Jungkook Ending - Cursed

  You immediately dropped your hands to your side and whirled around, searching for him in the crowd but you couldn't see him anywhere. After scanning the room several times, you snapped back towards Leon to glare at him.

  "I promise you; I saw him." He said, defensively.

  "Then where is he?" You grumbled.

  "If you're looking for Jungkook," A voice cut in, "He said he was leaving," Seokjin interjected from behind you.

  "He's leaving? Did he say where he was going?" You questioned.

  "Leaving as in, he's not coming back. He's really leaving." Seokjin replied.

  It took you a moment to process what Seokjin meant. But as soon as you figured it out you immediately went for the doors to exit the ballroom. You bolted out of the castle as fast as you could, and several guards tried to follow you but somehow you managed to lose them all as you ran for the docks.

  Jungkook couldn't just up and leave, you wouldn't know when you would see him again, and your heart raced at the thought of possibly waiting years, or even decades, until you saw him again. What if he had moved on by the time you saw him next, he seemed to have moved on from Isla, he could do the same to you pretty easily. Though you weren't even sure if there was anything for him to move on from.

  You ran as fast as you could, but you felt as if you weren't fast enough. Once you finally made it to the docks you could hear your pulse pounding in your head. There were hundreds of boats shrouded in darkness as the sun had long since past the horizon. You whipped your head in all directions, looking for any sign of movement but to no avail. You were about to give up, assuming he had already left until finally, you saw a silhouette of a man on the deck of one of the boats. It wasn't Namjoon's ship it was much smaller and without the need of a crew as large as Namjoon's. Jungkook intended on leaving by himself, but you weren't going to let that happen.

  "Jungkook!" You called as you approached the boat. He turned and paused for a moment as he recognized you and your voice despite the dark. His face was lit up by a single lantern but even with the light you couldn't tell what he was thinking.

  "What are you doing here?" He questioned.

  "I'm stopping you," you replied, "You were going to leave without saying goodbye."

  "Goodbye, Y/N." He said shortly, "Happy now?"

  You stared at him in disbelief before frowning, "That's it? That's all you have to say to me?"

  "I have plenty more to say," He stated, "That is if you're willing to hear it."

  "Of course I do." The implications of what he said made your heart thrum even louder than it was, which you thought impossible given how out of breath you were just a few moments ago.

  "I think it's better for everyone if I leave. It'll make things easier for Jin..." He trailed off, "Namjoon and Hoseok too. And you."

  "What? How would that make things easier for me? I don't want you to go."

  "Part of me still can't forget Isla. Not that I'm still in love with her, by any means. I just feel... guilty. And I don't want that to affect you because... well..."

  Silence falls over the conversation, you understood how he felt, you felt the same way about Yoongi. You guessed what he might say after he trailed off but you wanted to hear it from him. To make sure it was real.

  "I love you, Y/N." He finished.

  "I love you too," You replied, "Please don't go."

  "Come with me."

  "What?" Your confusion becomes apparent as your face scrunches up and your eyebrows furrow.

  "I love you, but I don't think I should be trusted with the responsibilities that come with your title. Not with how easily I was influenced in the past. Besides, your siblings will be able to take care of things just fine without your help." He paused, taking a breath, "But if you want to stay I won't stop you, I want you to be happy above all else. And if staying in Sayaria will make you happy then I can live with that."

  You stayed quiet, mulling over your options. He was right, Claudia and Leon would be fine without your help, you would miss them, surely, but Jungkook wouldn't stop you from visiting them when you wanted. You were worried about how you would fair out at sea with just the two of you of course, but without the looming threat of your sister waging war with the world, you couldn't think of any reason why it would be too dangerous for you and Jungkook.

  "When do we set sail?" You answered. 

  His expression relaxed as he let out a sigh of relief, "For a second there I thought you were going to say no."

  "How could I? It's like I said, I love you, and I don't want you to leave, not without me.

  He smiled before throwing himself off the boat and landing on the dock in front of you, pulling you into a kiss. It was brief and as he pulled away he stared into your eyes.

  "If this is another curse I don't think I ever want it to break." He murmured.

  "Me either," You grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for another kiss. A longer, deeper kiss.


    Time went on.

  You declined Leon's request for you to take the throne. At first, he was confused as to why, but when he heard the news that you and Jungkook set sail the next morning the reason became clear. Leon was a bit annoyed but eventually came to terms with the idea.

  You and Jungkook were at sea together every day, and you wouldn't have it any other way. Of course, there were its downsides, storms, strong seas, and the occasional sea monster. However, the two of you handled these inconveniences with ease. Jungkook continued teaching you how to wield a sword and defend yourself, despite winning a war, you needed it. And once your children were old enough he taught them too.

  Seokjin and Jungkook reconciled, it took a lot of time, and encouragement from you, and eventually your children, but now they've mended their relationship and are closer now than you were with your own brother. Seokjin began living on your ship, traveling with you, and giving live magic shows to your kids every evening. 

  Namjoon and Jungkook kept in touch through letters, Jungkook still admires Namjoon and treats him like a brother, though they don't see each other very often anymore. Namjoon became so busy after the war ended that it became harder for him to find time for Jungkook.

  Jimin and Claudia severed their engagement like Jimin said he would. Claudia was upset at first, but she eventually came to terms with it. And much like her while you were in the coma, you were with her the whole time. Jimin was crowned, and the two of you were still friends, though you didn't see much of each other as Dririth was much further from the other kingdoms making visiting all the more difficult.

  Sayaria also remained in good standing with Vraitis. You and Jungkook would visit often to see how the reconstruction of the kingdom was going and to show your children all of the magic that existed there. And Prince Hoseok became Uncle Hoseok almost immediately. 

  Taehyung was eventually tried in court, because of public demand, but Leon offered him a full pardon for what happened during the war. Many people were outraged, as he was a prominent figure in Worden before the war ended, it didn't last long though. He was given a position as part of Leon's council and did very well in it. Because of this, however, you saw less of him. He would always be your first friend but not so much your closest anymore. Unlike Leon, you found it hard to forgive him after everything that happened.

  As for Yoongi, you still missed him. Jungkook understood your grief, as he felt the same way about Isla from time to time. You both comforted each other on the nights you missed them most. Sometimes, you thought you could see Yoongi's silhouette swimming alongside your and Jungkook's boat, protecting you as diligently as he always had.

  There was still no sign of Philomena. Part of you wished she was still alive. You hated feeling guilty for being the cause of her death. But as much as you wished you could mend your relationship with her, she was unsavable.
