15. Crazy ideas

9th january 2021

" Happy birthday my darling " Jieun smiled to her daughter as soon as she woke up.

" Hi Mommy, thank you" she yawned

" Our little princess is officially 7 years old today in international age and 8 in Korean age. Happy birthday sweetie " Jungkook ruffled Chaewol's hair which made her laugh.

" This is my first birthday with parents and other family members. I'm super super happy!"

Jieun hugged her daughter, sharing the same sentiment: " This is indeed a very special day for all of us. I'm happy too. We love you Chaewol."

" Ok, I wanna be part of the group hug too" Jungkook said and put his arms around them.

The amount of happiness Jieun felt at that moment was immesurable, it was as if her heart would burst out of joy. It was the first time in years Jungkook and she didn't shed tears of sadness on this particular day.


Everyone arrived at 10 am to help for the party. Jieun's mom, Jungkook and his mother busied themselves in the kitchen to get the food ready. The grandfathers, Inna and Dong Wook decorated the living room with balloons, flowers, birthday banners and cute accessories.

Jieun was in charge of helping the birthday girl get ready. She ran her fingers through Chaewol's hair and took a few strands to start the hairstyle she just learned thanks to a youtube video. It took her 30 minutes to do the braid crown but Chaewol looked satisfied with her hair.

Her little brother Jong Hoon came yesterday from Singapore where he was doing an internship. And Jungkook's older brother also arrived from Busan to meet his niece.

They were later joined by Jian, Mrs Lee Son Suk, Dr Kim Chang Wan, Sister Hanna, Chaewol's friend Hwang Mi, Jieun's friends (Jiyeon, Eunji, Suzy) and of course Bangtan members.

For once, Jieun was glad she decided three years ago to buy this huge apartment. Most of the time she felt lonely in the grand living room but today she was grateful it was large enough to fit all their family members and friends.ย 

Chaewol was very excited by all the wrapped gifts, hugs and sweet words she received. Everyone was having a good time. The love and support she felt from their family and friends was comforting. Jungkook slipped his fingers in hers and they quietly watched the little girls play with the dogs Gureum and Yeontan. Yoongi called Jungkook to prepare the candles for the birthday cake and he kissed Jieun's temple before going to the kitchen.

" Are you and Mr 'I'm sexy and I know it'ย  back together?" her friend Jiyeon teased her

" Shhh...Jiyeonie don't call him like that! "

"Oh come on, he's one of the most popular male idol out there. I can't count on my fingers the number of female celebrities who told me they were sad Jungkook was no longer single. Everyone's jealous of you Jieunie, though I believe he's the lucky guy in this story. You have a lot of fanboys in this industry too. And do you know why? Well, because Jieunie, you're one in a billion and you're amazing! Jungkook better not screw up or I will make him regret breaking your heart again."

Jieun smiled at Jiyeon and thanked her for her concern. Jieun was usually the one who looked out for Jiyeon as she was a bit immature and regularly got herself in trouble. It was heartwarming to know Jiyeon got her back and was protective of her friend's happiness.

" It's time to blow the candles on the birthday cake! Taetae and I will take the pictures and videos" Jimin whispered to them. Jieun told Chaewol to stand in the middle of the living room in front of the guests. Inna turned off the lights, then everyone sang Happy birthday. Chaewol's eyes widened when she saw Jungkook coming closer with the cake. She looked in amazement at all the people surrounding her and singing to her.

" This is your family now, all the people here love you and only want you to be happy. Now you can make a wish and blow your candles ." Jieun whispered in her ear . Everyone clapped and cheered when Chaewol blew the 7 candles, she was a bit embarrassed by the attention and hid her face in her mother's hair.ย 


" What did you wish for Chaewolie?" Jian asked as they finished eating the delicious strawberry cake

" I'm scared to say it" she replied

" Are you afraid your wish won't come true if you say it outloud?" Namjoon asked

" I'm afraid you'll be mad at me." she pouted

"Of course not sweetie, whatever you want, we'll make sure you get it" Jungkook reassured her

" I wished Daddy and Mommy would get married."

Jungkook almost dropped the cake in his hands and there were a few gasps in the room.

" When a mommy and a daddy live in the same house, they are married right? That's what happens with all the parents in my school and in the church. You're not like the separated parents of some of the kids at the orphanage. Why aren't you married if you live together and love each other? " Chaewol looked at them, a bit confused.

" It's a bit more complicated than that darling." Jieun carefully said

" Why? I don't understand"

Jieun looked at Jungkook for help but he seemed to be at loss of words just like her. They were still speechless and surprised by Chaewol's words.

" It's alright sweetie, we're not mad at you for saying that. Why don't we talk about it tonight since it might take us some time to explain it to you?" Jungkook smiled at her

"Yeah we'll talk about it before going to bed, you can ask all the questions you want. Right now I just want you to enjoy your birthday party." Jieun added.ย 

The young parents sighed in relief when the little girl nodded and went to play with her friend Hwang-Mi.

" Ok, I didn't expected that at all, I don't know where the idea came from." Jieun mumbled to Jungkook

" Me neither. But she's a young child who grew up in a particular environment with only the married parents at school or at church as a reference. I can understand her vision of marriage and ideal parenthood was two people in love who live together and raised their kids together. "

Jieun also came to understand Chaewol's point of view. They lived in a country where young couples living together before marriage was almost unheard of, and where just 2 percent of children were born out of wedlock.

She had to admit their situation was complex: she and Jungkook were two co-parents who after a few years began to date each other again and are now living in the same roof to raise their daughter. In the conservative society they lived in, their situation indeed sounded unconventional.

Even if people became more open-minded, especially in Seoul , premarital sex was still a very sensitive subject and was frowned upon. Young korean adults in their 20's and 30's were obviously sexually active but the taboo around it was strong. The pressure to have kids only when you were married was huge. Young couples expecting a baby get married quickly so the child could be considerated as 'legitimate' and also to save the family's reputation. The main reason couples who lived together often did not get married was the lack of money for the wedding ceremony.

Their situation was different though, much more complicated. Jungkook and she were fine with the way things were right now , there was nothing wrong in their lifestyle. They were still trying to adapt to their new status as parents and being a young couple living together for the first time. But she also knew part of the korean's public opinion would bash them for this.

One thing was sure: admitting she got pregnant at 19 will unfortunately only bring a lot of hate and slut shaming. Jungkook's image will suffer too and Chaewol would be indirectly affected by the scandal.

Her suspicions were confirmed when Jungkook's parents and her father approached them at the end of the party.

" What Chaewol innocently said made us think a lot. You know well how this society works. I don't want people to look down on you and her or disrespect you because you had her before getting married. I don't want people to get the wrong idea about my daughter. People in this country have a high positive opinion on you, I'm afraid of the backlash you will receive when they will hear this shocking news. Showing them an united front as a married couple and committed parents is not such a crazy idea. " Her father told them with a seriousness that took Jieun aback because he was usually a laidback person.

" The thought of getting married never even crossed my mind. This is too soon. " Jieun shook her head

" We're not asking you to decide now, just think about it. We are really worried about how this scandal will affect the three of you. Truth is we understand you want to take things slowly and we personnally have nothing against your decisions. On the contrary, we're genuinely happy you decided to get back together and raise your daughter together. It would be much easier if you weren't public figures. Even if we say we don't care about people's opinion, that's a lie because what they will say about you will hurt everyone here and Chaewol the most." Jungkook's mother said

" Jungkook you're a grown up man now, I know you're not an immature playboy. But you have to prove you're fully commited to be present for Chaewol and Jieun for the rest of your life. You need to be more responsible and protect all of you for the public shaming that will be inevitable when this whole story will come out." His father added

If only her life and problems could be simple. When will she finally have a break from all this chaos?


Chaewol looked adorable in her purple silk pajamas, a birthday gift from her uncle Taehyung. Her little hands clutched Moonie, the rabbit plushie Jungkook gave to Jieun after their date at Lotte World in 2013. Jieun unraveled her braid crown and gently brushed Chaewol's hair while they explained their living situation. Two parents living together and who were in love didn't have to be married. It was a big decision to make and they needed time before taking that important step.

But as they continued explaining it, Jieun started to question her own perception of marriage. She wondered if it was that important. It was only a formal acknowledgement of their commitment. Would it be wrong to get married this fast ? Yes, it was insane, marriage is a serious topic and things were already moving at full speed in her life! Getting married because of societal pressure was bad. But she also knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Jungkook. So maybe it wasn't a crazy idea ..?

She shook her head again, why was she confused? She was pretty sure her answer was no a few hours ago.

Chaewol went to bed and fell asleep quickly, exhausted by her birthday party. Jungkook said he would take a few moments alone in the balcony. She joined him one hour later when he still didn't come back. She found him sitting in her armchair, looking at the amazing view outside, a glass of whiskey in his hands.

" Jungkookie, are you alright?"

" Yeah, I just needed time to think, would you like to drink some whiskey?"

" Yes, thanks" he poured her a glass

"Come here" he motioned her to sit on his lap and she did. He wrapped one arm over her waist and sighed as she snuggled closer to him.

"Jieun-ah, I love you" he told her after several minutes of silence

"I know" she replied

" And you love me, right?"

" Yes and that truth alone is more than enough for me now" she confirmed

"Are you sure?"

" I don't need a ring right now nor a marriage certificate to know you love me and to garantee you're serious about this." She turned around to look into his lovely doe-eyes and kissed his lips.

And just like that, she was under the impression that the world has stopped and she was 19 years old Jieun again, kissing the amazing boy she met on her birthday under the moonlight.ย 

Jungkook paused to put back their glasses on the coffee table and she took that opportunity to shift position and straddle him.

He attacked her lips and his hands lazily roamed under her shirt. His nibbling on her earlob made her back arch in pleasure. He knew freaking well she was very sensitive there. She looked at him in the eyes and he smirked at her.

As much as she wanted this, they couldn't have sex in the middle of the living room right now. He seemed to have sensed her change of mood and stopped his caresses.

" I..I'm sorry, I got worked up. I haven't had sex since the last time we saw each other one year and half ago...hmmm...sorry...I got turned on pretty quick because it's been awhile " Sexy Jungkook was gone in an instant and was replaced by shy Jungkookie.

A giggle escaped her mouth.

" Why are you laughing?" He looked kinda offended and hurt

"I'm sorry, it's just your dual personalities, I just find it amazing how you can change in a matter of seconds from 'I'll totally make you scream my name' to 'I'm sorry I can't look you in the eyes '."

" Is it a bad thing?" he asked still confused

" Of course not, I love every part of you. And I love you more every day I get to know you better."

" Have I ever told you how incredible you are and how lucky I am?" He smiled

" Maybe only once or twice in the almost 8 years I've known you but it's nice to hear it again." She smiled brightly back at him

" Well, I'll make sure to say it and most of all show it to you more often then" he promised

She laughed again and gave him one last kiss before getting up to go to bed.

Would it be a bad idea to get married to this man? The more she looked into his eyes, the less she found the idea absurd.


Author's note : who else is still on cloud nine after BTS members decided to have their individual Instagram accounts? I feel like I'm dreaming !! I can't read my IG book "Keeping up with the Jeon" the same way again now that I know they have real IG accounts and are interacting with one another in the comments. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿฅฐ
