door. Taehyung was right: the number of people and flashes waiting for them was multiplied by 4. 

" I sadly don't have any more bracelets to kindly thank you for your silence sir. Do you take credit cards?" Jungkook asked, unsure. 

" Who do you take me for? I'm an honest taxidriver. I don't take bribes. I don't listen nor divulge informations about my clients." 

" Oh I'm sorry sir. It was wrong of me to assume...I'll pay for the ride. You don't even take tips? That's not illegal, right? " 

" But if you insist, I guess an autograph for my wife and my son will be largely enough." 

Jungkook and Jieun signed the driver's notepad and paid for the ride.

Jieun was not ready to face the crowd and their manager's wrath but she couldn't stay hidden in the taxi forever.  She saw Hanteo and Sejin approach the car. She looked around to see a huge crowd blocked by security barriers, trying to take a picture of her and Jungkook. She opened the car's door and bolted to the backstage entrance, shielded by the bodyguards and the managers. Jungkook quickly followed behind her. The fans' screams were incredibly loud.

" Hanteo, I know you're angry but can you please save the scolding for later. I'm honestly not in the mood for this. This has been a very tiring day. Please..." She turned towards her manager who thankfully decided to stay silent. 

" Seo Yoon and Joo Hee are waiting for you in the dressing room. You're up on the red carpet in 30 minutes."  

She nodded at him and went to get dressed and get her make up quickly done. 

She had never been so nervous on stage before. She clenched her blue mic and took deep breathes.

The lights went on and she took the opportunity to say : 

" My bright moon, wherever you are, I hope you can hear me. Tonight I will sing for you Moon Chaewol. "

The first notes of Dear Moon were played Jieun poured all her feelings into the song: her love, her despair, her longing, her hope to be reunited with her bright moon again. 

The light went out and she closed her eyes to make a wish.

The rest of the night passed by quickly because Jieun's mind was elsewhere, therefore she barely paid attention to the performances. She only looked up to the big screen at the moment BTS performed their #1 hit song Dynamite.

It was one of KBS Song festivals tradition to gather everyone at the end for a special song. She joined all the invited artists on the main stage to sing Girls' Generation Into the new world
She was placed in the middle of the stage, next to Twice and Oh My Girl. BTS placed themselves to her right side, Jungkook instinctively stood next to her.

She was thankful to have only one line in the song. She bobbed her head to the music and tried to smile throughout the rest of the song even if her heart was not into it.

Due to their exceptional achievements this year with their several #1 ranking on Billboard Charts, best selling album and single in the world, KBS wanted to give an honorary award to BTS.

Yoongi thanked everyone for their hard work this year, Jimin and Hoseok thanked their fans, Jin showed his gratitude to KBS for the award and talked about accepting change in life, implying the group's future was in talk and uncertain.
Then Namjoon said: " I believe Jungkook has a special message for someone tonight."
Taehyung gave him a mic and Jungkook's hands started to shake.

" Chaewol-ah, I really hope you can hear this message. I don't know exactly what you might be going through right now. There are a lot of things I want to apologize for, but just know that your parents love you and they are looking for you, waiting for you here tonight and tomorrow. If you can't come, at least please go to the nearest police station. A lot of good people are working hard to bring you back home safely. I know you might be scared but remember what I said : don't let anything or anyone stand in front of your dreams."

Jieun saw that everyone was confused about Jungkook's speech. She heard whispers around her asking what he was talking about. 

" Thank you everyone!" J Hope said and the 7 boys rejoined their place beside her and the other artists on stage.

Jieun looked at Jungkook and mouthed a thank you. He smiled at her and gently squeezed her shoulder.

" Now, we can only hope she heard us " he whispered in her ear.
